View Full Version : auto lokka

Dirt devil
2nd February 2013, 09:46 PM
Hi all, I am about to put a front auto locker into my GU 4.2TD wagon and I have noticed mixed comments on manual and auto hubs.
Would like to keep auto hubs but have manual on the shelf.
Can people give me some actual experience on these auto and manual hubs pros and cons?
In theory I cant see why the auto hubs will not work, one would just lock them when needed but use auto side for short sections like usual.


2nd February 2013, 11:30 PM
The manual hubs tend to be stronger and tend to handle the tough stuff better. Auto is good for beach work and light 4wding saves getting out the car but have a higher fail rate

3rd February 2013, 08:28 AM
I don't believe an Auto locker will play nice with auto locking hubs. But like you said if you manually lock the hubs in then it should be fine. I just made my OEM auto hubs to full manual as I had the occasional time where I would reverse out of my drive way and the hubs were trying to lock themselves in. Removed the locking plate and now there full manual hubs...

3rd February 2013, 08:46 AM
Ive had auto locker in mine for about 7yrs now had to change to manual hubs due to the fact that driving down the freeway the auto hubs would try to engage at speed (scared the crap out of me the first time it happend as they go in with a bang) this only happend after the lokka was installed with manual hubs fitted the problem has gone away and lokka works perfectly

3rd February 2013, 09:13 AM
Not a big fan of auto lokkas especially in the front. had one in the rear of my other 4x4
but removed it to fit pro locker. In the front with manual hubs you may find as its the way they
work, under power they will lock. so now going up hill under power your steering will be compromised
untill you back off , this will dis engage them NAH not a big fan. save up your money for air or electric M2Cw

3rd February 2013, 11:25 AM
I don't believe an Auto locker will play nice with auto locking hubs. But like you said if you manually lock the hubs in then it should be fine. I just made my OEM auto hubs to full manual as I had the occasional time where I would reverse out of my drive way and the hubs were trying to lock themselves in. Removed the locking plate and now there full manual hubs...

+1, same here, Lokka would not play nice with auto locking hubs indeed their install page/manual is explicit about it. Took me 10 mins to mod the auto locking hubs to be manual only and haven't looked back since. Steering can get compromised in the soft stuff with autolockers but so as long as one is aware of it there are no issues. I prefer not to ponder "to lock or not" scenarios hence the auto locker. Torsen™ or TrueTrac™ type diffs would be much nicer option alas not available yet for H233Bs on Patrols.