View Full Version : Men's business

DX grunt
27th November 2012, 07:57 PM
I'd thought I'd start ANOTHER THREAD.

This thread is all about bloke to bloke, heart to heart. I want to open it up to blokes who want to 'spill their guts', and for blokes to help them while they go through life's challenges. I don't mind the input from the opposite gender (lol) too. Sometimes, us blokes get it soooooo wrong, especially misinterpreting things!

Today was my youngest bloke's last day at home. He's flown the coup and moved to the big smoke in pursuit of his dream. He's got a job, and with divine intervention, I've been able to put him up in a back packers hotel, for a week and believing that somebody in Perth will come good with a room for him until he's able to stand on his own two feet.

He want's to eventually get a place of his own, but it was a Kodak moment when he opened the door to his 'room' at the backpackers. 3 x unmade bunk beds, and he scored the 4th one - a top bunk. It was a Kodak moment for me, too. lol.

A few prayers, a few hugs, and a few tears prevailed as I said my goodbyes. A bit of fear and excitement prevailed as I walked out that door. I told him I'm only a phone call away, and will support him REASONABLY until he gets his first pay packet.

Thanks for reading this. I'm a bit vulnerable and 'teary' at the moment. lol hahaha


DX grunt
27th November 2012, 08:01 PM
Another question.

I'm married, but living the life of a long distance relationship - something I'm not happy with, but it's best we can do at the moment.

Now that I'm home alone, what do single blokes do besides drink phiss and drive their troll like they stole it? lol

I need ideas.

Take care out there.


27th November 2012, 08:06 PM
Buy an xbox and good quality killing game!

27th November 2012, 08:08 PM
I think Rossco needs a group hug oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

What do you enjoy doing by urself???? and family forum don't be disgusting!

You could always make another 3 word thread story, I'm sure there is enough stuff in it to last you a year or 20 *L*

DX grunt
27th November 2012, 08:08 PM
Buy an xbox and good quality killing game!

Ease up, sunshine!! lol hahahahah

27th November 2012, 08:08 PM
Sounds like you've done all the right things mate.

Letting him go out on his own into the big bad world and make his mark is obviously hard, but you, and your young bloke, will achieve a great sense of achievement when he's standing on his own two feet and says "look what I did Dad!"

If things hit a few bumps along the way he knows you're there to help smooth things out, even if it's just by talking things though with him.

Hey, at least there's one less person in the house to pinch your beers now :)

DX grunt
27th November 2012, 08:09 PM
I think Rossco needs a group hug oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

What do you enjoy doing by urself???? and family forum don't be disgusting!

You could always make another 3 word thread story, I'm sure there is enough stuff in it to last you a year or 20 *L*

Seems I have all this time on my hands, AB might pay me to update what I've already done so far. hahahhaha

27th November 2012, 08:09 PM
Buy an xbox and good quality killing game!

x2................... kill destroy................... kill destroy

27th November 2012, 08:10 PM
Hard one mate I have been away from my partner for over a year and dealt with some serious depression but it passed (was going to ride my bike over train crossing) but that was 16 years ago and we have now been together for 18 years.

I really hope your son does alright as it can be hard for a young male on his own.

Cant get too deep at the moment as I am juggling trying to get my kids to bed right now.... mayhem!!!!

27th November 2012, 08:11 PM
Seems I have all this time on my hands, AB might pay me to update what I've already done so far. hahahhaha

hahahahaha not likely, mods get paid first *LMAO*

DX grunt
27th November 2012, 08:11 PM
Sounds like you've done all the right things mate.

Letting him go out on his own into the big bad world and make his mark is obviously hard, but you, and your young bloke, will achieve a great sense of achievement when he's standing on his own two feet and says "look what I did Dad!"

If things hit a few bumps along the way he knows you're there to help smooth things out, even if it's just by talking things though with him.

Hey, at least there's one less person in the house to pinch your beers now :)

The THANKS button has disappeared, but 'thanks'. lol He doesn't drink or smoke. He's a gym junky that wears gold bling. hahahaha

27th November 2012, 08:11 PM
Projects Rossco, you need projects!

