View Full Version : Qld'ers, Territorians and Kimberly Sandgropers....How do you do it?

DX grunt
15th January 2013, 01:19 PM
Well, I in my 3rd week of living and working in hot muggy conditions.

I'm sorry to say I've had enough of drinking water and cordial and supplemented some of my water intake to low carb drinks - Carlton Dry. :1062:

I've been drinking at least 4lts of water a day and I'm starting to lose the taste of water. Sad. Very Sad.

I can't wait to get back to the hot dry heat (40+). Lovely. lol


Melting Away.

15th January 2013, 01:22 PM
I loved it worked Tom Price, Darwin {oil rig} and lived in Alice, worked 18mths straight in the Simmo ,bring it on

DX grunt
15th January 2013, 01:28 PM
Carlton dry eh! Mmm could go one of those right now I reckon. And agree 40+ and dry is ok but anything 30+ and muggy has me stuffed these days. Did 6 months in Darwin and acclimatised alright (wasnt wet season tho) so maybe you just need to stay where you are a bit longer rossco!

Plassy, Plassy, Plassy.

You're showing your age.

Sounds like you need to fund raise again. PML.

15th January 2013, 01:42 PM
I've lived in Brisbane but worked last year in rockhampton as a boilermaker welding oxy cut and arc air gouge heavy plate 20 to 80 mm plate days were touching 40 plus humidity was 50%- 90% with no rain and the artificial heat and wearing leathers. Id go 1.5 litre water bottle and buy powdered gatarade and drink 2 each a shift. Toughened me up this yr in Brisbane I haven't felt it as bad

the evil twin
15th January 2013, 01:49 PM

All else becomes irrelevant and the Carlton Dry's still taste the same

Altho up in the Territory I did notice that Crabbing or chasing Barra is just as good as A/C and the beer tastes even better... curious eh...

15th January 2013, 02:04 PM
I prefer dry heat to that rubbish sweaty stuff up north........... Right now though I could go some snow!!!!!!!

15th January 2013, 02:25 PM
when i started in central qld summer the year before i was drinking 12 L of water a day and couldnt piss a full cup. high 40's and 90% + humidity. It was crap

15th January 2013, 02:35 PM
Been in Qld for years now and gotta say i'm still not used to the bad days in Brissie yet...the mid to high 30's with high humidity kills me. If you could bottle my sweat you would be one rich individual! Much prefer Sydney/Newcastle/W'Gong weather but can't beat the people in Qld! Best bunch around.....sorry to all you Mexicans! - This is the trade off i'm willing to take. I do love dry heat and crisp country mornings down south though!

15th January 2013, 03:18 PM

15th January 2013, 03:35 PM

Spent 6 months in Darwin, July to December, and couldn't get away from the place quick enough. Humidity is a killer. Mind you, by the time I left I was down to a weight I hadn't seen since I was about 19 :)

15th January 2013, 03:37 PM
Looks like AB is back into the arts and crafts again.....If thats a teaspoon of cement you're holding I reckon you might need some mate! Whatchya making? Any paper mache to go with....bahahaha! Mexican...lol

DX grunt
15th January 2013, 04:03 PM

Mind you, by the time I left I was down to a weight I hadn't seen since I was about 19 :)

So, do you still look like an upside triangle? PML

Ab - funny man. It just clicked!!! PML

15th January 2013, 04:11 PM
So, do you still look like an upside triangle? PML

Ab - funny man. It just clicked!!! PML

More like a paddle pop now :)

Sir Roofy
15th January 2013, 04:21 PM
i've lived in brisbane but worked last year in rockhampton as a boilermaker welding oxy cut and arc air gouge heavy plate 20 to 80 mm plate days were touching 40 plus humidity was 50%- 90% with no rain and the artificial heat and wearing leathers. Id go 1.5 litre water bottle and buy powdered gatarade and drink 2 each a shift. Toughened me up this yr in brisbane i haven't felt it as bad

that much gattor aid ,man wonder your not dead
that stuff is full of salt,toughened you up probably
cured your gut

15th January 2013, 04:46 PM

ab us qlders only use a teaspoon of that to get by. If this is your daily quota maybe iys time for you to move to patrol4x4 haha. I saw you sweat it out at the forum meet up buddy you'd need a cement truck for our summer

15th January 2013, 04:48 PM
that much gattor aid ,man wonder your not dead
that stuff is full of salt,toughened you up probably
cured your gut

id still get ill if I stayed on water we were doing 12 hr shifts 6 days a week no air on in my bedroom either

15th January 2013, 06:17 PM

Classic !!!

Drink soda water as well - replaces salts and stops muscle cramps.

15th January 2013, 06:26 PM

Spent 6 months in Darwin, July to December, and couldn't get away from the place quick enough. Humidity is a killer. Mind you, by the time I left I was down to a weight I hadn't seen since I was about 19 :)

I know where I am going to get rid of this extra fricking weight I put on this Xmas!!!

15th January 2013, 07:27 PM
Used to be able to buy salt tablets in the early 80s, Loved the look on newbies faces when they had a green WEE and we told them they had desert pox lol

15th January 2013, 07:31 PM
Mate that was hot...lol....I struggle with your humidity, mad bastards....anyways suck it up rossco you woose...lmao

15th January 2013, 07:34 PM
Did Cairns for a coupla years. Sweated my balls off and had a back full of prickly heat the whole time. Howd i deal with it? stayed drunk hahahahahhahaaha

16th January 2013, 11:41 AM
Mate that was hot...lol....I struggle with your humidity, mad bastards....anyways suck it up rossco you woose...lmao

You should try it now Bwana if you thought Oct was hot, you will need a couple more dish's of that, LMFAO

16th January 2013, 11:50 AM
Humidity is a killer, remember in Darwin trying to dry some jeans for that night, think they were wetter than when I hung them out, Loved it working on the Ghan line on the edge of Simmo, Made all concrete retaining walls and floors for every colvert, best job ever, 40 no clouds in the Simmo just like a 25 degree day elsewhere. Black saturday 52 on the banks of the Murray sitting in river. Got a bad case of two stroke that day terrible, terrible day, you just knew history was happening further south