View Full Version : Reneging on a deal! geez i hate that!

13th December 2012, 09:18 PM
G'evening Patrol Trendsetters!

I now have had the unpleasant experience off three unscrupulous squeezers reneging on deals over the last two years! Has anyone else suffered a similar fate!

PS, I thought it was the Aussie way, that if you agreed on a price that was it. Not to bull-shite and fail to turn up to purchase the goods or fail to sell you the goods promised!



13th December 2012, 09:24 PM
That s!cks mate, never had a bad experience yet buying stuff of ebay, but then again I wouldn't say I have bought a heap of stuff.

Are you selling on ebay / gumtree or just word of mouth through forums or friends???

13th December 2012, 09:34 PM
I've sold 3 cars on eBay and got annoyed at the I'll swap my dirtbike or 3x vl commodores and a 6 pack. Or when you say I'm taking the action price and you get wankers offering half what its worth before action end.
I just bought a gearbox off a bloke and kept msg him so he knew I was genuine. Too many tyre pickers out there

13th December 2012, 10:33 PM
Im always hesitant to buy online and I have been caught out a few times selling gear. I think I will just use word of mouth from now it works out well aye macca86 ;)

13th December 2012, 10:36 PM
Easy as. Thanks for that. Now here's hoping the mechanic can find time to finish it tomorrow so I can test drive and go to the farm for a shoot on the weekend

14th December 2012, 07:40 AM
Pisses me off, I sold my Hilux 3 times and some lighting truss twice all in a 6 week period ????/

14th December 2012, 07:43 AM
Have purchased 2 Patrols on Ebay without any problems. Just make sure that they have a good Rating.

14th December 2012, 09:51 AM
G'day Trendsetters!

Case 1

My wife and I sold our home in 2003 on the Sunshine coast and went Vendor finance for a Real estate agent. This agent was well known at the time. In 2008 i had to repossess the property due to the prick failed to make any payments over 12 months. When the scum-bag finally went bankrupt the following monies were owed to the various parties;

1. 5 credit cards owed to Banks and a credit union $127,000.00
2. Tax office $105,000.00
3. Mercedes Benz Australia $ 63,000.00
4. Telstra $ 58,575.00
5. My family $ 50,000.00

I am still shaking my head how banks, the Tax office and Telstra allowed this prick to run up so much dept! Anyhow this scum-bag had to flee back over-seas due to poor health!

Case 2

As mentioned on a previous thread. In 2010, i purchased a Navara D22 from a squeezer in Sydney, I paid a deposit, organised an a flight from Coffs to Sydney, the prick confirmed he would pick me up from the airport. The night before i was due to fly to Sydney, the scum-bag gets his mother to call me and inform me that he accidently sold the car to someone else. After visiting this toe-rag and collecting monies owed, which his parents paid on behalf of there scum-bag son. I started to wonder, what has happened to honor,respect and loyalty when conducting deals.

Case 3

I sold a game fishing reel to a member of a fishing club, six months latter when the scrote had failed to pay me. I then had to repossess the fishing reel from one of his mates to whom he had sold it to. This prick has now fled Coffs Harbour living somewhere else. It turned out that this scumbag owed a lot of money to various people in and around Coffs Harbour.

I have to ask myself, why do people commit to deals when they no they cannot service there dept, why do people bullshit to folks and waste folks time by dishonoring an agreement they never intended to keep. Why cause grieve to themselves by being caught out to being a bull-shit artist and in some cases also end up being recipients by receiving a couple of gangster-slaps! I do not understand peoples logic!



14th December 2012, 10:22 AM
Greed and the "I'm the most important person in the world, therefore the world, and everyone in it, owes me" attitude. It's not a generation or ethnicity problem, just a sad sign of the times unfortunately.

There's probably as many theories as to why society is the way it is as there are instances of this crap happening.

Thankfully though there are plenty of people out there that still adhere to good old fashioned manners and mutual respect for people, whether in social or business settings. This forum is testament to that.

I've always liked a quote from a movie from a few years ago "be excellent to each other".

