View Full Version : Lets hope.... More NT NP track access....

20th December 2012, 11:01 AM

I hope this gets up. The parks up here are at their amazing best during the wet season. But for decades now they have been closed.....

20th December 2012, 02:57 PM
Sounds good just pray it doesn't end up scattered in loo paper like the Simmo and the Cape
Gotta love the Territory, lived in Alice and Darwin over the years

20th December 2012, 04:20 PM
I love all the tree hugging, man hating comments. If these wankers actually got out and saw for themselves all the so called damage we do then they might change their opinions. And as for the big boys toys/ jetskiers, isn't this what a free country is all about. Yes there has to be rules and yes there a few who ruin it for the rest but that goes for EVERTHING! These people need to grow up it they think a track through the bush 2 maybe 3 meters wide is going to ruin the whole ecosystem. Get a life!

20th December 2012, 06:29 PM
sounds like a pack of whingers responding to the thread, get out and walk, well they can if they want, i will be driving.

20th December 2012, 07:09 PM
like ur comment there Stropp :)

My reply to anyone that says to me "don't let four-wheel drives in as they will destroy the bush" or close that down for the same reason is: Do you live in a house?, wasn't there bush there once? were tress cut down to build your house???, were do you work??? wasn't there bush there once upon a time.

They soon back out of the conversation

20th December 2012, 07:18 PM
The anti freedom "banter" up here has really got out of hand since the last Gumbyment was tossed out of office. The loonie lefties that have migrated up here over the last 10 years or so are sooooo peeved that they dont have a voice any more. Lets hope they all move back to mexico.... Any one that wants to have a really nice adventure in their Trollie truck (that what my youngest calls our new Patrol) should take the time to do some exploring up here. Dont let the water melons put you off.

20th December 2012, 11:40 PM
Yeh cc I have lived in both Alice and Darwin, there are some great spots up there.

21st December 2012, 06:01 AM
4wders have a bad name don't we. I can see the point of the hippies some people will wreck it. Id imagine it would be dangerous up there in the wet season though. I could see to many inexperienced people head out hurt themselves or the bush since everyone has a 4wd these days. I liked the comment there that 4wd s were suburban killers. I do think that if there was a separate 4wd licence education and a national park licence you had to pay for it would cut the hoons from those that care about it.

21st December 2012, 11:08 AM
sorry macca but while that is a good idea the problem with that is the irresponsible hoons will not get a license and just go anyway and the nt govt dont have the funds to be in all those places up there, its a vast area and they cant be verywhere unfortunately.

21st December 2012, 11:42 AM
Once a few get caught and cars impounded they might not bit these people just don't give a truck. Just sucks the 80-90% of people get banned for minorities

21st December 2012, 12:20 PM
Once a few get caught and cars impounded they might not bit these people just don't give a truck. Just sucks the 80-90% of people get banned for minorities

Aint that the truth. Time will tell, but in February 2013 the new NT Gov are due to scrap the 130kph limit up here in favour of the old (//). The last gov were told time and again that a speed limit on the hiways out here would kill people. And it did (record high road toll since into of speed limits).

And that folley was all because of a bunch of minorities......