View Full Version : Max clearance under diffs.

We Willy
3rd December 2012, 11:50 AM
Have a new patrol ute (last one was a1999 4.2. Great vehicle) and am after the best way to get the maximum clearance without resorting to portal axles. Cheers to all We Willy

3rd December 2012, 12:11 PM
Diff clearance is all about Tyre size. Other than Portals the Only way to increase thew diff clearance is bigger rubber.

If you have a H260 rear diff you can have the Bottom shaved but not sure about the standard diffs.


3rd December 2012, 12:15 PM
Is it a leaf sprung rear? Do people do spring over conversions on these? This won't lift the diff but may help clear the undercarriage., bigger tyres are the only way to lift the the diff.
What is the reason you want more diff clearance?

Tap, crackle, pop

3rd December 2012, 12:20 PM
Never seen that before mudrunner, that looks like a pretty professional job

Tap, crackle, pop

We Willy
4th December 2012, 10:17 AM
Cheers mud runner that looks the go. The reason for max clearance is although getting on a bit we still like to get into interesting places. We generally travel alone and I am past winching/digging,especially in the heat. Were running 285's on the old girl and still got hung up in a few spots. Looking to set the new one up as well as possible before the next trip. Thanks again We Willy

4th December 2012, 10:43 AM
Never seen that before mudrunner, that looks like a pretty professional job

Tap, crackle, pop

Yeah pretty neat hey!

Biders in Cranbourne did that and do lots of kool bar work and Race prep stuff.

4th December 2012, 11:21 AM
Twin lockers would help you a lot. Plus you will never gain that much anyway. for every inch in tyre size you choose you're only really increasing diff height half and inch, then you air down what have you gained Nothing. IMO run 285's with twin lockers and you'd be hard pressed to be stopped, driving the right line.