There's an opening to collaborate the 3 word thread into a story apparently...LMAO

Shame mate, not the easiest thing to deal with. I only have a 2 year old daughter but currently applying for my gun license for when she starts dating thats for sure!

DX grunt
27th November 2012, 08:13 PM
Thanks guys.

I can feel the 'lurve' and group hug from here. lol

Really appreciate it.


27th November 2012, 08:13 PM
Get a puppy!


Sir Roofy
27th November 2012, 08:13 PM
Like growlers said or an e-reader rent dvds go for walks bird watch-the feathered kind get a cook book and try cooking and surprise the boss when you get home wth a superdish

27th November 2012, 08:14 PM
The THANKS button has disappeared

So your into the beers then*LMAO* now its time 2 drive ur troll like u stole it!

27th November 2012, 08:14 PM
See if your young bloke left any bling behind and start an ebay account :)

Sir Roofy
27th November 2012, 08:16 PM
projects rossco, you need projects!

There's an opening to collaborate the 3 word thread into a story apparently...lmao

shame mate, not the easiest thing to deal with. I only have a 2 year old daughter but currently applying for my gun license for when she starts dating thats for sure!

the way its going ab it will take you that long to get a licence

27th November 2012, 08:21 PM
I was 17 when I flew the nest. I recon mum cried the murry back to life. I let go a few to as I moved 700+k's.. its a long way.
I had to though. I needed to. Me and my now wife did the long distance thing for a year travelling up and back in a weekend, every fortnight..
I also need to for work. I'm glad I did on both fronts. I learnt so much more were I ended up, and am now married with 2 kids... I'm only 25 so I think I've achived a bit so far..
My only real regret is with my work. I wish I had bit the bullet and done the mining work earlier. I loved it, but by the time I was getting the foot in the door no.1 popped out...

It's been a hard 8 years leaving all my mates behind and finding my feet, but I'm happily married with 2 kids, a roof over my head and a patrol in the driveway... :)

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

DX grunt
27th November 2012, 08:24 PM
I left home at 17 from a small country town of 200 people and joined the navy. Talk about learning about life sooner rather than later. lol

Thanks guys, really appreciate your support. I'm smiling now. hahahaha


27th November 2012, 08:24 PM
Rossco just volunteered to keep the members map updated, u little ripper, thanks mate :)

DX grunt
27th November 2012, 08:26 PM
Rossco just volunteered to keep the members map updated, u little ripper, thanks mate :)

Excuse me!! I haven't got THAT much time to spare. lol.

Onya Toddie.

27th November 2012, 08:30 PM
Get a puppy!


Or a hampster and make a motorized hampster wheel with 10 settings and see how fast he can go....LMAO

27th November 2012, 08:41 PM
Jack the Patrol up take one of the wheels off and put the hamster wheel in its place. Hamster diesel power!


27th November 2012, 09:18 PM
Leaving home. I left several times.
The first time I left home at 16 & became a 'prospect' in a small time bikie gang, lived in a one room bedsit with a psycopath who threatened to kill me with a knife at my throat & screwed his girlfriends in a bed inches from mine whilst I pretended to sleep, too scared to let him think I was awake. After 6 months of witnessing & being party to too much violence, drink & drugs, & during which time my parents had no idea where I was I left town quickly & went back home. It wasn't a good time. Wish I'd had a relationship with my old man where he could have helped me make that transition from home into the big wide world like Rosscos son. A couple of years ago, after almost 40 years I reconnected with my old man back in England & wish we hadn't missed so much of each other through the years. My wife & son & I were amazed at how alike I was to my father.


27th November 2012, 10:22 PM
Projects Rossco, you need projects!

There's an opening to collaborate the 3 word thread into a story apparently...LMAO

Shame mate, not the easiest thing to deal with. I only have a 2 year old daughter but currently applying for my gun license for when she starts dating thats for sure!

Shot gun daddy LMFAO:210:

DX grunt
27th November 2012, 10:27 PM
I realize I may have started something with this thread, so please, only if you want to say your thing. There's no pressure.

Take care ouit there.

I appreciate all the contributions so far.


