View Full Version : Watch out for Wicked Campervans on the road.

29th December 2012, 03:58 PM
Wicked campervans are not difficult to identify & if you see one approaching you whilst out on the road you might just want to take a little more care than usual.

This is a current advertisement of theirs which I feel has crossed a threshold of acceptable advertising standards.


I am not some sort of uptight 'square' who can't see the humor in it (having smoked the stuff regularly for many years up until 12 months ago) but for the first time I have made a complaint to the advertising standards people at http://www.adstandards.com.au/ as to associate & appear to condone the use of mind altering drugs when driving is just plain irresponsible & dangerous. What next ..... "If you like driving pissed hire one of our campers"?


Sir Roofy
29th December 2012, 04:09 PM
Dos,nt read real good but im guessing business might be slacking off
just hope no one takes it to serious

29th December 2012, 04:13 PM
What did you give up for cuppa???, should never give up the good things in life *L*

I don't really see anything wrong with it, its just an advertising gimmick, I would put money on that 99% that sign up to that deal don't smoke or take any other form of mind altering drugs.

It didn't say " If you like driving stoned hire one of our campers "

29th December 2012, 04:17 PM
Wicked campervans are not difficult to identify & if you see one approaching you whilst out on the road you might just want to take a little more care than usual.

This is a current advertisement of theirs which I feel has crossed a threshold of acceptable advertising standards.


I am not some sort of uptight 'square' who can't see the humor in it (having smoked the stuff regularly for many years up until 12 months ago) but for the first time I have made a complaint to the advertising standards people at http://www.adstandards.com.au/ as to associate & appear to condone the use of mind altering drugs when driving is just plain irresponsible & dangerous. What next ..... "If you like driving pissed hire one of our campers"?


Good work Cuppa - same goes, no prude by any means by that ad is even worse than you describe once I viewed it ... humour?? Not when I go to jail for slaughtering some f'wit German backpacker who's just taken out my family coz they think it's all "just a joke" driving on our (not so fantastic) national highways ...

Not impressed by this one at all I must say ...

29th December 2012, 04:20 PM
It didn't say " If you like driving stoned hire one of our campers "

the intimation is strong enough Toddie ... walking the edge of the law and common sense (the more important of the two) doesn't mean the stupid and reckless don't sign up thinking it'd be "über cool" to do it ...

The BigFella
29th December 2012, 04:50 PM
advertising gimmick or not, thats just plain stupid!
If they arent raked over the coals for this then the guberment are softer then we already suspect they are!

I see these all over the country, I have to admit that I shudder when passing one as almost, and I must stress almost every vehicle passed is piloted by a long haired hippy with that look of no common sense we have become familiar with on our roads.
Its bad enough when they cant follow our road rules as it is, but to encourage driving whilst under the influence, any influence is just stupid.

29th December 2012, 05:21 PM
the up side of the wicked camper when driving interstate usuall means a van load of northern europian girls when to admire when you pull into a parking bay not that i would ever do such a thing i must admit to smelling unusual herbs when ever i have wandered passed a wicked camper but i thought they were cooking pasta and had some very strong origano. but i digress!!!!

deffinatly not a good message to send i wonder if they would hire you one if you walking sucking dooby and asking for a van???? maybe their marketing guys should think outside the square and offer an oscar with every 2 day hire!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOOLOOLOOLOOL shit cant stop giggling

29th December 2012, 06:03 PM
What the?

I now buy smokes in shatty khaki packaging, and my beers have don't drink when pregnant warnings(these are both legal drugs) now you get this. I'm no prude but for crying out loud where are the morality police for this one.

I know it's a gimmick, but what's next if you are a heroin addict here's a a set of maps to all the local chemists so you can do a ram raid.

For F**K Sake

29th December 2012, 06:32 PM
That crosses the line IMO

29th December 2012, 06:35 PM
Let me think about this......

Long haired hippy smoking drugs, local going down to the pub for a few 2 many schooners, the 50 billion immigrants on the road that don't know what side of the road they should drive on or what that sign in English says, People that drive 10kph - 20kph under the speed limit, those that don't know what indicators are, Those that don't know how to merge onto a freeway / motorway......

The list is endless with the amount of f'wits that are legally allowed to drive on the road yet shouldn't

My money is on the hippie smokin pot in the wicked camper van

At the end of the day it still just comes down to plain old common sense.

