View Full Version : Bleeding fuel system

1st December 2012, 02:12 PM
Hi Guys.

I need some help. I replaced the fuel filter on my ZD30 and I have been unable to bleed it.

Any tips?

Regards Rodney

1st December 2012, 02:29 PM
Have you removed outlet hose on filter housing and tried to prime with hand pump on filter housing or is yours different .

1st December 2012, 02:37 PM
I've tried it with the outlet off, I've even tried it with the fuel filter loose

1st December 2012, 02:44 PM
Do you have compressed air on hand ? could remove tank filler cap and force air in the tank - but you need to regulate the pressure and reduce considerably . remove hose from inlet side of filter to ensure flow if you consider this option ,

1st December 2012, 03:08 PM
Rodney I have done my fuel a heap of times in the last 6 months trying to sort out a problem. Solved! You should be able to take off the pump side of the fuel filter and put a plastic cup under the outlet and use the hand primer pump. Prepared to pump as much as 200 times if you have too!! It can take a heap to pull up from the tank. Don't give up!

1st December 2012, 03:10 PM
Fuel filter tight outlet off and ship loads of pumping should get it done.

1st December 2012, 03:18 PM
Fuel filter tight outlet off and ship loads of pumping should get it done.

I feel like i've already pump it 200 times, my arms are about to fall off.

Ok I will give it another go.

Cheers mate

1st December 2012, 03:18 PM
Hard and fast mate will get it going initially. The other option is to put a facet pump inline so when you do a service you just hit the key let it pump.

1st December 2012, 03:33 PM
When pumping and you put your finger over the outlet pipe how much pressure should you feel?

Mine feels like there is hardly any if any.

1st December 2012, 04:24 PM
There won't be a lot until you get fuel up to it. How much fuel is in your tank? Do you have a compressor you could knock up a venturi and suck it through

1st December 2012, 04:37 PM
I have a compressor how to I make a venturi?

1st December 2012, 04:59 PM
It's like a "T" piece if you push compressed air through the straight part it moves over the orifice of the t piece and creates a vacuum

1st December 2012, 06:04 PM
It's alive!!!!!!

Thanks for your help guys. I ended up pressurising the fuel tank.

Cheers Rodney