View Full Version : farmerarmour

7th February 2013, 09:02 AM
can someone please help, what can i try doing to my petrol/gas GQ to get better milage she is sending me broke. also are there any tricks to changing rear wheel bearings?

7th February 2013, 09:35 AM
Hi mate,

a few things i have done to increase my fuel economy(noteall these mods only increased the fuel marginally, but it all adds up right):

1. fitted a pertronix electronic ignition system. does away with the points and makes it run alot better.
2. changed the exhaust to a straight through system, fitted extractors
3. gave my carby a really good clean!(not modification but maintenance is good too)
4. got a pro to tune it. didnt cost much, but it was the best by far. i get about 430kms per tank(about 90ltrs) which is about 20ltrs per 100, not too bad when you consider it equates to the cost of about 12 ltrs petrol to the 100, which is no worse than commodores and the like.

7th February 2013, 10:01 AM
G'day buddy, Welcome aboard.
Great bunch here with tons of advice, info, adventures and plenty of laughs to absorb.
Join in and soak it all up. You will meet some top people

Enjoy, cheers Pete


7th February 2013, 10:01 AM
G'day mate welcome aboard gotta friendly mob here fulla great info and advice

Sent from the crapper while on tappa

7th February 2013, 11:18 AM
Welcome mate, surely the best forum on the net. If you need it, you can get it, if you want to know it, just ask it.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of the greatest show on earth.

7th February 2013, 11:33 AM
Hello and welcome plenty of tips and info here for you. Jump in and enjoy.
Make Sure the electrics IE leads plugs Dizzy are all in great nick, a poor
electrical system will result in poor economy. also take the sinkers off
your shoe laces. Get it tuned properly.

7th February 2013, 06:20 PM
G'Day and welcome to the forum mate

7th February 2013, 07:58 PM
Welcome to the forum mate, feel free to ask any questions and join in the conversations.

8th February 2013, 09:34 AM
Welcome to the forum mate

8th February 2013, 09:53 AM
Welcome aboard mate.................

10th February 2013, 09:53 PM
welcome mate, enjoy the site, cya on the tracks sometime

my third 256
11th February 2013, 06:49 AM
hi and welcome to the forum a great mob of people here and a lot of very usefull information
best wishes with your patrolling

12th February 2013, 01:23 AM
welcome mate, enjoy the site. You will get some great Ideas here. kym