View Full Version : dakar

7th January 2013, 09:09 AM
All the best to all aussie competitors in this years Dakar
We have 8 in bikes
1 in quads
3in cars
1 in trucks.
I for one will be following our guys every step of the way.

7th January 2013, 11:06 AM
Love watching the Dakar every year. Much better now that it is held in South America. Much more diverse terrain than in North Africa - and a lot safer. Less chance of getting shot or kidnapped!!

7th January 2013, 12:09 PM
Yeah I try to watch as much as possible every year. Unfortunately we can only get the sbs coverage which is only half an hour each day. But better than nothing:-).
They are all so hardcore! Watching one of those trucks get air nearly gives me a stiffy!! Lmao

Tap, crackle, pop

7th January 2013, 07:14 PM
After stage 2 all aussies still going
Overall positions bikes Fish 6th
Quads smith 20th
cars Olholm 23rd
trucks Hayes 63rd
Great day in the sand reminds me of some of our dunes just love it
These positions are overall in class.

7th January 2013, 07:16 PM
Lovely jubly... love the Dakar!!!!

9th January 2013, 08:54 AM
Up date stage 4
In the bikes we had 1 withdrawal in Scott. and most of the others are progressing up the leader board.
Quads Smithy is holding his own.
Cars all 3 are heading up the leader board.
We have lost our only competitor in the trucks
So far the Aussies are going great. keep it up guys.

9th January 2013, 05:30 PM
Just watching now. Wow they were just showing a flashback to 1983. Driving through a sand storm in the tenere desert. Did anyone else see it? Some of them took 72 hours to do that single stage!!!!
On another note, is there any patrol based vehicles this year? From memory there was some kind of Nissan pickup last year I think?

Those guys are so tough!!

9th January 2013, 05:57 PM
G`day Lucas
I`ll do a check and get back as there is a few different classes within the car class.
Back in 83 they drove pretty much standard cars with a cage fitted.

9th January 2013, 09:13 PM
Lucas mate
There are 5 Nissan's which started Dakar 2 are Patrols 1 is a 4.8 V6 weighing in at 2300 Kgs the other is an Italian version but there were no spec`s .There is 1 Springbock Navara no spec`s A navara 4 lt weight 1800 Kgs and a Parthfinder no spec`s
I believe the Springbock and a pathfinder have with drawn after stage 3.

9th January 2013, 09:14 PM
G`day Lucas
I`ll do a check and get back as there is a few different classes within the car class.
Back in 83 they drove pretty much standard cars with a cage fitted.

Cheers. Yeah in the footage they showed a few 4x4s that were sheltering from the sand storm and they had tents etc set up like a camp. Now that's extreme rally! Great to see the commitment of being self sufficient and not relying on the support team.
They were even tougher back then!

Tap, crackle, pop

9th January 2013, 09:57 PM
A couple of photos of an ex Paris Dakar car.If you zoom in the decals for the event are on the rear.
This car is in a fantastic little transport museum at Arthers Seat.

12th January 2013, 08:54 AM
Up date at stage 7.
All remaining Aussies going well most have been up and down the leader board a bit, but most if not all have climbed up it in overall standings.
Best in the bikes is Foggatter in 17th
quads Smith 13th
cars Olholm 15th

12th January 2013, 11:19 AM
one tuff race, need all the luck on your side just to finish let alone place, come on aussie come on

14th January 2013, 08:15 PM
Up date at stage 8
Great to get a rest day so we get all the placings up to date
Bikes highest placed Aussie is foggatter in 16th
Grabham 21st
Strange 34th
Smith 49th
and Pavey 68th

In the quads we have only 1 rider Smith who is 13th

The cars we have Olholm in15th
Garland in 44th
and Dilalio 45th

At last I`ve been able to find our only competitor in the trucks and can report that his MAN is in 51st
It`s so far been a great showing by all the Aussies and I wish them all the best for the second half.

17th January 2013, 08:33 PM
Dakar update
Up to stage 12
Bikes stlll have 5 competitors going with Foggatter leading the Aussie assault in 16th overall.
Quads great news Paul Smith won stage 11 but still sits in13th overall at the last check.
Cars a bit of sad news as we lost Garland in stage11but our other 2 competitors are still running and Olholm was in14th at the last check
Trucks It`s been very hard to find info on retirements and placings but we have Hayes laying in51st place at the rest day.
A great effort by all our guys and Ihope all that are left can cross the Finnish line in 3 days time.

17th January 2013, 08:40 PM
Cheers piercey, I'm on tappa at the moment so cant "thanks" but "thanks" mate! Lol


17th January 2013, 08:45 PM
No worries Lucas how are things down your way .Did you get that shudder sorted