View Full Version : Beefeater

6th December 2012, 08:18 PM
Has any body seen or used the new Beefeater Bug gas bbq
They are very similar to a Webber Q 200 but have 2 adjustable burners plus halve the cooking is a plate ideal for bacon and eggs and the other halve is a grill. It also has a high lid for roasts.
Would like to know if some one has used one and how good they are

6th December 2012, 09:32 PM
Has any body seen or used the new Beefeater Bug gas bbq
They are very similar to a Webber Q 200 but have 2 adjustable burners plus halve the cooking is a plate ideal for bacon and eggs and the other halve is a grill. It also has a high lid for roasts.
Would like to know if some one has used one and how good they are

Sorry Pearcey cant help ya mate, but if you can get to my joint on Jan 4, Plassy will show ya how to cook a spit lol

6th December 2012, 09:43 PM
G`day mate how things.

i`ll keep the date in mind
things are up and down with the olds in Tas so can`t make to many plans apart from wooooooxxxxxk at Clipsal and the GP which starts late Jan
Hope all`s going well with you and your putting in the good hours at work.
Yes I`ll have to remember it`s SCOTCH not bourboooon

6th December 2012, 10:01 PM
Hey Pearcey,
Yer all good mate, and yourself.
Sorry to hear bout the old's, thats no good,
but I Hope the little ladys doin ok, and your good self of course.

Yes my man, puttin in plenty of hours atm. more than i was painting hahahahaha work that out.
If ya can make it good and well if not with the silly season approaching, i guess ill just have to see you at Clipsal again.

6th December 2012, 10:15 PM
Good on you mate
The lady`s doing real good but still can`t do a lot as far as work but then shes only 18 months from that wonderfull time called RETIREMENT.
She saw the specialist a few weeks back and he was real pleased but also said that there are no garrandties.But hey things are great and there are plenty a lot worse of than us Thanks for your enquires mate it is very much appreciated

6th December 2012, 11:49 PM
Pearcey anything that beefeater make is tried and tested mate they are a top quality unit and the bugg while I haven't used it are a great looking BBQ, I say go for it mate.
Btw I do sell them but haven't had much to with them as they are new.

7th December 2012, 09:31 AM
Thanks Stropp.
It does have a few more advantages over the Q for roughly the same price and also Beefeater is an Aussie company all be it the product is made in China, as is every thing else

7th December 2012, 12:35 PM
Thanks Stropp.
It does have a few more advantages over the Q for roughly the same price and also Beefeater is an Aussie company all be it the product is made in China, as is every thing else

yes you are correct but beefeater do have expats there for quality control, there is NO difference in the product being made in australia to the chinese product, in fact when the originals were sent there one had been damaged in transit so as they were told the product had to be identical guess what they started coming down the production line with a dent in them!!

7th December 2012, 02:33 PM
So is it just a baby "Q" made by Beefeater??? went off thread there for a while.
can't be cheap then, PIC would be good

7th December 2012, 03:43 PM
Hi 3D
There about the same price as the Webber Q200 which is the intermediate Webber, around $400 basic BBQ .
I`m looking at them and the Webber as a long term traveling companion as I readjust from 3 to 4 weeks remote travel to up to 4 or 5 months remote travel. One other thing is the economical use of gas and I think that both stack up very well in those stakes

7th December 2012, 04:07 PM
Easy meals when travelling will hold its price now what else you need to know, two thumbs up for me