27th November 2012, 10:42 PM
Slight hijack but is perfect for a men's business thread. Ahem
When was the last time you had your prostate checked.
This is not a question to answer here but a question to ask yourself. Sorry. The end.

Never argue with an idiot, cos he'll bring you down to his level, then beat you with experience. Y2K

27th November 2012, 10:46 PM
Eat Cement, harden up,No,only joking. If you have a close mate near by and a couple of beers, have a quiet word with him and explain how you are feeling at the
moment and you will be surprised how much support you get, this is us males biggest hurdle, Reaching out when we need to. Talking to someone from the heart, if you haven't
got a mate you can talk to, try your Dr and don't forget to ring your young fella now and then to see how he's coping. All the best with it Rossco, we are all behind you


27th November 2012, 11:10 PM
Another question.

I'm married, but living the life of a long distance relationship - something I'm not happy with, but it's best we can do at the moment.

Now that I'm home alone, what do single blokes do besides drink phiss and drive their troll like they stole it? lol

I need ideas.

Take care out there.


remember what you did as a teenager when you were alone well the internet has made it really easy fir you now mate. Haha. But really tools in a shed a project some mates beer a mistress a hobby. Spend more time on here

28th November 2012, 12:04 AM
Nice one Roscoe, don't worry he'll be fine, you'll be fine. Youre only as far as a phone call mate....... and you've got my number if you need anything, or your lad needs anyhting. sorry I wasn't able to help with a room but all full at chez clunk.!

I was brought up the old way....... as in women talk, men just shut up and deal with it. Not the right way I know but slowlylearnin to open up from time to time.

DX grunt
28th November 2012, 09:14 AM
Thanks heaps, people. Am feeling a lot better now. My boy might have a home to live in, instead of a hostel, very soon - like in the next day or so.

It is a good mens section to talk about stuff. I get a colonoscopy every 3 years because of family history. I also go to the doc regularly.

Good one, fellas.

Take care out there.


28th November 2012, 09:34 AM
I left home at 17 to join the army was the happiest day of my life hahahahahahaha
Now my folks live on the Sunshine Coast or Gold Coast somewhere in qld anyway and only see them every year or so an it works well. We yak with Skype so they see their grand daughter growing up

Sent from my tapped out thumbs

28th November 2012, 09:45 AM
Or a hampster and make a motorized hampster wheel with 10 settings and see how fast he can go....LMAO

Hamster ... guinea pig ... gerbil ....

You get the idea!!! lmao

Buck up champion! We all go through tough times and whilst I consider myself a tough bloke, if it wasn't for my forum mates, and particularly Dhuck, I would have lost the plot when faced with Keeleys dramas last year ... for what it's worth, make a list of all the places (local) that you want to see - you know, places you know about and have heard about but never take the time to go to as they're around the corner or you just haven't thought to ... then, as time permits, work out what time and money you have spare this week and say "I'm gunna go there" ... see more of this great land, be behind the wheel (I find even filling petrol at a station unknown to me somewhat exciting ... yep, I'm sad!! lol), and potentially see things and meet people.

But have to admit - the Xbox concept with a couple of select games like Call of Duty, Gears of War, Halo, etc is always a good fallback!!! lol

28th November 2012, 10:26 AM
As long as you don't have a mid life crisis and sell the troll and by a 2 door convertible I think you will be doin just fine mate. I reckon you buy two play stations one for you and one for the young fella and you can game online together. Other than that get a hobby like painting or building models and so on, well if you are into that or you can buy a remote control car and build it up from the ground.

28th November 2012, 11:29 AM
He's well past midlife crisis
That was the spandex stage

Sent from my tapped out thumbs

28th November 2012, 01:10 PM
I flew the coop when I was 19, a mere 4 1/2 years ago. It was hard moving 300kms from home to a place where I knew no one. Equally as hard for my old girl who had raised me without the help of dad for a very long time.

She did the same as you're doing with your young bloke. Supported me to a certain extent but let me make my own choices and mistakes and learn't from them.

Stick it out with your young bloke doing what he wants to do and you'll get the satisfaction of seeing him grow into his own man. As for hobbies, some of mine are fishing, playing the PS3, The Troll of course and our awesome forum, photography. All sorts of stuff.

