View Full Version : MQ/MK in iran

13th December 2012, 06:52 PM
hi , i am alireza from iran
i study math at sharif university of tech which is in the 30 best universities word wide.
i am tring to find a patrol.
u can here it from my side for a change:)

price for used one in good condition is around 1000$ to 6000$ :O :O

i will restrore it myself and make a monster out of it
thats my dream

currently i have mazda 3 2010

p.s. we are not terrorists
we live in a total dictator ship

first step:i want to buy a new engine ,new dif,and a new gear box and ...

my first question :i wanna buy a p40 engine ,the front dif is c200 in all models,but the rear dif ,what model should i use ,and what are the differences ??!!

hello and tnx for the greeting "mate",correct?:)

if i have any errors in my writing plz excuse me i am trying my best!!

i have to post 20 post to download the manual ,wtf?

i think so the normal (factory) gearbox for this engine is 4 speed ,but i saw in wikipi.. that it has a 5 speed to ,and its available in iran too ,
but do i have to do any modifications to place the 5 speed gear box?

i am going to buy a body (ofcourse with a junk engine) for about 500$

13th December 2012, 06:56 PM
Gday mate welcome aboard gotta friendly mob here fulla great info and advice, seems like good prices

13th December 2012, 06:56 PM
Hello my friend and welcome plenty of great tips and information
for you here plus a great bunch of people as well, Jump in anytime and Enjoy

13th December 2012, 07:10 PM
Hi mate,

I have moved your thread into the introduction section, as we like new members to introduce themselves first before asking questions and your first post sounded more like an intro than a post about MQ / MK's

If you have a question you are better of asking it in the appropriate category as not all members read the intro thread.

If your not sure what category to post your question in, post up a new thread it in the general section and one of the moderators will move it when they see it..

Anyways, Welcome to the forum mate

Great bunch of members on here always willing to help out where they can.

Enjoy the forum and what it has to offer.



13th December 2012, 07:11 PM
another question where can i see some nice MQ/MK pictures?

13th December 2012, 07:11 PM
G'day buddy, Welcome aboard.
Great bunch here with tons of advice, info, adventures and plenty of laughs to absorb.
Join in and soak it all up. You will meet some top people

Enjoy, cheers Pete

Tappn the App Beers on Tap

13th December 2012, 07:12 PM
ok tnx mate

Sir Roofy
13th December 2012, 07:14 PM
Welcome to the forum mate,enjoy

13th December 2012, 07:16 PM
i have to post 20 post to download the manual ,wtf?
As Growlers has said, there is a reason for it, we do not advertise free manuals, if you read the "read me" threads, you would of read that 25 posts are needed to download the manual.

Don't even think about posting crap as you will only find the posts deleted and yourself banned from the forum.

If you don't like the rules then look for the manuals elsewhere, there are plenty of places on the net to find the manual.



13th December 2012, 07:33 PM
G'day mate and welcome aboard - great people, information and laughs to be found on here, so join in to make the most of it!!!


13th December 2012, 07:44 PM
another question where can i see some nice MQ/MK pictures?

In the members ride thread catergory: http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?4844-Members-MQ-and-MK-Patrols



13th December 2012, 10:41 PM
Welcome to the forum mate

14th December 2012, 05:04 AM
Welcome mate, surely the best forum on the net. If you need it, you can get it, if you want to know it, just ask it.

14th December 2012, 07:01 AM
Welcome aboard mate............

my third 256
14th December 2012, 07:38 AM
hi and welcom to the forum a great mob of people here and a lot of very usefull information
best wishes with your patrolling

14th December 2012, 08:26 AM
Welcome to the forum mate

15th December 2012, 07:18 AM
G'Day and welcome to the forum mate