View Full Version : Cargo Barrier and dual battery holder

4th February 2013, 08:52 PM
G'day All,

I wanted a cargo barrier but didn't want to pay $500-$600 for anew one and couldn't find a second handy for sale so I decided to modify one. Bought a barrier out of a later model Commodore (VT onwards) and modified it as per the pic's attached. Bottom mounts attach to 3rd row seat mounts so pretty solid. Currently attaching the top bracket to one of the grab rail bolts (plan is to weld an extension to the end of the bracket to attach to the second bolt for extra strength). It's pretty solid as it is, and I haven't needed to drill any big holes in the upper body work ( as per Milford spec's). Wasn't a big job - bit of cutting and shutting. All you need is a grinder and a welder. Happy to knock one up for anyone in the Adelaide area if interested.

I also added a mounting bracket for my 90A GSM battery. Sits neatly between the rear seat and barrier. Bolts to an existing floor weld nut. Mounted the battery on the drivers side to balance out the fridge on the passenger side.

4th February 2013, 08:55 PM
Looks great, I have cover plates to cover where seats were removed. Just looks neater
as well Pm for details if interested

4th February 2013, 09:06 PM
Definitely like to see those threedogs. Cheers.

4th February 2013, 09:06 PM
Nice work mate!

4th February 2013, 09:08 PM
Interesting! how was it for length mate? where did you trim it? This could be a big saving for someone for sure. I think one of those with the bottom cut off to go on top of my Black Widow Drawers could be a winner too. Very interested in the width!

4th February 2013, 09:08 PM
Edit: sorry plate from 3d.

I have a set, they look great, just haven't fitted them yet. Lazy bastard.

4th February 2013, 09:15 PM
I cut about 4" off each side and welded the same size square tube back in to maintain the structural integrity. Can get you exact width measurement if you like. (FYI, I did the same for my late model Challenger, but for that one I cut it through the guts, removed about 6" and welded it back together - a lot less rooting around than the Patrol as it had the same kind of shape...If you know what I mean).