View Full Version : New recovery points dont fit

20th November 2012, 09:26 PM
Hi guys,
Can some please point me in the right direction.
Got some new recovery points for my GU 1998 2.8L Patrol today, but when i tried to instal them found that my radiator bash plate is in the way. It also looks like they may not sit flat due to a weld which holds large structural bar that runs transverse accross the underside of the engine bay.

The recovery points are same design as outback ideas ones, plate with 5 drilled holes.

Has anyone had this problem? Do I have the wrong recovery point for my car? Should i just put a slot in the bash plate so it fits?

Cheers guys

20th November 2012, 09:40 PM
Got any photos to help with the diagnosis mate??

20th November 2012, 09:48 PM
ThreeDogs is the designer, inventer, manufacturer, owner, distributor of Outback Ideas recovery points and a big contributed here. I am not sure he will be keen to help though bud if yours are a knock off of his recovery points. Shame they are not his or he could certainly sort it out for you.

20th November 2012, 09:53 PM
When I did mine I had to grind out a little bit of one corner on the plate so it would sit flush on the chassis, by memory it was restricted by a weld of some sort on the chassis. Got the grinder out and took a little off the plate and it all good.

Check my thread out I made on fitting them. I think it was the corner section of the plate closest to the bolt nearest to the rear, if that makes sense.

20th November 2012, 09:56 PM
Sounds like they're the wrong type for your model mate, take them or send them back, get a refund and then pm Threedogs on here for details on on how to get the right outback ideas ones

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

20th November 2012, 10:06 PM
struggling to upload photos whats the easiest way?

20th November 2012, 10:12 PM
From your phone or pc? If from your pc you may need to resize them first, using Paint or something similar, they need to be under a certain size to upload directly. Or if you have a photobucket account, upload to there and the copy the link to here........... Or if you want I can pm you my email and I'll load them up for you

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

20th November 2012, 10:21 PM
pics are up ( :

20th November 2012, 10:59 PM
That second black line you have on the pic. Is that where the weld is hitting the plate? If so just grind a bit out of the plate, thats what I did.

20th November 2012, 11:15 PM
x2 to having a chat with threedogs. PM him and as long as your recovery hooks aren't a knockoff of his I'm sure he can help. Better yet grab some of his.


my third 256
21st November 2012, 02:44 AM
i woudnt be asking threedogs as it will open up a can of worms
as in other threads he is not happy with knock offs and rightly so
and a NO might offend
send them back and get threedogs
i just ordered mine and a great price too

21st November 2012, 03:36 AM
TD has probably looked here, laughed and gone..
It's not your fault mate, but send them back under warranty as they don't fit and get onto TD. He'll set you straight.

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

21st November 2012, 05:16 AM
Hold on, If they are a copy of the outback ideas one should they not be that..a copy???? In other words should fit. Why would someone copy something not to fit!

Heres the Outback one v the copy

Correct me if I'm wrong but they look the same to me....but as usual not an expert so could be wrong
Maybe ThreeDogs could have an input and set it straight.....Do the outback ones actually fit?

21st November 2012, 05:34 AM
It could be what you don't see on TD's which allow it to fit, or the ones pictured could be for a different model..

Aaaaaa... I think I know what's wrong... It's not the mount..

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

21st November 2012, 06:00 AM
Hold on, If they are a copy of the outback ideas one should they not be that..a copy???? In other words should fit. Why would someone copy something not to fit!

Heres the Outback one v the copy

Correct me if I'm wrong but they look the same to me....but as usual not an expert so could be wrong
Maybe ThreeDogs could have an input and set it straight.....Do the outback ones actually fit?

Derrrrrrrrr they're a different colour;)

21st November 2012, 06:46 AM
There is different types for the front could need the pressed version for your car rather than those ones. Or pick up a grinder and make it fit. It won't make it weaker as the first place to go if it ever does is the hole

21st November 2012, 06:53 AM
Sorry mate its on your head, you brought a product that they did not design, test or fit,you're on your own, buyer beware,
Should of done some homework RLMFAO

21st November 2012, 07:07 AM
Derrrrrrrrr they're a different colour;)

Ba ha ha ha!!!!

