View Full Version : Can you educate an idiot

21st January 2013, 05:48 PM
I like all of you are watching again as most of the east coast burns.
Whats getting my hair up is that most were deliberately lit by idiots.
Some may have a sickness which is treatable ,but god help any idiot I come across
doing the wrong thing. Breaks my heart when a family has lost generations of photos and memories.
Forget farm houses and sheds you can build new ones. but photos and momentos can't be. Thanks for the offer of the shottie BA but I'm officially bringing back the 2 brick rule thanks to Aliist007.
What right have these idiot lowlife scrum the right to completely ruin some people. Beware now as I am watching when out 4x4ing and hope all my fellow 4wders follow suit. stop one with 2 bricks the others will think twice, thats my spleen vent TD

21st January 2013, 05:57 PM
No you cannot educate an idiot!!!

Someone that has learning difficulties yes, but an idiot that lights fires no, most people that light fires will not have learning difficulties.

I say its time to bring in the death penalty for arsonists.

Just heard on the news that some insurance research mob reckons the RFS spends to much money on fire prevention........yep some more people to chuck in the path of a fire storm!!!!

22nd January 2013, 02:06 AM
nope, don't think you can. definetly a few numnuts out there.

had 2 tree top fires going near our place over the weekend through pine plantations which is also part of an offroad area and always caused by fruitbats out there trashing cars and whatever else tickles their pink bits

22nd January 2013, 03:28 AM
Piros will be piros. It's the extreme ones you have to watch for..
Can you change them? I don't think so.

My parents nearly lost there farm a few weeks back due to an idiot throwing there cigi but out the window... Now that we can change..
Make it illegal to smoke in a vehicle during fire ban season, and a $1000 fine if caught.

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

22nd January 2013, 08:06 AM
Piros will be piros. It's the extreme ones you have to watch for..
Can you change them? I don't think so.

My parents nearly lost there farm a few weeks back due to an idiot throwing there cigi but out the window... Now that we can change..
Make it illegal to smoke in a vehicle during fire ban season, and a $1000 fine if caught.

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)
I was a smoker for years and I never throung my cigs out full stop never mind out of a moving car...

Now I am registered with the EPA and if I catch you throwing rubbish or lit cig ($275 fine) I will report it so be warned those that do it....

Your filthy habit so dont make it everyone else s problem and clean up after yourself.........

As for fire bugs its the same as kiddy fiddlers no mercy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22nd January 2013, 08:19 AM
Unfortunately in this World we are always going to have some persons that are going to light Fires either through Evil Intent,Thrill Seekers,Mental or just stupidity.
If we all keep our eyes open and report any suspicious activity to the appropriate Authorities we may be able to reduce to some extent but never eliminate .

my third 256
22nd January 2013, 08:25 AM
id just do a JOAN OF ARK on them and let them see what it feels like

22nd January 2013, 10:15 AM
No,you cant reeducate an idiot,i think its a mix up when hatched in the brain dept .....

I know a few local firies, and years ago a local farmer lit his paddocks up, when all the other fires were around, idiot
Now you can get controlled burnoffs, and it costs a coupla bucks and a good training exercise for firies,so im all for that ,anywho this numbnuts fire got outta control,the firies needed acess to it and cutting the fences needed to happen,ol mate wouldnt let them,so they drove around it to contain it
When it was out this toolbag threatened to sue the firies as his timber fence posts were fire damaged .............
There are idiots out there,and as much as many beleive its not just the youngens who are total blame for stoopidity, theres many older gen who are idiots
The funny part,well ,when you look at it, those who are classed as unstable are thrown in the general population and they end up doin major harm, like mass shootings,repeat rapes,child molestation ,yet the powers that be know theres issues,yet dont give a stuff ......

There were always idiots are far back as remember ,but the advent of "5 seconds of fame"due to faceache,youtube ,brings out the idiots in all the idiots

22nd January 2013, 10:23 AM
Hi guys - unfortunately the thrill/sickness of pyromaniacs is what makes them light the fires. You cannot replace that thrill so unfortunately they will always seek ways to feed their need. No different to a junkie on crack or a perve who attacks women. What can be done though is to be vigilant as a few have mentioned. Don't take it into your own hands guys (and I know you are all too sensible to do that right? :)) but you can report them to the police with as much detail as you can so they arrest them and do the needful!

I agree with MQ Mad - the advent of social media and the worldwide audience it brings doesn't help these issues. Stay safe guys - and not being a nanny - because I would love to see any arsonist get their come-uppence - but not worth what it will do to your life if you do take matters into your own hands. Vigilantes, while having the right principles, unfortunately fare just as well as arsonists in the legal system and probably cop a worse penalty!


22nd January 2013, 11:18 AM
Fire bugs, pedos, thieves, women beaters, vandals and all other types of scum should all be castrated! In some third world countries if you steal an apple or loaf of bread because your poor and hungry they cut off the hand that stole, i say leave their hands but cut off their thumbs, index and middle fingers and burn theirs legs and feet so they can suffer.
If you think i'm being cruel and inhumain let me come and take your car and burn your house and you can tell me how you feel!!

Unfortunately our justice system is too soft and if we take matters into our own hands we are punished harder than the criminal, like if a thief breaks into your house but cuts them self or hurts them self in any way they can sue you! Its an out right joke!!

22nd January 2013, 11:28 AM
its sad to see so many peoples lives destroyed but in my opinoin you cant educate an idiot. once an idiot always an idiot.

22nd January 2013, 01:16 PM
Unfortunately people I disagree, you can educate an idiot. Look at Toddie, he's pretty educated hahaha.

But on a more serious note, I totally agree with all the above comments.
An eye for an eye, bring back corporal punishment I say. The laws for these scum is not harsh enough.
My old man was in the CFA for 40 years and some of the heartache and destruction he dealt with is just shocking. Not to forget the lives put at risk as well as of those fighting fires.
Make the scum pay or hand them over to the community to deal with, unfortunately as said they can not be educated, and have NO conception of the value of life and how hard people work to get what they have.