View Full Version : GQ Patrol

22nd November 2010, 07:04 PM
Hi just got a new patrol and trying to get to 25 posts so that I can get the free GQ manual

22nd November 2010, 07:16 PM
Welcome to the forum, getting 25 posts isn't hard to do, tell us a little bit about yourself, what model GQ u have.

Very nice bunch of guys n girls on here always willing to help out where they can.

Stop in at the members map thread and leave your suburb so i can add you to the map



22nd November 2010, 07:25 PM
Hey crispy creams, welcome to Trol town buddy.
As Todd says, great bunch of guys / gals with a S***load of knowledge and experience and always willing to help out with your prob's. Sharing is caring!!
With a few laughs as well. Hope you hang around after you get your free manual.
Good luck buddy, welcome aboard and enjoy the ride.

Cheers Pete

22nd November 2010, 07:58 PM
Welcome mate, a bit more info about yourself would be great, at least you are honest.

GU 2.8
22nd November 2010, 08:53 PM
i have only just found this forum but i think there is more to it then just a manual.

22nd November 2010, 08:55 PM
Welcome on board & I hope you enjoy the forum.

Finly Owner
23rd November 2010, 12:41 AM
Hi and welcome to Nissans Nut House , of course you can get your manual after 25 posts, but. if you stay around you'll learn a lot more that you won't find in books. We are the friendliest forum around, our membership numbers prove it. So hoping to hear your stories, see your pics, and read many of your posts.


DX grunt
23rd November 2010, 06:35 PM
Hey bro. Do you have a first name? If so, it'd be good if you could share it. lol. 25 posts won't take long.

What sort of troll do you have?

Welcome to the forum.

Take care out there.

DX grunt

23rd November 2010, 09:01 PM
welcome aboard mate hope you hang around theres definatly more to here than just a manual

23rd November 2010, 09:06 PM
have we scared the newbie off already????? first newbie i've seen not in a hurry to get 25 posts up and get access to the manuals