View Full Version : steel supplier in melb

23rd January 2013, 09:29 AM
hey guys, im building a carport at about 16mt long and would like someone to point me in the right direction for steel carport/veranda suppliers in melbourne obviusly cheap who would cut to length aswell.

dont say stratco because they are an arm and a leg in pricing but any help would be appreciated

23rd January 2013, 09:36 AM
Not sure about the framework but for roofing I always use D&S Building Supplies in Chirnside. Direct factory seconds and save a fortune.

Most of the time the defects are only tiny scratches or wrong cuts, extra 5-10mm, etc....


23rd January 2013, 09:37 AM
Steve try Robot trading on Ballarat rd Sunshine, I get my steel there always had good prices, Can go together
as that might help. Surdex up near the Ford Factory not bad either cutting service available at both

23rd January 2013, 09:52 AM
Thanks guys I don't mind seconds as as for robot I've looked into them but some things are more pricier, also don't mind travelling around Vic because I've gotten quotes ranging from 2900 to 3600 so looks like I'll be sourcing from different suppliers
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23rd January 2013, 09:54 AM
I'll makeup a build thread on it from suppliers also the actual build so makes it easier for others when they build one
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23rd January 2013, 10:02 AM
If you are getting a Building Permit you will require Engineering Specs which will not be given by anybody unless they are supplying the Material

If you dont obtain a Building Permit when you come to sell you will have some problems'

23rd January 2013, 10:10 AM
Try this place in Epping http://www.directsteelsales.com.au/contact/ i just found them yesterday and i will going there at lunch time for some plate that i need but not sure how pricy they are, but i did come across this place in Thomastown aswell http://www.aldeck.com.au/

23rd January 2013, 10:10 AM
not quite sure but under $5000 requires no permit.
jump in if I'm wrong

23rd January 2013, 10:14 AM
not quite sure but under $5000 requires no permit.
jump in if I'm wrong
It is now 10 Square Metres ie something like 3 X 3

See this site


I would strongly advise that you check with your local council as if a permit is required and not obtained the Council can make you dismantle it

23rd January 2013, 10:45 AM
It is now 10 Square Metres ie something like 3 X 3

See this site


I would strongly advise that you check with your local council as if a permit is required and not obtained the Council can make you dismantle it

Yeah my local council is 10m2 or under no permit required. Thats barely a one car carport...lol

23rd January 2013, 11:56 AM
Checked with councel and they said that if its attached to the house you need a permit if not no need one
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23rd January 2013, 11:59 AM
What State are you in ???

Sorry just realized you are in Melbourne.

I was in the Garage/Carport Game and I am sure that you will need a Permit.

If your Council say that you dont it must be the only one in the State of Victoria as they are all bounfd by the Building Codes

Just double check mate as I dont want you getting a bum steer

Regards Bob

23rd January 2013, 12:01 PM
Hume city council
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23rd January 2013, 12:02 PM
You forgot about me already bob lol, we met at bearii on td fishing trip
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23rd January 2013, 12:06 PM
You forgot about me already bob lol, we met at bearii on td fishing trip
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Yeah the old Mind doesnt remember things as well now. Just check again mate as I was in the Garage/Carport business and am fairly sure you will need a Permit.

23rd January 2013, 12:10 PM
Will do bob the lady behind the desk was a little clueless but I'll get it in writing if not I'll get the permits shouldn't be a prob as I was in the building industry since I was 15

Thanks for the heads up bob
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23rd January 2013, 12:11 PM
Just checked the Site of your Council and this is from their site

Pergolas, Sheds & Carports

Most building work requires that a Building Permit be obtained prior to commencement. There are exemptions in relation to the construction of certain Pergolas. Link to examples of other building works exemptions.

A Pergola is defined in the building regulations as an unroofed open structure. A Building Permit is not required for a Pergola provided that it is appurtenant to a Class 1 house, it is not more than 20m2 in area, it is located no further forward on the allotment than 2.5m forward of the front wall of the building to which it is appurtenant and is no more than 3.6m in height. If your building has a roof it not a Pergola, it is a Verandah or Carport and will need a Building Permit.

Link to Building Permit.pdf (81.31 kb)

A pergola not more than 3.6m high, 20m2 in area, and located at the rear of the building to which it is appurtenant. No permit is required.
Construction of a pergola located further forward than 2.5m forward of the front wall of the single dwelling. Yes a permit is required.

Class 10a Sheds are exempt from the requirement for a Building Permit if they are not more than 10m2 in floor area, not more than 3.0m in height (or not more than 2.4m in height if within 1.0m of a side or rear boundary), are appurtenant to another building of another class on the same allotment and are located no further forward on the allotment than the building to which they are appurtenant.

Note: It is also important to remember that you cannot site your shed over an Easement unless you have written consent from the relevant service authority or Council.
Verandahs, Carports and Garages

Construction of any Verandah, Carport or Garage does require a Building Permit. Link to Building Permit.pdf (81.31 kb)

check this out


23rd January 2013, 12:13 PM
Id be getting that in writing too mate....

23rd January 2013, 12:14 PM
Thanks bob bet me to it
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23rd January 2013, 12:16 PM
I'll just go down later to get the form and to pick their brains lol
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23rd January 2013, 04:30 PM
If you are getting a Building Permit you will require Engineering Specs which will not be given by anybody unless they are supplying the Material

If you dont obtain a Building Permit when you come to sell you will have some problems'

Meh! If your not planning on moving in seven years you'll be o.k. If you are, then you need a permit. What I was told anyways....But I use Surdex in Barry Rd Campbellfield...

23rd January 2013, 04:52 PM
Go on come round my house and ask for my permit........... yeah right!!!!

Dont let council take the joy out of building your own mate.....

23rd January 2013, 05:08 PM
I'm telling the council on you BA. Tee hee hee!!!

23rd January 2013, 06:05 PM
Roofmart in Laverton are real good to deal with . Apparantly some councils are checking google maps and seeing if there is any ''non compliance'' going on .

23rd January 2013, 06:09 PM
Roofmart in Laverton are real good to deal with . Apparantly some councils are checking google maps and seeing if there is any ''non compliance'' going on .

Council walked into to work shop next to mine a couple of years ago and walked back out, they where either scared or blind. This bloke raised the factories roof and built an extension without permits!!!

23rd January 2013, 06:11 PM
Building without a Permit will bring you lots of Grief

When you sell no matter how long after the Build the Purchasers Solicitor will ask for the Building Permit.
Take my word for it Dont build without a Permit
Councils are taking arial Photos and you have the chance of being caught and having to demolish the Building.

If you dont believe me talk to your Solicitor.

I am not talking about whether it is fair having to get a Permit I am just telling you the consequences

23rd January 2013, 06:12 PM
Roofmart in Laverton are real good to deal with . Apparantly some councils are checking google maps and seeing if there is any ''non compliance'' going on .

Not really an efficient way of doing things considering Google maps are often not up to date. Still got pics of my joint from six years ago.

Edit : Sorry just checked. The pic they have now is from four years ago. As you can see my backyard a mess just after I removed 15cubes of soil...

23rd January 2013, 06:12 PM
They have been using " View maps" for a while now as it takes about 8-10 photos a year..

Got nothing better to do then spy on people...

23rd January 2013, 06:28 PM
Revinue raising pricks they pump up rates to what? Leave the grass and weeds grow at a local park so my son can't play? Efin crooks
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