View Full Version : NANNY STATE or WHAT

6th February 2013, 07:57 AM
Just watching Carl and Lisa one segment was about wanting to ban candles on Birthday cakes as it spreads germs, WTF . Another I heard was a young lad looking up at school roof, when asked why he said his tennisball was on the roof and no teacher had a ,get this LADDER LICENCE" to get it down. LOL
what other stupid laws or licences do you know of, ladder licence GF, GF is go figure not the other GF

6th February 2013, 08:00 AM
It has gone crazy, kids need to get some germs into them to build up natural immunity.

6th February 2013, 08:25 AM
Just give each child an expandable bubble at birth that they grow up in until they're 18!

Every time some poor little bugger falls out a window, drowns in a pool or is hit by a car the calls of "the Gov't should regulate more so this doesn't happen" are deafening. Why are people so against taking responsibility for their actions and their kids?

6th February 2013, 09:25 AM
No Hi 5's , no cart wheels gee its completely rooted imo
Like that song from the 70's "SIGNS"

6th February 2013, 09:41 AM
No opposite sexes holding hands I heard a while back.
No easter anymore. No Christmas..

It's all BS.. everyone is to afraid of offending someone...
For FS.. were a Christian nation (I'm not a believer) but in Australia we have the right to chose our religion..
If you don't like it, don't listen..
Just like here on forums, if you don't like the topic, don't read it...

When I was in school there was a note sent home with the kids about religious activities. If the parent or child didn't want to participate they were allowed to go the the school library and study.. what happened...

Shots me to tears...

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

6th February 2013, 09:43 AM
Im not allowed to use the cordless drill at work because i havnt read the manual and signed off on it ?

6th February 2013, 09:50 AM
We'll soon need to have a licence to wipe our own arses!!!!

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

6th February 2013, 09:55 AM
We'll soon need to have a licence to wipe our own arses!!!!

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

Need more than a licence to go near yours! Hahaha


6th February 2013, 09:57 AM
Need more than a licence to go near yours! Hahaha


It's ok, I can do my own...... I'm a professional

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

6th February 2013, 10:01 AM
Have to admit I'm now reluctant to have cake a kids birthday parties.
A couple of days before Christmas one of the grand-kids had to go to hospital as he cut his head in a fall, some glue and all good.
What we didn't know was that he picked up gastro (roto virus) in the waiting room. Well a nice two day incubation period, spread it through his immediate family. Extended family meet at our place for the traditional Boxing Day get together, all in all at least 25 people infected. We had no idea what it was so blamed the food and threw out all the left overs, haven't been that crook in years.

Just an example of how quick these things spread.

6th February 2013, 01:19 PM
There is an OH&S course on how to wipe your butt to avoid back pain . I pee'd myself laughing when told
This was in the Aviation industry, Licence to wipe your butt correctly WTF

6th February 2013, 01:50 PM
Don't get me started on oh&s. Had a 3hr induction for site today for an open field water main and sewer. If you hadn't been in a trade for more than 2 years it was an hr longer.

6th February 2013, 01:57 PM
Should have an I don't give a damn course, I'd sign up.

Not that I think anyone will employ me but every thing I do now requires a Ticket which I dont have
Like you said I'll need to re learn. BS I will

6th February 2013, 02:40 PM
It's all BS.. everyone is to afraid of offending someone...

We are so worried about offending everyone else that we offend ourselves!

6th February 2013, 02:55 PM
We are so worried about offending everyone else that we offend ourselves!

I'm not afraid to offend anyone, including my self!!!!!

We're all a bunch of @#$%&%$% and we can all go an %&*& the @##$ off


Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

6th February 2013, 03:01 PM
Well said Clunk I think that sums it up well , I'll 2nd it F%^^&%$#^D and B(&^$@@@$%@@&D

8th February 2013, 04:30 PM
Just watching Carl and Lisa ...

Well there's ya problem!

No easter anymore. No Christmas..
If you don't like it, don't listen..

Oh yeah? Have you tried avoiding those "holidays"? You can't! I've tried. ba humbug.

8th February 2013, 07:11 PM
Built a house in the bush a couple of years back. Two regulations made me laugh!

1. I had an external deck 4m off the ground which meant that I couldn't use any horizontal boards as the fence or wire - had to be vertical boards or glass. However, in the living room which was 5m off the ground it was OK to have a floor to ceiling window without any screens. This was all so kids didn't fall out!

2. I had to have a, get this, 5mm gap between the deck and the house in case of bushfires! I reckon if the deck was burning the 5mm would have saved the house!

Gotta love regulations......


8th February 2013, 07:32 PM
C,mon fellas,get with the game, some regs are genuinely meant for good, but the others are to cover someones posterior, but remember, without new legislation, we don't need legislators, now do we?

9th February 2013, 11:45 AM
Got our Dog registration today. Our big dog was $10-micro chipped and ID tat. Our little dog $15 - no micro chip, but has an ID tat in the ear ???

9th February 2013, 12:17 PM
Dont get me started on the way this place is going,

Watching TV last night there was a thing on about allergies, something like 50% of our children are allergic to something or asthmatic, What the ?

When I was a kid, many years ago, In my high school I knew 2 kids who were serious asthmatics and 1 kid who was allergic to bee stings, this was in a school of over a thousand kids.

Now every second kid is allergic or asthmatic, why, is it because they are wrapped in cotton wool, their hands washed with disinfectant and generally not allowed to do anything mildy risky. I think so.

We now also reward mediocrity, there can be no winners or losers, just participants. This is the greatest load of crap I've seen, what happens when they get to the real world and realise there are winners and losers, Thats Life and they are going to horribly disappointed as they spiral into oblivion because life doesn't pat you on the back just for turning up.

Anyway I've had my little rant, I told you don't get me started,

I could go on about the way this country is going for hours.


the ferret
9th February 2013, 08:47 PM
This is Australia Guys, WE are Australian, why the hell do we need to or have to change our way of life to suit some ring in, My folks came to this country in 1830, they were ship wrecked but still made a go of it, you don't have to accept this crap, stand up, be counted, say your piece, bring Australia back to the Aussies.
Does anyone have any idea what this country will end up as for our children.
I am going to be afraid to leave this planet, what will my Children and grand children do??
Germs on Cakes, I ask you, now we will have the Birthday cake police, the smoking police, the too narrow movie seat ( for obese) police, the hamburger police, the fun police and the everything that people enjoy Police,
Notappy and Ive had a gut full of it
Cheers, the ferret.

9th February 2013, 08:56 PM
These comments are so inspirational I honestly feel like running into parliament and throwing poo over everyone!

9th February 2013, 09:02 PM
What do you expect when we have someone who`s head moves like an emu and has a brain about the same size as for mentioned bird
running this country

the ferret
9th February 2013, 09:11 PM
Yeah, I wasn't trying to bring on a political discussion, this forum does not like political discussion and for good reason.
I would add more, but we are having a genuine Aussie barbie tonight, and because of some of the beverage I have been enjoying, my posts on this subject will cease forthwith LOL
Letter rip ........ Boris!!
Cheers the ferret

9th February 2013, 09:14 PM
Bring back Thatcher!!!!!!! ............ oops sorry wrong country lol

Is there such a thing as RTI..... Repetitive Tapping Injury?????