Chin up mate we're all here in the virtual pub for ya.

DX grunt
28th November 2012, 06:05 PM
Hamster ... guinea pig ... gerbil ....

You get the idea!!! lmao

Buck up champion! We all go through tough times and whilst I consider myself a tough bloke, if it wasn't for my forum mates, and particularly Dhuck, I would have lost the plot when faced with Keeleys dramas last year ... for what it's worth, make a list of all the places (local) that you want to see - you know, places you know about and have heard about but never take the time to go to as they're around the corner or you just haven't thought to ... then, as time permits, work out what time and money you have spare this week and say "I'm gunna go there" ... see more of this great land, be behind the wheel (I find even filling petrol at a station unknown to me somewhat exciting ... yep, I'm sad!! lol), and potentially see things and meet people.

But have to admit - the Xbox concept with a couple of select games like Call of Duty, Gears of War, Halo, etc is always a good fallback!!! lol

Thanks, Scotty. I'm doing that now. I guess I just have to believe it myself. lol.

I left home at 17 too, but can now see it from a parent's prospective - letting go of the apron strings. lol. Didn't care too much when I was 17. Didn't know what life was all about then - but I had the excellent grounding of being a good person to know enough that, respect and 'please' and 'thank you'; go a long way. hahahha

Number 2 son is now talking to me after 7 years. His life style and mine were very different, and I had to let him go, but I always have and always will love him. Thankfully, all my 4 boys still tell me they love me and give me a hug.

We still have our 'moments', but we eventually reconcile.

Thanks for the encouragement guys. I really appreciate it.

Take care out there.


DX grunt
28th November 2012, 06:08 PM
As long as you don't have a mid life crisis.

Thank you so much for the encouragement. I'm 53 and you're saying that I haven't reached a mid life crisis!! I'm more than happy with that.

I have a young heart and young brain. Pity the body doesn't talk to the heart and the brain enough. hahahaha., Thanks, bro


DX grunt
28th November 2012, 06:10 PM
I really hope this thread is helping somebody more than just me?

This is brother and sister hood at its prime and peak.

Thank you.


28th November 2012, 06:14 PM
Mate don't ever stop calling them and making an effort to seeing them. My old man has never put in an effort to see me (he lives 3 hrs away not on the other side of the planet) or call me and it's his loss.

DX grunt
28th November 2012, 06:25 PM
I'm at a resort spending 2 nights with the missus. I expeced to be in the pool and outdoor spa, 99% n@ked in my budgies, but it's blowing a gale
the power's out and there's a severe storm warning for Perth.

Who did this? hahaha

28th November 2012, 06:56 PM
Firstly I have to say I don't know the parent feeling of this situation as I still have a few years to go.....but

....from a son point of view I moved away from my parents at 12 and went overseas to my grandparents and then moved away from my grandparents when I was 16 and have not ever looked back. I have learned life skills most 30 yr olds didn't have.
Rossco, He will be right mate, I think these days adults don't give the young ones enough credit . We baby them too much, wrap them in cotton wool and give them all they need instead of letting them earn everything they need ...like old school. Respect is number one mate...lots of kids these days don't have it!

Good luck mate and I am sure he will be right as he has a great old man!

DX grunt
28th November 2012, 06:58 PM
Firstly I have to say I don't know the parent feeling of this situation as I still have a few years to go.....but

....from a son point of view I moved away from my parents at 12 and went overseas to my grandparents and then from moved from my grandparents when I was 16 and have not ever looked back. I have learned life skills most 30 yr olds didn't have.
Rossco, He will be right mate, I think these days adults don't give the young ones enough credit . We baby them too much, wrap them in cotton wool and give them all they need instead of letting them earn everything they need ...like old school. Respect is number one mate...lots of kids these days don't have it!

Good luck mate and I am sure he will be right as he has a great old man!

Thanks, bro, and the rest of you lot. Really appreciate it.

Take care out there.


28th November 2012, 08:24 PM
Hey rossco

I've skipped a few posts but to cut a long story short our rug rats are adults and in the process of separating. Not easy for us parents so I hear you.