Thanks Growler.

my third 256
21st November 2012, 07:31 AM
Sorry mate its on your head, you brought a product that they did not design, test or fit,you're on your own, buyer beware,
Should of done some homework RLMFAO
nicely put threedogs very diplomatic

21st November 2012, 09:29 AM
i woudnt be asking threedogs as it will open up a can of worms
as in other threads he is not happy with knock offs and rightly so
and a NO might offend
send them back and get threedogs
i just ordered mine and a great price too
In hindsight you're probably right....... :)

21st November 2012, 04:18 PM
2nd line is where the recovery point hits the bash plate

21st November 2012, 04:38 PM
Sorry mate its on your head, you brought a product that they did not design, test or fit,you're on your own, buyer beware,
Should of done some homework RLMFAO

Not very nice, i wouldnt laugh at anyone for their misfortune. I got them from my local 4wd shop, if yours were for sale there probably would have ended up with them instead. Just seeking help thank you. ( :

Looks like they wouldnt make a diffrence with fitting by comparing the two photos, they will still bolt pattern on the same angle and still will hit the bash plate. Im starting to think its my front bar which isnt compatable, so i might just make a small slot for the recovery point to stick through it.

21st November 2012, 04:48 PM
Can you take a photo holding the plate up where its supposed to go?

21st November 2012, 04:53 PM
Bash plates come and go... dont be scared to mod it!!! as for the weld it is hard to say as I cant see it in front of me.

21st November 2012, 04:58 PM
This is for ThreeDogs!

I kind of agree with the above comment of "NOT VERY NICE" TD! Some guys out there have no idea of what is good and what isn't when they buy 4x4 stuff and I thought this forum was here to help and educate these guys when help was needed.

Yes I realise they might be not your mount but it does not mean it is your design either....yet to be proven wrong mate!!!

The OP has bought a couple of mounts which were supposed to fit and didn't and all you can do is rub it in to him as he did not buy them from you...Great comradely mate!

I hope you realise that not everyone knows the origin of every product they buy and you have to realize you are not the only so called designer of engine mounts or any other product there is are available on the market. There is a hundreds of designs.

Same goes to Westy, you mention "Aaaaaa... I think I know what's wrong... It's not the mount.." but WTF is it! . You reckon you are so smart then help the poor guy out instead of being a smart arese!

OK rant over and I hope some one can hep this guy out instead having a laugh of him!

21st November 2012, 05:26 PM
I must agree....... The guy has asked for advice not ridicule.

I have made many mistakes and admit to them and try my best to learn from these mistakes.

I bought a crap Chinese roof rack and ARB did not refuse to help me out with add ons but suggested I would need to make mods to make it work with there product.

I now know I should have saved my dollars and bought a real one.

Please the people in the know help this guy out and do not turn this into a shit hanging because he did not buy one particular item from one vendor.

I am not taking sides I just see I guy that needs help.... remember what we pride ourselves in!!!!!!!!!

21st November 2012, 05:47 PM
Hi guys,
Can some please point me in the right direction.
Got some new recovery points for my GU 1998 2.8L Patrol today, but when i tried to instal them found that my radiator bash plate is in the way. It also looks like they may not sit flat due to a weld which holds large structural bar that runs transverse accross the underside of the engine bay.

The recovery points are same design as outback ideas ones, plate with 5 drilled holes.

Has anyone had this problem? Do I have the wrong recovery point for my car? Should i just put a slot in the bash plate so it fits?

Cheers guys

First of all you should have taken it back to the shop you bought it from and told them they don't fit and ask for your money back or a replacement set. If you get your money back PM Threedogs and get the proper set.

I don't know either of you but an eye for an eye leads to blindness!! So every one chill out, the answer is simple.

21st November 2012, 05:51 PM
Yea I just wanted to see Td's reply first.
First up, it looks like your chassis has been repaired.. Crashed or what not its weird to see a weld like that, and were it is suggests repair. Nothing like that on mine.. So easy fix, grind down the weld to flush but keep an eye in it as it may have been a back your job..
As for the bash plate, mod the plate, not the recovery point.

Can it be mounted on the outside of the chassis??

