View Full Version : HID H4's

17th November 2012, 05:52 PM
I used to run HID's in my Suzuki Vitara as the refectors in them had a very good cut off.. When I first got this GQ back in August first thing I noticed was lack of light when driving at night... the first night I turned the lights On I hopped out to make sure the bulbs werent blown, it was that bad.. I pout 6k HID set in and made a big difference, but a mate of mine told me last week that Dept of Transport was pulling over 4X4's left right and center, so I put the normal globs back in. I know they are illegal, but I have bought a pair of refectors with a focus lens mounted in the center in front of the glob, so it throws a kidney shaped beam on the road.

main question I want to ask is has anyone here been done for having HID's in their head lights or know of anyone who has?

I've bought the relays etc for upgrading my wiring looms to see if that will give me a bit more light..

17th November 2012, 08:22 PM
Hey mate you will want to go projectors. They are a far better hid setup and because of this arent noticed as much as bulbs in reflectors. Have a look in the vendors threads at micks hid retro fit projectors. There are comparison photos between hid bulbs in reflectors to hid projectors fitted to my gq. Well worth looking at before takin your chosen path.

17th November 2012, 08:25 PM
I agree with newby about the projectors, i shall be fitting a set to mine when funds permit.

17th November 2012, 10:02 PM
Hey mate you will want to go projectors. They are a far better hid setup and because of this arent noticed as much as bulbs in reflectors. Have a look in the vendors threads at micks hid retro fit projectors. There are comparison photos between hid bulbs in reflectors to hid projectors fitted to my gq. Well worth looking at before takin your chosen path.

The replacement headlights I have in them have projectors built into them, the sit in front of the globe..

17th November 2012, 10:13 PM
Can you post a pic. I dont believe they are the same and you will end up in the same spot as just with bulbs. Mick. is very good with this stuff so hopefully he pipes up. Anything that will still utilise the reflector at all will cause issues.

18th November 2012, 04:25 PM
Can you post a pic. I dont believe they are the same and you will end up in the same spot as just with bulbs. Mick. is very good with this stuff so hopefully he pipes up. Anything that will still utilise the reflector at all will cause issues.


18th November 2012, 04:57 PM
They are still similar to running just bulbs. Proper projectors have solenoid cutoffs on them and when on low beam have a very sharrp cutoff thus making more like a standard light and not annoying oncoming traffic or people in front of you. As I said earlier hit mick up in his vendor thread he will be able to give you plenty of information on this subject.

18th November 2012, 04:57 PM
There not projector HIDs mate. They are just a cheap ass mass produced light from China with a lump of glass at the front. A real Bi-Xenon projector has a solinoid activated cut off shield that controls high and low beam and has a reflector which then reflects the light though the lens at the front. There is a massive difference between the 2.

This is what a true projector looks like. There about 120 to 140 mm long for a good quality one such as what I fit in the 7 inch headlights such as Matts. The bigger one is what I fitted to Matts.




Cheers Mick.

18th November 2012, 04:58 PM
I just beat you mick :p

18th November 2012, 05:01 PM
Bloody photo bucket have changed everything.lol I was just starting to work it out and now it's turned to crap.

18th November 2012, 05:56 PM
Dont take this the wrong way but if you get pulled over and and Mr plod sees these illegal projector lights aren't you in the same boat?
I'm going back to 110/90 globes, sick of all the bs that comes with these HID style lights
Do they have disclaimer saying illegal for road use??

18th November 2012, 06:07 PM
Dont take this the wrong way but if you get pulled over and and Mr plod sees these illegal projector lights aren't you in the same boat?
I'm going back to 110/90 globes, sick of all the bs that comes with these HID style lights
Do they have disclaimer saying illegal for road use??

Theoretically yes. However its like a lot of things with our cars it is only minor and if you do the job well and keep it neat you are hardly ever looked at. I know before I painted and freshened up my GQ she was a magnet for the authoroties, yet I had mates running around with 4-6" of lift and 35's daily with no hassles whatsoever. It was just their cars were a lot neater and everything worked well together and they looked a lot better than my Q. So if you have HID's in the projector form which dont annoy people or look out of place like bulbs in reflectors then you will not be looked at twice.

Its kinda like the spotties I have on my GQ, 2 are mounted on top of the hoop, and I have been pulled over by authorities and even had it over the pits and neither police or DOT could tell me they were either legal or illegal. In fact the words "grey area" were used when I asked.

18th November 2012, 06:49 PM
Dont take this the wrong way but if you get pulled over and and Mr plod sees these illegal projector lights aren't you in the same boat?
I'm going back to 110/90 globes, sick of all the bs that comes with these HID style lights
Do they have disclaimer saying illegal for road use??Those 110/90 bulbs are just as annoying for oncoming road users as HIDs in reflectors. I used to have those bulbs in my patrol and I was always getting flashed. Since I've had projector HID I never been flashed once and I mean never. If my patrol was coming the other way with 4150K HID bulbs you wouldn't be able tell whether it was halogen projector or HID projector without looking for ballasts.

The bullshit your referring to is caused by people running HIDs in reflectors which is annoying and it really pisses me off when people tar projector HID lighting with the same brush. I don't know how many times I have to say this but it doesn't affect oncoming traffic if fitted correctly. It has a prefect cut off and with the right coloured bulbs has less affect on oncoming traffic then those upgraded Halogen bulbs.

I actually sold a set to a highway patrol copper for his GQ so some don't seem to have dramas with them. I was actually surprised and sort of said you know these are not technically legal. He basically told me that they cant stand blue lights and people who fit HIDs to reflectors but they have no dramas with hids in projectors as they can see you have made an effort and with newer cars they cant tell if there factory or not.

I don't care if you don't like HID lighting but please don't compare HIDs in reflectors to projector HID lighting as there chalk and cheese.

Cheers Mick.

18th November 2012, 09:36 PM
Thanks the 110/90 were only eg as probably fry lens. I'll stick to globes but thanks anyway

2nd December 2012, 08:27 AM
I've been running +30 globes in 55/65 for years now and I have tested alongside 110/90's on several occasions and they are just as bright if not brighter. Easier on the wiring and plugs than 110/90's also. Interesting read about the projector lights, I was going to buy some of those cheap fleabay ones till I read this, going on over to read Mick's thread as we speak. :D