View Full Version : I'm just too old

23rd November 2010, 11:47 AM
Just bought a 2008 (selling a 1990GQ diesel) and was looking for a w/shop manual.Got this site but find I need to post 25 threads before I get access to a download.
Mate, at 67 and without a life, there's no way I could write 25 anythings without either boring the world to death or dying of old age myself and that's assuming I ever find out what a thread is let alone a thread tool (and there I was thinking I'd finally worked out the difference between a useful and a useless tool).
Ah well, just keep looking I guess.

DX grunt
23rd November 2010, 11:53 AM
G'day Col.T

Welcome to the forum. You'd be surprised at how easy it is to knock up 25 threads. All you need to do is put up a some pics, read a few threads and respond, and tell us what you need to do or want to do with your truck.

What part of OZ are you from?

Plenty to talk about and you'll rack em up in no time.

Take care out there.

DX grunt

PS....Feel free to talk to me, or any other forum members at any time. We all need typing practice!

23rd November 2010, 12:18 PM
Welcome on board Mate & whats this about being to old???? Mate we have a member here that was best mates with Noah in kinder...(weren't you Doggy).....lolol

All jokes aside there are plenty of real friendly ppl here so if you like what you see & want to stick around then do so cos theirs lots of help if you need it.


23rd November 2010, 12:21 PM
PS....Feel free to talk to me, or any other forum members at any time. We all need typing practice!

With 1,759 posts under your belt Rossco this one is getting a bit old mate.....lolololololololol....

Bloody drama QUEEN......HAHAHAHAHAH.

23rd November 2010, 12:36 PM
I am 68 years young and still enjoy Fishing & 4 WD (sightseeing now mostly). Wont take too long to rack up 25 posts. This is a Post

23rd November 2010, 12:56 PM
G'day Col - as said, easy to rack up the miles (so to speak) on the forum - just go into any thread, and if you have an opinion, story, piece of information, question, etc, then just slap it in there!!! All the best mate - throw up some pics in the members ride section also to show us your vehicle ...

23rd November 2010, 04:54 PM
Hey Col,Welcome to Trol town buddy.
Good to see you on baord the best forum around.
Heaps of handy information,Great bunch of people with a s*** load of knowledge and experience with plenty of good advice.
Your time here will be well worth the effort buddy, very friendly bunch of guys, its a great place!
A few good laughs along the way as well. Your never told old buddy. Soldier on, you will get there. 25 its not in years buddy its posts.

Good luck buddy, Welcome aboard and Enjoy the ride.

Cheers Pete

23rd November 2010, 05:31 PM
Welcome to the forum Col.

Great bunch of friendly guys / girls on here always willing to help out where they can
25 posts is easy to achieve without trying, want another post, tell me your suburb / location so i can add you to the members map.
Its that easy.




23rd November 2010, 05:53 PM
Come on Col it ain't that hard mate, even if you don't know much about Patrols like me, you can still join in on the real intelligenthttp://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/ conversations we have.
Oh and by the way, Welcome to the forum mate.

Finly Owner
23rd November 2010, 10:57 PM
col welcome to nissans nut house mate.

A post is a message, a thread is a subject.

Mate just ask us what we are saying if you aren't sure of shorthand abbreviations.

eg: BTW= By The Way
IMHO= In My Honest Opinion
LOL= Laughing Out Loud
ROFLMAO= Rolling On Floor Laughing My A@#se Off

So it is quite easy to pick up on.

Just type replys back in any thread that looks interesting to you.


24th November 2010, 06:46 PM
Can't imagine why you'd want to map the losers and old far*s but I'm from Adelaide, Seaview Downs and thanks for the response

24th November 2010, 06:56 PM
to 'Finly Owner'
Finny baby
Jeez man, that's way too many letters man. I'm just savouring a beautiful home made lager or three and that's for sure one alphabet too far.
Still I do appreciate the thought and they they say it's the thought that counts,

24th November 2010, 07:05 PM
To Bigrig
Thanks for the reply Biggy Babe
Love the toolbox, reminds me for no reason at all of the golden oldie 'never use force, get a bigger hammer'.
Been maintaining the GQ for about 15 years now and the need to get a bigger hammer has been a great temptation on the odd occasion but I still put my money on a newer model.
Frontals are the way to go for sure,,,,,,guaranteed. Col.T

24th November 2010, 07:09 PM
Come on Col, we're not letting you off that easily! Tell us a bit about your Patrol, where you've been and where you plan to go.
I'm sure some of the guys here would appreciate some home brew tips too.
Welcome to the forum by the way.


25th November 2010, 06:51 PM
Can't say much about the wagon. There's a wheel on each corner and all the stuff in the middle gets more complicated with each model.Do all my own servicing and repairs except injector systems and a lot of electrical type stuff. Good thing is over about 400K, the old 4.2 diesel has been a dream. Hope like hell the new zd30 goes at least half as well.
Got a van and have most covered except the far N/W corner, scheduled for next year.Oh and by the way we are bird watchers, photographers and recorders.

26th November 2010, 12:33 PM
don't know what "clack, clack, clack' means but with respect to my Patrol, I hope you can keep it at your end.

Finly Owner
27th November 2010, 12:11 AM
Col have you realeased any recordings of the birds? Like on cd or something or are you still collecting at moment? Is there a particular family of birds you photograph? Parrots, finch, waterbirds, or just take what is there at the time?


28th November 2010, 01:54 PM
No recordings although I'd like to make/get some for myself.
Only stuff I've got is photographic. Would have shots of maybe 300 plus from all over (except that last N/W corner). I'll have to count them one day.
Type of bird looked for is the next one seen and place to to look is the next place visited. It's all good.

28th November 2010, 02:00 PM
Tim again
Sorry, I just realised. 'Recording' in our case is making records of what's seen and where. Another 'lingo' word for it is atlassing.
The records go to Birds Australia's galactic headquarters and are subsequently used as raw data for scientific research.
Takes me a while but I get there (sometimes).

28th November 2010, 02:06 PM
To Bigrig
Thanks for the reply Biggy Babe
Love the toolbox, reminds me for no reason at all of the golden oldie 'never use force, get a bigger hammer'.
Been maintaining the GQ for about 15 years now and the need to get a bigger hammer has been a great temptation on the odd occasion but I still put my money on a newer model.
Frontals are the way to go for sure,,,,,,guaranteed. Col.T

You sweet talker you!! lmfao ... doing well on the posts Colly Cutey (couldn't resist old mate!!!) ... your part of the furniture round here already!!!! Well, time to go and crack another tinny!!

28th November 2010, 02:44 PM
You're almost half way Col, don't give up now!
What color is your Patrol?


Old Fisho
28th November 2010, 03:43 PM
Hello Col,
I think I'm replying to your amusing post. I only think its a post. I have no B idea what I'm doing. I did read a lot of stuff before I started typing so I hope I don't p anyone off. If I get nothing else from joining this forum I have had a giggle at your honesty and maybe if you respond to this attempt of mine to say hello, you might be one more "post??" toward the manual.

Finly Owner
28th November 2010, 11:05 PM
now see you are getting the hang of it. The only way to p peolple off is to to be rude, swear in full words or multiple post which the Mods can explain.


30th November 2010, 10:01 AM
Would you believe it's an amazingly original, different, unique colour.
Believe they call it Arctic white.
Surprisingly, I think I saw one just like it the other day.

30th November 2010, 10:07 AM
Praise the Lord.
Thought I was the only one without a clue. If you're old and I'm old I wonder if there's a clue in there someplace? Any idea if it gets any worse?
Hang in there

30th November 2010, 10:35 AM
Only 5 more posts. Go for it