View Full Version : Why...................

15th December 2012, 10:45 AM
Condolences to the parents of the young ones........................makes me sick as a father to watch stuff like this happen, why do people like this have a weapon or access to weapons.....im not a gun hater but this is getting out of control.


15th December 2012, 10:49 AM
mate i am with you all the way, the gutless F##k, what i would not do to someone that does that to innocent kids!! very sad for all those touched by this tradgedy.

Forced Offroad
15th December 2012, 10:58 AM
American's, Right to Bear Arms......

Obama through his 1st campaign wanted to changes the laws about the Right to Bear Arms and what gun you can own.. When he was Elected the sale of guns and automatic guns like the M16 went through the roof.

Sad news and horrific. Kindy to Grade 4. weak F##K

15th December 2012, 11:12 AM
You cant buy an M16, not for a long time now.

As stated in the other thread of the same subject that it is the attitude of the nation and a country built on violence.

Canada has more guns per capita than most free countries in the world but one of the lowest murder by guns!!!

I am sickened by this crime and cannot understand why Americans as a whole cannot see the irony????

15th December 2012, 11:20 AM
Just a disgrace and a tragedy !! I have kids the same age. My thoughts are with the families.

Forced Offroad
15th December 2012, 11:30 AM
You cant buy an M16, not for a long time now.

I am sickened by this crime and cannot understand why Americans as a whole cannot see the irony????

True, Should have explained mysel more, Still get them if Registered pre 1986. Point was still buy Guns every where there.

15th December 2012, 12:05 PM
Guns are votes short and simple,
thoughts with those affected

15th December 2012, 12:24 PM
I also have 3 kids of primary age and I couldn't believe how someone could do such a thing......no matter how much he hated his parents.....why the kids and those unconnected?
Biggest problem I recon they'll have in America will simply be the number of guns already out there....
That's why the gun lobby over there will argue that if one of the teachers were carrying then they could have finished him off b4 he got too carried away......that is the usual argument from them.
I'm not against guns that are fit for purpose and used for said purpose but something has to change over there.
Having spent time in the USA on business, they are great people and there is a real grassroots desire for change but someone has to have political courage.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

15th December 2012, 12:29 PM
They have just passed another gun law to stop car jacking
If anyone attempts to hijack your car using a gun you are legally allowed to shoot them.
Has that much really changed since all us innocent people handed in our heirloom weapons.
that were only ever used for HUNTING.

DX grunt
15th December 2012, 03:48 PM
RIP little ones and the others.

Hope the only 'survivor' doesn't have too many traumatic memories to deal with.

15th December 2012, 05:02 PM
So glad we live in the sunny country we call OZ. 23367

15th December 2012, 05:11 PM
Trouble is Mego we are being Americanised every year. Not my cup of tea as we lose our identity as Aussies.
We're probably only 10-15 yrs behind the Septic tanks, and catching quick

15th December 2012, 05:40 PM
My wife just told me something about 20 kids being stabbed in china. Bloody hell, has Satan come up for a day.

15th December 2012, 05:44 PM
Whats it called in the NT , "SILLY SEASON"
It used to be called suicide season, funny how things change

15th December 2012, 06:02 PM
I will stay the course with out being militant about it.... I am an Aussie with all my family being from England.. I was born here and am proud.

My wife is Italiano back ground but she considers her self an aussie.

I am tired of Americans and there attitude, I have worked with many and only like a few.

My wife has been offered work there but refused as she knows I dont like them much and either does she on a whole????

I do like Canadians though........... I am still so sick about what has happened, I love children and have all the time for good kids and cannot get to grips why or how this could happen??????????????????????????

15th December 2012, 06:13 PM
This wont make your day any better then BA some clown in China has gone nuts stabbing 20 kids in a school I think.
Is this what we have become,surely we're better than this

15th December 2012, 06:26 PM
I am no longer going to dwell on this subject as this year I will be taking my family down the coast and actually enjoying Xmas so I am going to tune out to the world around me!!!!!!

15th December 2012, 06:41 PM
And say so all of us, mods close please

15th December 2012, 06:45 PM
I think what happened in both countries is just disgusting, I don't so much believe in capital punishment but I do believe these sort of people need to be tourchered every day for a week then left to recover then start all over again.

15th December 2012, 06:49 PM
Time to close this thread IMO