Yeh I don't agree with the add, but I don't have to watch it or view it.

How many would of seen this add if cuppa never brought it to our attention...... probably none of us

29th December 2012, 07:16 PM
Fair comment Todd,

But a line has been crossed, and where would we be about snatch straps and towballs if it wasn't brought to our attention.

Although I don't normally advocate this, but maybe this thread should be closed before it get's silly and out of control.

Just a thought


29th December 2012, 07:27 PM
What line Mark??? Like the 50 million tab adds on TV saying its ok to bet???? Betting ruins peoples lives, people commit suicide from depression.........

I do understand where your coming from cuppa for posting this but where does common sense start and end.

Will close this thread off.

AB or any other mod feel free to open this back up if you feel the need 2

29th December 2012, 07:33 PM
It's been going on since the 60's and has only just been made an offense (in SA anyway) ah ah ah I'm not saying I agree with it but I'm drunk at the moment and wanna have my say ;) I have often enjoyed a university cigarette, joint, spliff, number, ganja, wacky tabaccy, bong, bucket bong, desert bong, pipe, cookie chillum, to name but a few. I lived in the hills most my life I did drive stoned, albeit very slowly hahahahhaha. I had long hair and me mate had dreads, he owned a combi, we surfed, fished and got lady friends in on the action very often. Ahhh memories. BUT there's no way we woulda hired one of those. The advert is dodgy and you surely will attract the attention of the law driving one. I've lost me trainmofvthought now but did have a point I thought of before hahahahhaha ha and no I don't indulge anymore its the alcohol talkin anyway they look like dangerous pieces of sh!t without advertising for stoners to drive me! Maybe that was my original point ;)

HaveA tapped out new year

29th December 2012, 09:02 PM
Just for Plassy

29th December 2012, 09:20 PM
How many would of seen this add if cuppa never brought it to our attention...... probably none of us

True ... coz we're not tourists hiring camper vans old mate ... but I reckon heaps of tourists who are actually looking to hire camper vans would have seen it and thought it hilarious that an Aussie company accepts their 'pot smoking whilst driving' habits ...

My last comment on the topic though ... thanks for re-opening boss!! lol

29th December 2012, 09:23 PM
Thanks for reopening the thread toddie. But hopefully not "just for plassy"

No just for Plassy *L*

29th December 2012, 09:47 PM
I reckon they'd Dutch up alright with the pop top

HaveA tapped out new year

29th December 2012, 10:04 PM
Nothing quite like a dutch oven

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

29th December 2012, 10:13 PM
Agree clunky unless its if the fart variety hahahahahahahaha yukko

HaveA tapped out new year

29th December 2012, 10:18 PM
Agree clunky unless its if the fart variety hahahahahahahaha yukko

HaveA tapped out new year

Man oh man I'm ripe for some dutch ovens right now lol............

Ever been to Amsterdam? Wonderful place and natives were damn friendly too

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

29th December 2012, 10:21 PM
Man oh man I'm ripe for some dutch ovens right now lol............

Ever been to Amsterdam? Wonderful place and natives were damn friendly too

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

Lotsa mates av but wifey says I'm
Probably not allowed to go without her hahahahahahahaha can't understand why

HaveA tapped out new year

29th December 2012, 10:36 PM
I can't understand why either mating, seeing as its such a wholesomeplace

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

29th December 2012, 10:44 PM
I can't understand why either mating, seeing as its such a wholesomeplace

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

She kinda indicated the same with the full moon parties in Thailand :(

HaveA tapped out new year

29th December 2012, 11:03 PM
She kinda indicated the same with the full moon parties in Thailand :(

HaveA tapped out new year

And no doubt you can see a lot more than full moons

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

29th December 2012, 11:21 PM
That's shocking . Same sorta thing when gta (a computer game ) came out they would give you a discount if you could show them a current speeding fine in your name

31st December 2012, 08:47 AM
I wouldn't hire one of their chit boxes anyway. All the vans I have seen on the road barely look roadworthy.

3rd January 2013, 02:00 PM

3rd January 2013, 02:35 PM
Muff Management ;).........................I'm hiring one and driving it around, hope wicked camper-vans don't get upset with me for spray painting my mobile number on the van