View Full Version : Neighbours

12th November 2012, 09:50 PM
So what do we all think of our NEIGHBOURS, had some interesting ones over the years, from old fuddies that wore speedos at 60 (something to look forward to Rossco lol), those that told parents that there were loud party's when they were away, those who lived for their prize orchids, over sexed radio personalities and yes she was coz I heard it nightly, also had a world renowned DJ and friends of AFL players.
Which brings me to our current address. Started off with an older couple that accused the young fella for playing in their vacant block (when he was 10) before they had built, and fought the council about a block of units going up which would block their afternoon sun. They lost of coarse and sold up, yeah never got along with them. Had a cab owner, cheap cabs on drunken nights out. Also had cops living both sides which is ironical as that's what the young fella is perusing as a career. Currently One side we don't talk to much, the other we often hit the scotch and bbqs in the warmer months, her parents (the cop) national credit manager for a large roofing company and a JP.
A week ago we got new neighbours 2 doors down and they had a garage sale on the weekend, so the miss's and I decided to go for a sticky and intro ourselves, turns out to own a chain of pizza stores, Sam and Lisa mmmm Lisa, i meen pizza, looks like free pizzas during neighbourhood drinking sessions lol. Anyway had some interesting neighbours over the years, so how do yours fair?? Good or bad.

Tappn the App Beers on Tap

12th November 2012, 11:36 PM
Hmmm. Only time for one story tonight.

Neighbours tended to like a friday or saturday night get together for the purpose of destroying beer cartons. Depending on the number of people, it may or may not be noisy enough to keep us awake (young children = parents want the sleep). When they do keep you awake till 3am, it is easy to feel the revenge brewing. Never carried any of it out though.

Anyhow, the tiler arranged to come in and replace some tiles saturday morning. For our convenience though. The thought was that they could work, while we all bumbled at home. Staying home was a mistake though. Did you know that a jackhammer may be required to lift tiles and glue up from a wooden floor? Me neither. The whole house vibrated like a box (raised wooden floors). It was so loud we knicked out quick smart for the sake of our hearing health. Probably cured the neighbours' hangover in about 5 minutes (it was 8am); unfortunately the jackhammering went for a few hours. It's been a month now, and they haven't really had anything big.

OK, one more. Another neighbour in a different location, didn't mind a bourbon or two. Lived with his (elderly) mum, who tried to get him to do stuff she couldn't do, like mowing etc. The only time he would actually do anything useful was after a few bourbons. This usually meant the middle of the day (HOT!) in the middle of the summer he could be found digging garden edges or digging a stump out. Quite funny when he could have chosen the cool in the morning or evening.

12th November 2012, 11:55 PM
Been where we are now for 9 years and its sad to say the only neighbours we know are on the left, older lady who we have a bit of a yarn to every couple of days............... all the rest are ignorant barstewards who don't even have the decency to acknowledge you after you've said gday ........ just lock themselves away behind their garage doors

DX grunt
13th November 2012, 12:05 AM
I don't know my neighbours coz I'm in bed by 8:30pm every night, after I hand wash my speedos. lol.

Let me think about it, and I'll get back to you.

13th November 2012, 05:01 AM
where do i start one side i have a family that dont mind their beers pretty friendly always says gday and always time for a chat little noisy but overall good people

otherside i had a single mother with 2 teens that argued all day everyday and slammed doors(only when my kids sleep) and smoked pot and had friends over every night, they moved out now i have the most arogent pricks also they are a single mother with 2 teens.

2 doors down there is a young family always have a beer with the bloke and we chat jibberish all night.

accross the road is the same young family and next to him is another bloke who owns a gq also havent spoken to him but i speak to his dad a fair bit.

i used to hate this street but the more you get to know them they get better and better i guess, i cant really complain overall very friendly bunch

13th November 2012, 08:52 AM
Pommie on one side great bloke, other side Asian I mow his nature strip, as he has no mower, the other day he dropped off a bottle of Dimples, cant be that bad a bloke can he, We stay out of each others pockets unless we need to borrow a tool . has worked well like that for 28 years..One year put a fire out in the Asian house had free food for at least 6 months.