14th December 2012, 10:50 AM
X 2 with Lonicus just a sign of the time, Way to many people out there willing to scam you at the drop of a hat, They do this for a living.
Received an email from PAYPAL yesterday asking me to renew my information, HELL YEAH/.NO Just replied with some choice words that their
email was Forwarded to PAYPAL for them to chase you, Just Scammers mate they are EVERYWHERE, Really need to be carefull, I use Ebay a a fair bit but just to buy
Only sold one thing and the beauty queen who brought my item decided to give neg Feedback for no reason, go figure, You should know the worlds is full of them
and you and me are all alone, my friend and there's nothing we can do

14th December 2012, 10:54 AM
Hey RLI - sounds like you've had a rough run! Luckily I have sold a bit on ebay and bought a bit too - always use Paypal for my transactions (buying or selling) because it covers you. There'll always be some unscrupulous bugger out there trying to make a quick buck but I agree it seems to be getting more and more common unfortunately. Gone are the days where your handshake is your word for a lot of people - however there are still some of us out there where your word is stronger than a contract.


14th December 2012, 12:02 PM
Greed and the "I'm the most important person in the world, therefore the world, and everyone in it, owes me" attitude. It's not a generation or ethnicity problem, just a sad sign of the times unfortunately.

There's probably as many theories as to why society is the way it is as there are instances of this crap happening.

Thankfully though there are plenty of people out there that still adhere to good old fashioned manners and mutual respect for people, whether in social or business settings. This forum is testament to that.

I've always liked a quote from a movie from a few years ago "be excellent to each other".

G''day Lonicus!

Well stated mate!



14th December 2012, 12:03 PM
Hey RLI - sounds like you've had a rough run! Luckily I have sold a bit on ebay and bought a bit too - always use Paypal for my transactions (buying or selling) because it covers you. There'll always be some unscrupulous bugger out there trying to make a quick buck but I agree it seems to be getting more and more common unfortunately. Gone are the days where your handshake is your word for a lot of people - however there are still some of us out there where your word is stronger than a contract.


G'day Jas,

Like Lonicus, well state mate!



14th December 2012, 12:08 PM
In the good ole days it was just a matter rocking up with a couple mates and a pair of GPMG's (M60 machine guns) RLI in the drivers seat!




14th December 2012, 01:05 PM
Best kitted out Patrol ever there RLI :)

14th December 2012, 01:21 PM
There are no friends in business.......... I got offered a 4wheeler worth about $20,000 for $12,000 and got told I could take it and pay later..... I said sorry mate I do not want to go down that path, you will sell it in no time for someone who has the ready cash.

15th December 2012, 07:16 AM
There are no friends in business.......... I got offered a 4wheeler worth about $20,000 for $12,000 and got told I could take it and pay later..... I said sorry mate I do not want to go down that path, you will sell it in no time for someone who has the ready cash.

Thanks mate!

PS, i note you are on 999. A congrats is near!



15th December 2012, 04:05 PM
G'evening Patrol Trendsetters!

I now have had the unpleasant experience off three unscrupulous squeezers reneging on deals over the last two years! Has anyone else suffered a similar fate!

PS, I thought it was the Aussie way, that if you agreed on a price that was it. Not to bull-shite and fail to turn up to purchase the goods or fail to sell you the goods promised!



If your talkin maybe egay selling,happens all the time
As for other things,i dont like to be stuffed around,i know life can turn for the worst,and im pritty flexible really
So if a deal was done and you rang me (another thing people have forgot how to do ) and told me something happened and youll be another week,or youll let me know then,no probs
Its all the toolbags who think people will wait while they budget $1 a fortnite from their dole paymenst, then 12 months later ,"Still got the bits maaaate"
Those people annoy me
People who dont have the complete amount,turn up haggle a price,and you think a deal will be done, then they pull out $100,"Yeah heres a deposit ,pick it up in month "
Those people annoy me
Wasting time getting freight costs,let the buyer know,then a week or more later , "Nah mate bought elsewhere,last week "
Those people annoy me

Other than that,yeah no isues i can see .......

15th December 2012, 08:47 PM
If your talkin maybe egay selling,happens all the time
As for other things,i dont like to be stuffed around,i know life can turn for the worst,and im pritty flexible really
So if a deal was done and you rang me (another thing people have forgot how to do ) and told me something happened and youll be another week,or youll let me know then,no probs
Its all the toolbags who think people will wait while they budget $1 a fortnite from their dole paymenst, then 12 months later ,"Still got the bits maaaate"
Those people annoy me
People who dont have the complete amount,turn up haggle a price,and you think a deal will be done, then they pull out $100,"Yeah heres a deposit ,pick it up in month "
Those people annoy me
Wasting time getting freight costs,let the buyer know,then a week or more later , "Nah mate bought elsewhere,last week "
Those people annoy me

Other than that,yeah no isues i can see .......

G'evening MQ Mad,

Well stated mate!
