View Full Version : Tie rod for 1991 Nissan Patrol

Kristofer go
6th January 2013, 05:27 AM
Hello mates!

I have to replace a "tie rod" on my 1991 Patrol. The ends are all worn and when I go over a bump in the road it makes a clanking noise. Also, I have been having a bit of wobbling/vibration going down the road. I want to be sure it is the tie rod that my mechanic referred to. It is an arm that runs horizontal to the chassis. It is directly in front of the car under the motor. My mechanic does not speak english but speaks spanish and so that is the source of the confusion. He said it is a dangerous situation because if it were to break, I would not be able to control the steering of the vehicle.

We checked with the agency and it costs about 425.00$ for the part new. I was wondering if I could pick up one used from another year Patrol. I know that Patrols from 1989-1994 are the same but I was wondering do the more recent Patrols use the same part? That way I may be able to pick up a used one at a junkyard for a better price.

Thanks for sharing your ideas and help!

Kristofer Go

6th January 2013, 07:47 AM
The tie rod runs directly behind the axle mate from swivel hub to swivel hub and joins the two together - it allows the drivers side wheel to turn when the steering arm (which runs from the steering box on the drivers side at the front of the axle assembly, in a downwards direction to the front of the passenger side swivel hub) pushes the passenger side wheel to turn.

The other arm beside the steering arm (which is referred to as the draglink also) is the panhard rod - it joins the chassis to the axle assembly to stop sideways movement of the axle - connected on the top to the chassis, and bottom to the axle.

Not the best description so sorry for that, but hopefully assists.

6th January 2013, 08:15 AM
Good effort Scotty,

I reckon he is talking about your Drag Link or Steering Arm. It run Parallel to the axle and not the chassis. Every drag link of a GQ Nissan Patrol (Same shape as yours) any year will bolt straight on. The later shape i think will be the wrong length?? Also the wrong Taper.

Alternatively you could Buy 2 tie rod ends and make a Drag link for a fair bit cheaper i reckon and way stronger than the factory one. You have the length there, See if you can source 2 tie rod ends (Fairly common) in a Female end and source some thick wall Pipe, tap a thread on both ends of the pipe to match the inner Tie Rod End thread and your set.

Good luck

Kristofer go
7th January 2013, 02:29 AM
Thanks for your input mates!

Yes, I think it is the drag link as it is in front of the axle and controls the steering. So I would need to get the used part from a GQ Patrol. They are the "boxy" looking Patrols correct? What years were they in production? I thought it was like 89-94. I have a 2 door but they also made 4 doors. Is the part still the same for both?

Where could I find the tie rod ends? Would they have them at the agency as a part I could purchase?

Thanks again.

7th January 2013, 09:05 AM
Yes the GQ is your car, They made the GQ from 1989 through to 1998. Long Wheel base and Short heel base are the same.

Here is a Local Ebay search for you, i am sure you could get them shipped international. They are not very big, a little weighty but not bad. even do a Local ebay search your end mate.

eBay search - "Tie Rod End GQ" (http://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_trksid=p3984.m570.l1313&_nkw=tie+rod+end+GQ&_sacat=0&_from=R40)

Cheers MR

Kristofer go
9th January 2013, 03:50 PM
I was wondering do you guys know where I could order a new drag link and tie rod for my GQ 1991 Patrol? I would be willing to buy it in Australia and have it shipped to me here in Honduras if the price was right. They want 425US$ just for the drag link only at the agency here. Thanks again for your input and help.