What to do ...... Booze, patrols, porn, shooting da breeze, more porn :), get a decent gaming PC (not this kiddie console stuff :p) hit me up for some battlefield 3 or call of duty and go shoot & bait some people online, it's funny as watching mego getting into his gimp suit ;):)


28th November 2012, 08:28 PM
I'm at a resort spending 2 nights with the missus. I expeced to be in the pool and outdoor spa, 99% n@ked in my budgies, but it's blowing a gale
the power's out and there's a severe storm warning for Perth.

Who did this? hahaha

Any pics? I had to ask coz mr & mrs goat didn't deliver :)

Like it's been said don't stop talking, they may be adults but they are and always will be our children.

28th November 2012, 08:37 PM
Exercise. Dont need to be arnie but go walking do something active. Your never to old.

I would avoid drinking alone.
Take care mate.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk 2

28th November 2012, 08:41 PM
I have had to move states for the second time and have seen it from both sides the first time we moved here from Perth my mum used to look after my now eight yr old daughter 3 times a week so was pretty much like a second mum to her and it broke my mums heart as she was not only loosing her son but her grand daughter/ daughter and daughter in law all in one my dad as well but he is like me looks at the bigger pic and deals with it in our own way. The second time after being back in Perth for another 3 years my second daughter was also in the pic. It is amazing how much it can affect the kids too you don't realise until they see them again and they are both like different kids. It also makes it harder as my sisters eldest daughter is only 3 months younger than out youngest and they pretty much grew up together and were the best of friends.

DX grunt
29th November 2012, 09:32 AM
Any pics? I had to ask coz mr & mrs goat didn't deliver :)

Like it's been said don't stop talking, they may be adults but they are and always will be our children.

Sorry bloke. I've given out too much info already. lol

Feeling a lot better now. Thasnks.

29th November 2012, 09:43 AM
Since we're talking men's business - and to create a slight change on the topic - I have 4 kids - 2 boys 9 and 11 and two twin girls now 10 weeks old. They were in hospital for nearly 4 weeks due to being premature by 4 weeks and I can tell you doesn't matter how tough you are that turns you into the world's biggest sook. Another men's topic but a sensitive one - off for the snip next Thursday so might need some "support" (or bags of frozen peas) after that one!


DX grunt
29th November 2012, 10:22 AM
Since we're talking men's business - and to create a slight change on the topic - I have 4 kids - 2 boys 9 and 11 and two twin girls now 10 weeks old. They were in hospital for nearly 4 weeks due to being premature by 4 weeks and I can tell you doesn't matter how tough you are that turns you into the world's biggest sook. Another men's topic but a sensitive one - off for the snip next Thursday so might need some "support" (or bags of frozen peas) after that one!


I don't believe there's anything wrong with crying. I do it, and for me, it's a good healthy release of something (?)

All the best for next Thurs, Jas.

In my case, a reversal worked, too. Enough info. lol I had 2 boys before the reversal and 2 boys after. That's it for my world population contribution. lol

29th November 2012, 11:20 AM
Thanks mate - I have heard the reversal is worse than the initial snip! And yep agree - nothing wrong with crying at all.


29th November 2012, 11:23 AM
Good luck for Thursday mate.

Try not to sneeze on the way home. I did and popped a stitch or two :)

29th November 2012, 12:59 PM
Good luck for Thursday mate.

Try not to sneeze on the way home. I did and popped a stitch or two :)

Bugger - something to remember! :)

DX grunt
29th November 2012, 04:30 PM
Thanks mate - I have heard the reversal is worse than the initial snip!.


That was certainly true in my case. Long story, but I got opened up 5 times in the same place. OUCH!

The first time I hooked my leg over a motor bike seat, I thought I split myself in two!!!

Now I know what it's like to get shot or stabbed! Bought legitimate tears to my eyes.

I have never felt so much intense pain in the one area in all my life.

I can laugh about it now, but at the time.......far out!


29th November 2012, 07:46 PM
That was certainly true in my case. Long story, but I got opened up 5 times in the same place. OUCH!

The first time I hooked my leg over a motor bike seat, I thought I split myself in two!!!

