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View Full Version : rocker cover removal and vacuum pump

3rd December 2012, 01:23 PM
Hi all.

I'm a newby around here. made up the account yesterday. haven't really done much with it yet.
but it sure will in the next few days.
I own a rb28t engine so ill probably spend a bit of time here asking questions lol

i was just wondering though.
story is that i have a leaking rocker cover. bought the new gasket for it this morning.
then i noticed also it has the vacuum pump sitting on the cover which you need to ajust on the cam before you remove it.

has anyone got any info on this?

I've been around repco and places like that so see if i could get the book. which i now have on order. i even tried going to Nissan but they want me to pay 60 bucks to look it up in the manual and give me the info. after that i had a look in the libary as well.. out of the many many books they have.. the manual i want is being lend out and there is a reserve on it! not much luck lol:furious:

thanks so much already for the help.

Sebastiaan. :p

3rd December 2012, 01:32 PM
Hi Sebastiaan and welcome, might want to pop over to the intro section first to say hello.
Just something the forum asks of all newbies, We get to know abit about you and your ride.
Pics would be nice we love pics .
You'll get a better response to your question as well.

3rd December 2012, 01:45 PM
Hi Sebastiaan and welcome, might want to pop over to the intro section first to say hello.
Just something the forum asks of all newbies, We get to know abit about you and your ride.
Pics would be nice we love pics .
You'll get a better response to your question as well.

haha beaten ya to it matey. after i put this up i went over to the intro section and put up a new thread for ya's.
photos will come soon!

7th December 2012, 09:51 PM
bump :toot:

7th December 2012, 10:55 PM
Unsure mate. Maybe a couple if pics of the engine and the pump and ppl may be able to help

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

7th December 2012, 11:43 PM
yep i could do that. also i have been able to download the manual thanks to the 25 posts and Simshazz for putting it on. gonna have a read of it tomorrow and see what i can do! gotta say this forum is just good aye.. so much to find and very friendly!