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

21st November 2012, 05:54 PM
Cant be much of an issue I reckon. Take a pic, post it up and we'll help you out. As per my link in the above post, and from what BA said. A bit of cutting or welding, or as we troll heads like to call it, modding, we'll sort you out.

21st November 2012, 06:31 PM
Here is the picture guys.

21st November 2012, 06:40 PM
Mmmmmmmmmm no pic

21st November 2012, 06:43 PM
Thankyou nisshead:-)

21st November 2012, 06:48 PM
try now pics up.
Also what sort of bolts should i use to mount it? is there any special grade?

21st November 2012, 06:48 PM
The first one of these I designed And I know they are my design and if anyone can pre date them legally I'll go he.They were for a GU s1 comp truck cut into a a single cab.
They originally did not have the 2 extra holes on early ones only the enlongated on to put a clip lock hook in as per Comp truck. the extra holes were to bolt a black 10,000lb hook just to make a hook up a bit easier. I know who made them as there are a few low life companies that can't design a product of their own And if they tell you they designed it they are liars and bring on the paperwork. If they give you your money back PM i"ll see what I can do but not going to sit here and see every one of my products that they and others have copied claim them as their own. like I said bring on the paper work anytime they want. They are my designs that these lowlifes make money off cause they are cashed up more than me. plus bit hard keeping up with orders when half the time I'm in hospital. They are just theives, they know it, 4WD TV highlights this most weeks ans not just my produdts the industry is full os cashed up clowns that know nothing. and thats all I'm saying End of story, you buy copies your fault not mine . Oh and I use Aussie steel cut but Aussies Goodbye

21st November 2012, 07:43 PM
try now pics up.
Also what sort of bolts should i use to mount it? is there any special grade?

O.k this is what I would do. Slice the bash plate to slot in the plate and then bolt it up. No biggie really mate. Plus I would even run a bead of weld from the bash plate to the recovery plate. and repainted it all. But that just me. As for bolts, grade 8, hi tensile with some good spring washers. Has the left side got the captive nuts inside the chassis rail mate? Or is there just holes?

21st November 2012, 08:04 PM
Personally I wouldn't be welding it who knows what steel its made of, only trying to stay safe.
If its imported chinese steel you wont be able to weld it too porous. Gotta stay safe my 2C worths well 50 c by the time I finish

21st November 2012, 08:09 PM
Good point. Even just slicing the bash plate so the recovery plate slides in would be good enough...

21st November 2012, 08:31 PM
Zinc plated bolts graded 8 or better, never ever bolt anything to your 4x4 unless you use zinc bolts, just makes sense, apologise if I seemed a bit over the top but I've designed all these things and others claim they do , I know the truth , done and dusted , spleen been vented. PM if you require assistance,
Mudski has the right idea, don't weld it. EVER

21st November 2012, 08:59 PM
Don't know much but could you put some washes between the chassis and the bracket to clear the weld? As for steel never weld your chassis or grind it back unless your an engineer that knows what he is doing and for bash plate just cut it to what you need there plentiful in 4x4 stores

21st November 2012, 09:39 PM
O.k this is what I would do. Slice the bash plate to slot in the plate and then bolt it up. No biggie really mate. Plus I would even run a bead of weld from the bash plate to the recovery plate. and repainted it all. But that just me. As for bolts, grade 8, hi tensile with some good spring washers. Has the left side got the captive nuts inside the chassis rail mate? Or is there just holes?

Left side is just holes, I am planning to open up the end of the chasis rail and use a bit of flat plate with the nuts welded to it, like one of the gents showed in their guide.

Thanks for your help guys much appreshiated

21st November 2012, 09:44 PM
Just make sure the plates about 6mm thick just weld two flats on nuts and plenty of gal spray as heaps of water/mud will get in there, we ok now Barwick???

22nd November 2012, 02:16 PM
Left side is just holes, I am planning to open up the end of the chasis rail and use a bit of flat plate with the nuts welded to it, like one of the gents showed in their guide.

Thanks for your help guys much appreciated

That was "Moi". We are here to help bud. Gods know we all need it, More so than others sometimes....Once you get both them on it will be one of your greatest achievements. Well it was for me anyway...I was quite chuffed at what i had done.

23rd November 2012, 08:44 PM
Any news mate?????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????

or is it a weekend thing.