View Full Version : Paypal Scam

16th January 2013, 07:21 AM
Hey guys, for those that have not seen it before, if you get a email from Paypal that reads.....

"You sent a payment of $79.3 AUD to eBay International AG (AU-AdCommerce-EOM@ebay.com)"

It looks legit and you think WTF, but this is just a scam so just delete (if in doubt go direct to your Paypal acc, DO NOT click on any link in the email), got it in my inbox this morning, so thought id give everyone the heads-up !

16th January 2013, 07:38 AM
I got this one about 5 mins ago too

16th January 2013, 07:45 AM
Any email I get that I don't know who its from or it doesn't make sense I just delete anyhow. A good practise to get into. I must tell my mum about this as she is very gullible when it comes to things like this.

16th January 2013, 08:02 AM
Neither PayPal, EBay or any financial Institution will ever send you an email that does not start with YOUR NAME. If your name or your eBay user name is not the start of the email then it's fake and you should delete it.

16th January 2013, 08:33 AM
This one looks very legit , unless you are knowledgeable about online operations, or like me, treat everything as a scam, i can see how people could get caught by this.

The first time i got this email (last year) i thought my paypal acc had been hacked/scammed, so i went to paypal to have a look, i know better than to click on emails, a quick look at my paypal then a google search exposed the scam.

Still wasted my time tho, at least this time i could just delete it.

Anything i get as a email im interested in, but im not 100% about, i just google the info, you soon find out if its legit or a scam :biggrin:

16th January 2013, 08:44 AM
Over the years I have had a few of this type of email "paypal" and "eBay".
Now with any of these I receive I just forward them to either
spoof@paypal.com.au or in the case of eBay, spoof@ebay.com
Possibly the perpetrators will get caught.

16th January 2013, 10:33 AM
I've won over $3,456,543,000,000,000,000, but I forgot my bank details so I missed out , sooooo peeeved over this, and thats only this year . How lucky am I?
I'm with MUDSKI if its not a customer or friend , into the trash you go

16th January 2013, 10:40 AM
Got a text the other day , i won 650,000 pounds (oh lucky me)
I didnt ring em back with the details where to deposit the money
Gee im a goose

16th January 2013, 10:40 AM
I've won over $3,456,543,000,000,000,000, but I forgot my bank details so I missed out , sooooo peeeved over this, and thats only this year . How lucky am I?
I'm with MUDSKI if its not a customer or friend , into the trash you go

That would have torn the fork out of your nightie TD, missing a win like that LMFAO But agree put it in file 13

16th January 2013, 10:42 AM
This one comes around about once a month, I've been getting it for 6 months now. Also Paypal always identify there emails to you with your name.

16th January 2013, 10:52 AM
I dont use Paypal after they shafted me on a fleebay sale when the buyer changed their mind,
I did have a simular email saying id bought some softwarefrom a company in Canada and it was ready for download and that $240 was to be taken out of my account with the details i'd supplied 0.o
The company had a ligit web page just the email was diferent so i did what Ova50 did and Foward the email to their spoof address.
Scammers getting way to clever these days.have to be on the ball all the time.

16th January 2013, 05:04 PM
Thanks for the heads up Steve, You should get this msg on any PayPal email....

How do I know this is not a fake email?
Fake or 'phishing' emails tend to have generic greetings such as "Dear PayPal member". Emails from PayPal will always address you by your first and last name. It will also have the crime stoppers icon and number top left of the msg.

Find out more about fake and phishing emails https://email-edg.paypal.com/r/K9S0BEN/4WOOT/UAXL45/VWP90/67TXSB/FI/h

16th January 2013, 05:10 PM
they are getting good at the design of their emails.

16th January 2013, 11:33 PM
All the emails I have ever gotten in the past three years claiming that I won the lottery or inherited bucket load of cash I have thrown into a folder called I'm Rich. One day I will count all that money just to see how rich I could have been if I replied to all those emails...I should really get around to replying to those such nice people with their good hearts offering to give away money.