Now I know what it's like to get shot or stabbed! Bought legitimate tears to my eyes.

I have never felt so much intense pain in the one area in all my life.

I can laugh about it now, but at the time.......far out!


Please tell me you didn't get it snipped again??!! :)


29th November 2012, 08:12 PM
Please tell me you didn't get it snipped again??!! :)


5 seperate occassions they had to surgically remove his spandex shorts hahahahahahahha

DX grunt
29th November 2012, 08:17 PM
5 seperate occassions they had to surgically remove his spandex shorts hahahahahahahha

G e t a l i f e , p l e a s e !!!!!

But you are right. Those hospital drugs do amazing things. hahahhahahahaha

30th November 2012, 12:02 AM
Thanks for the PM mate! Maybe time for the men's only surgical thread!!


30th November 2012, 11:02 PM
Since we're talking men's business - and to create a slight change on the topic - I have 4 kids - 2 boys 9 and 11 and two twin girls now 10 weeks old. They were in hospital for nearly 4 weeks due to being premature by 4 weeks and I can tell you doesn't matter how tough you are that turns you into the world's biggest sook. Another men's topic but a sensitive one - off for the snip next Thursday so might need some "support" (or bags of frozen peas) after that one!


Good luck for next thurs mate, let us know how you go and are feeling I have been thinking of getting it done.

30th November 2012, 11:19 PM
Hey Ross, being on your own sucks mate..........been trying to get the courage up to post here from the start of your thread, may add more this weekend.

1st December 2012, 12:33 AM
Good luck for next thurs mate, let us know how you go and are feeling I have been thinking of getting it done.

Will do mate. Thanks for that!


1st December 2012, 01:22 AM
Hear hear mate!

DX grunt
1st December 2012, 04:42 AM
Here's a few numbers to help people in their time of need. The list is not exhaustive, and is a great starting point.

Not sure if these are just for WA or all of Aust. It would pay to check your local numbers.

Lifeline..... 13 11 14
Crisis Care Unit..... 1800 199 008
Salvo Care Line 08 9260 9500 (WA phone number)
Samaritans Crisis Line ....08 9381 5555 (WA Phone number)
beyondblue ..... 1300 224 636
Family Helpline ..... 1800 643 000
Mensline Australia ..... 1300 789 978
Parenting WA ..... 1800 654 432
Kids Helpline ..... 1800 551 800

These numbers were provided to me on a card by Health and Welfare Services, WA Police.

Take care out there.


Finly Owner
1st December 2012, 11:24 PM
Well Ross and the others who know and gave me moral support not too long ago. I can admit to being pretty well down for a while, and spoke to a cetain member face to face for some advice. I cried reading your words, but didn't want to admit it too loudly. I think it is amazing how we have made friends with people here, and we don't even all know each other if we passed in the street. Sure some we have met, and some have met who we know, but a lot of us are strangers, yet close mates.

So Ross, you hold strong Mate, and as said already, stay in touch with your boy and the rest all their lives, and be their best mate and let them know they can talk about anything with you and not feel embarrassed, ashamed or weak.
As for the wife and your long distance marriage, send little things like a SMS saying how much you miss her voice: smell; (avoid making it about housework) send a card in the mail, chockies, flowers. It will help keep the spark alive.

While you are on you own, do those little jpbs that she has pested you to do around home, go see those places like Scott suggested, Join a "The Shed" group (a mens group who make things in a community funded workshop fitted out with tools).

Or maybe catch up with some Mates you haven;t seen in a while.

What ever you do..........................Keep being you .....................as we wouldn't want you any other way.


dads tractor
3rd December 2012, 08:24 AM
Rossco it sounds to me that you and the lad are pretty good mates and you have shared a lot of time and love to gether .You sound like a well balanced bloke so why wouldn't the lad with a role model like yourself have a bag full coping statergy's to use in times of need. You'll both be fine he'll try things his way fall over pick himself up dust himself off and think now I know what the old bugger was getting too so dont fret he's away just look after mum because that nesting gene is in their DNA and they have a hard time as well .Time for you two to get out of town have a walk and a sandwhich watching the sun going down. Be happy life is always about experiences .

