View Full Version : Black smoke from 2.8td

Flying Torquewrench
23rd January 2013, 09:57 AM

I have got a 1998 2.8TD which billows black smoke. It only happens when I demand power from the engine. If stationary with the gears in neutral and give gas then no smoke is present. Yet when driving and demanding power a rather large big black cloud is visible in the rear view mirror.

The car has just passed it's yearly test and emissions and everything where well within limits. the engine also runs smoothly with no other problems apart from the black smoke.

Earlier this year I had a problem with the fuel pump (or so I thought) and the timing belt was removed. Could it be that the timing belt is wrongly installed now with the fuel injector pump maybe being one tooth out? Or would this cause other problems?

The engine has always run very smooth with no problems at all. This is the first time she runs after the timing belt has been removed.

My biggest worry is that it is Turbo related. But the turbo seems to be working fine with no strange noises.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :thumbup:

23rd January 2013, 10:12 AM
Last time i blew lots of black smoke i had a small split in one of the intercooler hoses

23rd January 2013, 10:16 AM
X 2 with above my IC hose came off drivable but heaps of black smoke.
It's a sign you have too much fuel which in turn will increase your EGTs
Not smoke when parked as not under load

23rd January 2013, 01:26 PM

May be after fuel pump repair you should check the injection moment?
My also blowing a lot when the moment was wrong.
May be time to check fuel injectors.
And the simplest way try to change the air filter.

Flying Torquewrench
23rd January 2013, 06:03 PM
Thank you everybody. I will have a look at the suggested items and come back with results. Any orher ideas are welcome.

Flying Torquewrench
24th January 2013, 12:37 AM
Found the problem and it is now rectified. When opening the bonnet it was immediatly obvious what the problem was, one of the IC hoses had slipped off. Installed the hose and tightened the clamp this time!. Taken the car out for a spin and she runs beautifull.

Thank you all for your help!!