View Full Version : DIY Dual batteries 6.5L Chev

2nd February 2013, 07:19 PM
Hi fellas,
A while back i posted up asking for advice on the best way to install dual batteries in my 6.5L Chev powered 2007 GU2. Unfortunately, no help was forthcoming and a search of the internets resulted in even less guidance... So... i decided to have a crack myself and am quite happy with the results. I've decided to show a few pics of how i did it, so that others who may have a V8 donk in theirs can benefit from my eventual success.

For starters, with the V8 up front, there is next to no room at all up front for anything other than your chosen dual battery control module, so putting another battery up front is well out of the question, so it has to go elsewhere. I chose the back of the wagon, but i really didn't want it to take up any extra room because we go camping a fair bit and you need all the room you can get.

So some mods were required. Here's where i decided to fit it.

After some hack and slash with the Jigsaw and 4 inch angle grinder with a diamond blade i ended up with this... (I am a bit ahead of myself with this pic. You can see the cables already installed ready to connect here... But just wanted to show the battery tray and cut out of the interior and small shelf)

Ok so one of my real worrying problems was how to run the cable through to the back. I'm using some pretty hard core cable here and it's thick as, so the thought of it bulging up under the carpet didn't really slide with me... Turns out there's some really good channel under the door step trim and a quick poke through the fire wall and a mates help and it was run from the front to the back. Quick pic of the channel...

Once that was done i installed the Redarc solenoid up front and joined it all up. I managed to get hold of a crimper, lugs and heat shrink from work and made a good job of it. Pic of the install up front. Not much room but those orange cables run down to the solenoid. Bout the only place left with enough room to fit it.

Now the final add ons with a dual battery monitor and the override switch fitted for those heavy duty winch jobs or extra kick to get going if your crank battery is sluggish. Had to trim the top of my switch slightly just to get it to fit but is hardly noticeable.

Also wanted to be able to isolate the rear battery so 2 extra lugs and a small hole later, isolator is wired in.

Finally, wire up and install the battery in the back. I wanted it to look neat and tidy and be contained so i got a battery box with external access and a ciggy adapter from BCF last time i was there. Real handy for any of that extra 12V gear that you may take camping. Anyways here it is installed, locked down and all wired up ready to go.

And that's it... It was a bit of work to get it in, but it doesn't take up too much room and solved a big problem for me with no space at all for anything under the bonnet.

Let me know what you think and hopefully this may help others who have the same dramas as me!!

2nd February 2013, 07:23 PM
I make cover plates, to neaten up that area a bit
Could be an option to run a 3rd remote Battery
Hit that switch with a butane burner slowly and it will look like new again

2nd February 2013, 07:31 PM
Nice work i didn't think of that... all the heat shrink got the treatment from the Mrs' Creme Brulee torch... would work perfect, i'll give it a go, thanks.

2nd February 2013, 07:32 PM
A job well done mate. Nice and neat.

Now I gotta get me self one of those v8s...lol

..........on the move

2nd February 2013, 07:56 PM
Here you go Kris, 25337
Have mine.

3rd February 2013, 06:49 AM
Here you go Kris, 25337
Have mine.

Hmmm nice. Now, just to get it into the maverick and bolt on some wings...lol

..........on the move

3rd February 2013, 07:53 AM
Looks good mate , bet the first cut was a nervous one lol. If you unbolt the 3rd row seatbelt you can push it inside the pillar out of the way.