View Full Version : Gas mixer problems...

11th February 2013, 02:21 PM
Last night I went to clean my air filter which required removing a part of the gas mixer which I then found had a loose stud. Pulled the mixer off to tighten the stud and in doing so found that the plate that controls air in had nothing attached to it and I believe it should..

Now this morning I had troubles starting the car and it never started so it was walk to work day today and came home during lunch to try fix the problem.. I figured that it would all have to be to do with air not getting to the carby so the only solution I could think of was to spin the plate slightly to open it up and give it something to breathe through
Now Im walking back to work as I have an almost flat battery from
Cranking so much I will wait for mum to get home and run some
Leads and try again .. My question is should there be something attached to the plate?

11th February 2013, 02:23 PM
Edit gas system is only like 5-6 months old and was put on before I bought the car