View Full Version : Aluminium tool boxes touring setup

11th January 2013, 10:04 PM
Hi guys
i have had an idea running through my head for a while and wanted to see if anyone has any major issues with it or has seen anyone else do anything similar...

At the moment i have a very heavy (300-400kg) ute canopy that is a rhs fram construction with aluminium sheeting for doors, the weight includes 4 liftoff legs and the roof top tent on top. Apart from the weight the major issue i have is that it is very tall, the top of the roof top tent sits about 300mm above the headboard. It is 1800 wide and 1800 long, leaving useable space at the end of the ute.

I am considering getting rid of it and buying 2 aluminium boxes 1200mm long x 500mm deep x 700mm high. Then bolting the roof top tent to the top of the tool boxes, fit out the passenger side with a water tank and kitchen, and the drivers side with tools, clothes and recovery gear. On long distance touring trips i can move the 2 boxes 500mm down the tray and have a row of jerry cans with 2 spares on top along the head board. Plus i can fit 4 900mm long space cases between the 2 aluminium boxes.

My major problem at this time with this design are that i have heard that over lots of corrugations these tool boxes tend to flex in the wind, ending up with them work hardening and tearing out the bolts that hold them down. I am also unsure as the wether they would be strong enough to hold the weight of a roof top tent over corrugations and serious 4wd.

Has anyone ever had a RTT mounted to 2 aluminium tool boxes or know of anyone that has?

I am currently thinking that i might bolt some unistrut into each of the back corners and across the roofs....hoping that this might give enough structural stability to maintain their integrity??? Plus it would be a good start to a shelving/storage system.

Any ideas/feedback would be greatly apreciated???

Thanks :)

11th January 2013, 10:15 PM
Your theory is good but I wouldn't trust an alloy tool box with a tent on it.. they will flex and tear.
Your best option would be to build a sub frame for your tent to sit on and your tool boxes under that, separate to the frame.
Build in some Gerry can holders or make a for water or diesel that sits behind the cab..

You could always make a canopy to cab hight and mount tent on that to.

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

11th January 2013, 10:55 PM
Hi kallen
Unfortunately at the moment I am a uni student so getting a canopy made the way I want is way beyond my means.

In regards to the subfram do you think that 20x20x2 rhs in a basic rectangle with gusset would suffice?


11th January 2013, 11:02 PM
Every toolbox that sits on the back of a mine ute is ally. They are strong enough to hold about 300kg of weight in them and there is no reason why they wouldnt be able to take some weight. This is all if they are built accordingly though. I'll see if I can get a photo of a good setup like you are thinking of.

11th January 2013, 11:39 PM
Hi kallen
Unfortunately at the moment I am a uni student so getting a canopy made the way I want is way beyond my means.

In regards to the subfram do you think that 20x20x2 rhs in a basic rectangle with gusset would suffice?


What's the weight of your tent? 20x20 is a bit small imo. Is be going a light wall 40x40 galv frame gusseted.

But as nissannewby stated if the boxes are built tough they could take some weight. But yea, how heavy is the tent?

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

12th January 2013, 12:08 AM
Nissannewby.. some pics would be great. I have noticed that there seems to be 2 completely different type of aluminum boxes. The cheap 1.5-2.0 mm mass produced checker plate variety at ~ $700 then there is the mine vehicle type ones that seem to be about $2k each. If you could take some pics that would be awesome pls. If like to know what makes them so strong.

Kallen... its the standard 1.8m2 size that cantilevers out... mine is an eBay cheapie at the moment but a Hannibal weighs ~60kg

Thanks for all the input so far :)

12th January 2013, 01:25 AM
The mine ones don't use anything less than 3mm ally appropriately folded and gusseted if needed. I am chasing the photo up so hopefully can have it up for you sometime tomorrow. It might be an option could you get a canopy made up and just sleep in it without utilizing the rooftop tent? If you have a look in the members rides at my luxury ride, this is all I do set the back up with swag rolled out and a fridge and container for food and it's great. Have power for lighting in there and the fridge whichs makes it very easy to access everything.

12th January 2013, 08:50 AM
Newby seems to be on the right track, what ever you use as a brace/frame cut a piece of conveyor or similar, as steel on steel/aluminium will only end in tears.
draw up a few set ups and post them up here. I'm sure you'll get the right answer to what works and what wont

12th January 2013, 10:33 AM
Harro here are some pics. I really do like this setup. There are 2 spares at the ver front of the tray then the boxes. The rear section of the boxes steps down and the rooftop tent is mounted on this so everything is the same height.


12th January 2013, 11:00 AM
Great set up but hate to get in and out of that late at night for a pee, but would make a pissaphone from a funnel and long hose.
Good low centre of gravity too Newby well done

12th January 2013, 11:06 AM
Is that yours newby? Is a nice setup.
Great thinking to step down the canopy to keep the tent down to.
But I think that's a little more up market than what's wanted.
I believe in the do it once do it right saying. So saving for what you really want and make a permanent setup is what I'd be doing.

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

12th January 2013, 12:42 PM
Nuh its not mine. Its one of my mates. I was just throwing ideas out there for him and thought he could draw inspiration from this. He may have people that can weld alloy etc etc and he may just have to pay for materials you never know.

12th January 2013, 03:01 PM
Thanks for all the great replies so far :)

Nissannewby.. At the moment unfortunately i need to maintain the ability to be able to remove all of the canopy by myself so i can use the tray if i need it.. which is one of the reasons i was looking at the tool box idea because it gives me the ability to unbolt everything and remove it myself. Your mates camper looks awesome. As soon as i get a chance i will find yours and have a look. In the future when i can have my ute as a dedicated touring truck id love to setup something like you have described because it would make it soooooo quick and easy for a quick night stop.

Kallen.. i agree with trying to do something right the first time and only every doing it once, but often i simply cant afford to go with what i really want. Plus i keep changing my mind on what it is that is right for me, so spending 10-15k on an awesome lift off canopy with built in RTT, diesel and water tanks is not really a good idea for me.

Threedogs.. i willl draw up some pics soon and post them of what im thinking for fitout and bracing. I like the idea of using conveyor belt as padding. Any idea where i can get some? hmm pissaphone.... dont think the ms would like that :0

12th January 2013, 03:23 PM
some good ideas, like that se up nissannewby, still thinking on how I want to do a camper set up.
How about fitting a water tank under tray instead of jerry cans, I have 85 litre tank under rear of tray and works a treat, spare wheels live on tray for normal use

13th January 2013, 02:04 PM
We had a cruiser ute Pre kids , had the useual canopy set up hard roof canvas sides , we had our old double bed in the back i cut the legs down , put some of those plastic storage crates under the bed fridge was beside it , put a caravan water tank under the tray with a slide out table , so simple and very comfy to sleep in pack up in 2 min , and never paid for camping on the beaches as it always looked like it was just parked and we were fishing , I used what i had lying around to build it , the only cost I had was the canvas work , it was super simple and super effective
