View Full Version : Two nuts in a stubbie

5th January 2013, 04:42 PM
So my father in law calls me up to come and have a look at his cruiser. I'm a nice guy so I pop over. He tells me that there's a rattle coming from somewhere under his rig. Been there about two weeks. Says it sounds like a couple of nuts rattling around in a stubbie. I laugh and say yeah whatever and we go for a drive.

Once we get going well bugger me the sound appears and blow me down if it doesn't sound exactlty like two nuts rattling around in a stubbie. It's exactly that. We stop the car, look over everything, and we're none the wiser.

It seems to happen when it's accelerating up hill, and turning left but not right. Power on turning doesn't seem to matter.

We've checked all the exhaust hangers, circlips, suspension, brakes etc. You know, we looked over pretty much everything. The only thing I can think of is somthing loose in the muffler???

Any suggestions? It's doing both our heads in.

5th January 2013, 05:12 PM
Haha yeah there might be one in the glove box. Wouldn't that be a classic.

Sir Roofy
5th January 2013, 05:17 PM
Baffels in the muffler or loose nuts and bolts on the zorst

5th January 2013, 05:24 PM
It's louder outside the passenger window than the drivers window. Sounds like its coming from just behind the front left wheel. But again, it only comes on when we're above about 60 so it's hard to tell hanging out the window.

Thanks Roofy I'll check it out.

5th January 2013, 07:32 PM
Snorkel/airbox might be a go-er I'll check that first thing in the morning.

5th January 2013, 07:43 PM
Hey guys, we are talking about a cruiser, the noise is it on the left looking from the front of the car(I use the term loosely) or is it on the left sitting in the car(passengers side).

Snorkel placement on Cruisers are different to Patrols.


5th January 2013, 08:27 PM
what ever it is if it sounds like that then it must be something loose inside something hollow.
so it sounds exactly like nuts in a stubbie............ and its loudest outside on the passenger side.........exhaust side...... shouldnt be baffles caz wouldnt that change with the right foot.........you say its above 60 so is it safe to say your cruising and revs are down........... snorkels on drivers side but noise on passenger side....

gotta be something that changes with speed like air flow into snorkel or something else. sorry now my brain hurts

5th January 2013, 09:09 PM
Wouldnt be tailshaft uni joints??

6th January 2013, 03:37 AM
Some-things touching tail shaft ?.
Loose bash plate ?.
loose heat shield ?.

I know give the outlaws head a quick rattle, not in there!.
Its alright my outlaw dives a troopy, so we can say things like that.


7th January 2013, 09:59 PM
any updates mate?

7th January 2013, 11:02 PM
I would go with the resignator or baffles in the exhaust pipe muffler, had the same issues once on a toyota of a mates, to cheat I jacked the car up, put a 4x2 timber on end appx 4" from the centre of the muffler & dropped the jack, the weight of the car come down on the muffler under the timber & crushed the muffler in the middle a little bit, shut it up good & proper, went for another year or 3 before replacement, sometimes they just come loose inside the muffler but dont affect performance, it was a very annoying noise from memory

13th January 2013, 01:35 PM
Hi Snewin,
mate, this might sound funny......but has the old man changed a wheel recently??? I recently changed a tyre on a car...(not my Patrol :-) ) & had put the screws for the centre piece IN the centre piece...so as not to loose them. I put the new wheel on, but miss counted how many screws there were. 1 was left in the centre piece. I drove around for a day trying to work out wtf!!
Like I said mate....I know it sounds funny, but!!

good luck


13th January 2013, 01:44 PM
So are exhaust depending. on motor .eeer not that I,d Know.
I know nothing, nothing I tell you.

guts of muffler could be rusted out, stones caught behind disc guard
The white one had 2 x diff lock and 350 chev

14th January 2013, 05:35 PM
Wow, that's a lot to try. The father-in-law is currently skiing in Japan. Not bad for an unemployed painter. When he gets back I'll check all of the above. It's exactly like "something loose inside something hollow" as suggested above. Sorry for the late response work's been hectic over the break.

14th January 2013, 05:42 PM
Jesus if he can afford to go to Japan to bloody well go down mountains fast then maybe he could pay a mechanic ???

If I want to go down hill fast I will take heroin!!!!!!

14th January 2013, 06:11 PM
Jack up each wheel one at a time - give it a spin to see if you can hear the noise in any of the wheels

14th January 2013, 06:13 PM
I also had a rattle like that from the rods that they weld on to the nuts which they push into the chassis to bolt the towbar on with....

14th January 2013, 06:32 PM
Sounds like me getting out of bed on a cold morning, oh come on thats funny

15th January 2013, 06:13 AM
Sounds like me getting out of bed on a cold morning, oh come on thats funny

lmao, I will remember this saying, to good