4th December 2012, 07:40 PM
Another question.

I'm married, but living the life of a long distance relationship - something I'm not happy with, but it's best we can do at the moment.

Now that I'm home alone, what do single blokes do besides drink phiss and drive their troll like they stole it? lol

I need ideas.

Take care out there.

I can't believe no-one has said it. Well I'm gonna! Download pRon! And also a good killing game. I'm a BF3 addict, I can't help it. Home alone, rub one out, then go on a shoot rampage. Great nights!!!!
In all seriousness, I'm not looking forward to the day my girls leave home. Bu then again, maybe I am...

4th December 2012, 08:15 PM
I can't believe no-one has said it. Well I'm gonna! Download pRon! And also a good killing game. I'm a BF3 addict, I can't help it. Home alone, rub one out, then go on a shoot rampage. Great nights!!!!
In all seriousness, I'm not looking forward to the day my girls leave home. Bu then again, maybe I am...

Fro. My earlier post. Glad in not the only deviot here
remember what you did as a teenager when you were alone well the internet has made it really easy fir you now mate. Haha. But really tools in a shed a project some mates beer a mistress a hobby. Spend more time on here.

4th December 2012, 08:18 PM
Internet as a teenager! When i was a teenager there was no internet. Just noodie mags and the dads stash or vids :)

4th December 2012, 08:54 PM
Hey guys, as far as going for the 'big snip' ........... it really isn't that big a deal. Most of it is in the mind I reckon. I had it done almost 15 years ago, & it didn't hurt & has made absolutely no difference to libido & performance. The only real difference it made was to allow MrsTea to stop taking the pill which after doing so for many years was a relief to her as it can have health impacts when taken long term.


4th December 2012, 09:08 PM
Yeah I had the snip about 4 years ago. I was even awake for the procedure. I just walked like John Wayne for a day after and then was all good.

4th December 2012, 09:58 PM
I can't believe no-one has said it. Well I'm gonna! Download pRon! And also a good killing game. I'm a BF3 addict, I can't help it. Home alone, rub one out, then go on a shoot rampage. Great nights!!!!
In all seriousness, I'm not looking forward to the day my girls leave home. Bu then again, maybe I am...

Finally another bf3'er

DX grunt
4th December 2012, 10:06 PM
Yeah I had the snip about 4 years ago. I just walked like John Wayne for a day after and then was all good.

Seek medical advice from your doctor before going anywhere near a motorbike.

The first time I hooked my leg over that bike seat, I thought I split myself in two!

I have never felt so much intense pain in the same area, in all my life. lol

There's more into this true story than I'm telling. It's gunna be a fantastic campfire story and almost promises that you'll never uncross your legs again. lol.

4th December 2012, 10:18 PM
Seek medical advice from your doctor before going anywhere near a motorbike.

The first time I hooked my leg over that bike seat, I thought I split myself in two!

I have never felt so much intense pain in the same area, in all my life. lol

There's more into this true story than I'm telling. It's gunna be a fantastic campfire story and almost promises that you'll never uncross your legs again. lol.
What did they do? Add a few too many stitches and tighten the scrote up too much? Come to think of it I didn't even have stitches. They used like an aerosol glue on me.
I can already imagine what the outcome was. Something coming out? Hehe. I've retired from trailbikes now anyhow, too many hospital trips does that to you.

Finally another bf3'er

Yeah baby! PC only though for me. no console shite! No offense to console lovers... Leper_M3ssiah I am.

DX grunt
4th December 2012, 10:27 PM
Family forum. Enough said. lol

4th December 2012, 10:29 PM
I'll let you all know the gory details after Thursday. Not worried about it and thanks to everyone for sharing their "experiences"!


6th December 2012, 06:16 PM
Hey guys - well all snipped today. Wasn't bad at all. Doc did it under general (surgeon I use likes his generals - probably makes more money that way!).

Was in hospital at 6:30, operated 8:30, awake at 10 and home by 11. To be honest feels like a mild, mild bruise. No painkillers so if anyone was thinking about it - it's pretty straight forward. And now for a beer!


