View Full Version : 27 Dead in Connecticut USA - Heart Breaking

15th December 2012, 07:21 AM
Sitting in a hotel in Sydney and saw this on the news this morning. I have a very definite opinion on US gun laws, but irrespective, it's still people killing people so no point in debating that issue.

The fact this bloke has walked into an elementary school and taken out 27 people (including 18 kids) is horrific ... we send our kids to school with the realistic assumption of their safety being a given.

My heart breaks at the thought of those parents who've received news of having their child's life taken this morning by a crazed 24 year old gunman rampaging their school ... not news any parent should have to deal with in any nation around the world.

15th December 2012, 07:23 AM
Yeah, I've been watching the news this morning as well and just can't believe how some one could shoot kids!!!

Low life scum probably shot himself as well...not sure on this

Thoughts go out to the parents, I can't imagine what they are going through

15th December 2012, 07:55 AM
So bloody pointless, there are some F'd up people in the world who go out of their way to make other peoples lives a misery.

Feel so sad for the families of all involved, I really wish I knew how to stop this sort of thing happening.

Dont envy the authorities, probably be the same as before... carry on as usual.

Untill the next time.

15th December 2012, 07:58 AM
Very sad news Scotty, Thought go out to the parents

I know I wouldn't cope getting news like that..... more so that it happened at a school where as you say "we send our kids to school with the realistic assumption of their safety being a given"

What are you doing sitting at a hotel in Sydney anyway and not at my place drinking beers??????

15th December 2012, 08:00 AM
Absolutely horrific. Just too much to really be able to comprehend.

15th December 2012, 08:09 AM
What are you doing sitting at a hotel in Sydney anyway and not at my place drinking beers??????

Bit of a taxi fare from where I am mate!! lol

15th December 2012, 08:11 AM
I am horrified, it is unspeakable to do this sort of thing.

I really am struggling with this... we as human beings that in this day and age still commit horrific acts upon each other??

It's not the guns but the attitude of a nation, Canada has more guns per capita and one of the lowest murder by firearms.

my third 256
15th December 2012, 08:19 AM
only in the USA bring back corporal punishment and death sentence
5 lashes a day for the rest of his life
put him on the rack
thumb screws
ball and chain
child rapists cut off their hands then they cant grab the kids
in arab countrys they cut off your right hand if you steal the shame is you have to eat with the hand that you wipe your ass with

15th December 2012, 08:36 AM
I just am lost for words.

15th December 2012, 08:23 PM
Condolences to those that are lost and those that have lost.............

Just don't forget, America is not alone when it comes to these things, every country has had its mass murderers at some stage........ so a little less "only in America"

You may as close this thread as well Doggy, seeing as you've closed the other one.