6th December 2012, 06:32 PM
Glad to hear it all went smoothly Jas. Remember, steer clear of pepper :)

7th December 2012, 07:48 AM
Thanks mate. Feel a million bucks today. :)

7th December 2012, 09:50 AM
Glad to hear it all went smoothly Jas. Remember, steer clear of pepper :)

And children by the sounds of it...
Congrates on a rubber free future..

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

7th December 2012, 10:01 AM
Thanks Westy - if anyone was thinking of getting it done feel free to PM me and I can give you a rundown! But that said - it's not something that is all painful.


7th December 2012, 03:29 PM
The guy I was going to go to slipped and got the sack ;):)

7th December 2012, 03:30 PM
The guy I was going to go to slipped and got the sack ;):)

Hah hah! Glad he wasn't my doc!


7th December 2012, 06:52 PM
Yeah baby! PC only though for me. no console shite! No offense to console lovers... Leper_M3ssiah I am.
I hear ya bra'


7th December 2012, 08:40 PM
Roscoe your son will be fine, I left home like others here at 17 picked up work everywhere as coming from Mexico
bit of a shortage of football players AFL {VFL then} up Tom Price way. Been around Aust 16 times by the time I was 21
Was adopted which caused a few issues. Maybe some older member can remember Margorie Lawence There's a movie
Called "INTERRUPTED MELODY" about her life. She's my grandma.

dads tractor
7th December 2012, 09:07 PM
I go the snip anytime as watching and suporting my mrs for a 40 hr labour thats nothinggggggggggggggggggggggg. the end result was a 9.5 lb boy 22 inches long full head of platium hair and full control of his neck and head from 5 min old . well cooked 2wks over due.

8th December 2012, 06:02 AM
What about SECRET MEN'S BUSINESS. 23195

Never argue with an idiot, cos he'll bring you down to his level, then beat you with experience.
Pog mo th'oin.

8th December 2012, 06:40 AM
Here's one for the younger blokes here. Testicle cancer is the biggest cancer killer for men in their late teens to mid 30's. Have a bit of a check for lumps bumps irregular shape/ pain or if it just feels wierd at all. I found 3 little lumps inmine when I was 14ish had them checked and turned out to be fluid filled sacks had formed so I was lucky but I have to keep an eye out for them as hey could turn cancerous or make me infertile. Last year at 25 yrs old they became sore and I promptly had them checked one got a little bigger still about a pea size but had not became solid or anything so I'm still in the clear.

My wife and I are doing IVF for genetic reasons from her side of the family so I've had my swimmers checked nd they are all good too ( on the high end of normal Go me! How I don't have illigitiment kids running around I don't know!)

All I'm saying is I was one of the lucky ones others not so lucky. We always hear of womens health checks and men 's health seem not to be a priority or we are just too stubborn/embarrased

Get out there and check yourself men gives you a good excuse to play with yourself if the missus catches you you were checking for cancer and regular ejaculation helps prevent prostate troubles later in life

DX grunt
8th December 2012, 07:19 AM
We always hear of womens health checks and men 's health seem not to be a priority or we are just too stubborn/embarrased

Very good point Macca! Regular check ups are so important. Many issues can be identified through a simple blood test or two, or three.

Others require a bit of impersonal, short term discomfort.

My goal, as far as health goes, is to live long enough to see my grandkids have kids that grow into at least teenagers - and that isn't going to happen if I don't see my doctor, regularly.

I have Type 2 diabetes, which I believe was caused through a poor lifestyle. The doctor told me a few times to lose weight, and I kept saying yeah, yeah. I made a few attempts, but looking back, I could have tried a lot harder.

Initially I started on 2 tablets a day, and by changing what I put in my mouth and exercising at least 30 mins a day, In 76 days, I went from 2 tablets a day, to none! I feel so much better, because I've lost about 20kg.

That said, I've still got this 'chronic disease' for the rest of my life, and I can't slacken off with what goes in my mouth or stop exercising, at all. If I do slacken off with the exercise for a couple of days, I do notice it and feel like cr@p.

My blood pressure medication has been halved, too. My goal is to be 'medication free' in the near future.

Before you start any exercise, see your doctor, please.

Take care out there.