14th November 2012, 06:17 AM
Hey Clunk - I'm an ignorant bastard (well female version) LOL I don't do neighbours .. Mind my own business and that's how I like it. Quiet & Peaceful

Live in a culdesac with 6 houses on the circle part - know the "grass man" & his wife who live right next door but that's just to wave to. Seriously you've never seen such lush, green, manicured grass in your life - he spot waters at freeking midnight !!

Chick on other side has 2 kids (hubby works away so I was told by real estate) the other day her 4yr old bailed me up in front yard - I was like someone who stepped on a rattle snake!!!

And i Wave to a couple a few houses down the street cuz he owns a KIA and asked me one day if I could get staff discount on some parts LOL

That's the extent of neighbour interaction

Sent from Sharen's iPhone using Tapatalk ....

14th November 2012, 08:28 AM
Avachat with neighbors on both sides not so much with the ol girl as she repeats herself every time and get stuck talking the same stuff
Go outa me way to say g'day to woman across the road as she doesn't want a chat. :)

14th November 2012, 09:50 AM
Longest serving prisoners in our street, 37 years. Chat to the high side and over back fence neighbors on the odd occasion and thats about it.
Being retired theres to much to do to start getting friendly with wxxxxxg people.
Never had any real bad neighbors just a few ferals a street or two away who have caused havoc a few times, when they tried to blow up one of their neighbors houses

14th November 2012, 12:40 PM
Well not to brag but my neighbors are a dead set copy from Houso's... Lol
Back yard looks like a jungle / storeage.. Front yard is a little better and that's were they spend 90% of there time.. The father is a fat taxi driver and wears (god knows how) pants that are way to big and when he's fixing one of his many bombs you get the plumbers canyon (not just a crack..)

The others are a old Italian couple.. Nicest people but I sometimes think that they think the sun is made by them..
I had a job with a company who did shutdowns in the mines.. All of a sudden I'm a million air and should pay for garden maintenance.. Just because they have friends in the mines and there rich.. Lol

The rest are pretty good. A few people I've worked with and a few couples with kids our age..

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

14th November 2012, 06:07 PM
Why can't they move in next door.

Never argue with an idiot, cos he'll bring you down to his level, then beat you with experience.

14th November 2012, 06:28 PM
Why can't they move in next door.

Never argue with an idiot, cos he'll bring you down to his level, then beat you with experience.

OGD.... Yes please...

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

DX grunt
14th November 2012, 06:39 PM
Let's just say I almost know everybody in town. Our street is on a 'main drag'.

On our street, we have the sporting complex, lawn bowls greens, netball & tennis courts, footy/cricket oval, hockey oval, swimming pool and caravan park.

Immediate neighbours are fantastic. We don't live in each other's pockets, but do say "hi."

I see lotsa Trolls/Tojo's towing their kids' inheritance and like what I see. lol

14th November 2012, 08:00 PM
DJ Bliss, was my neighbour for 2 yrs. damn I use to hate it,
coming and going in tight little short things, and I use to really hate when her friends came over on a hot day and they sunbaked in the front yard.
By the way no front fences in our street hahahahahah mmmmmmm


Tappn the App Beers on Tap

14th November 2012, 08:15 PM
DJ Bliss, was my neighbour for 2 yrs. damn I use to hate it,
coming and going in tight little short things, and I use to really hate when her friends came over on a hot day and they sunbaked in the front yard.
By the way no front fences in our street hahahahahah mmmmmmm


Tappn the App Beers on Tap

Woohoo, party at your joint. I'll bring the twins.

Never argue with an idiot, cos he'll bring you down to his level, then beat you with experience.

15th November 2012, 07:53 AM
Always lived in tightly packed suburbia until February this year. Now we have no neighbours as far as the eye can see. It's bliss.

For q time Brian Cadd lived next door to us, sometime around 1983. Had a great view from my bedroom window from the 2nd floor. Lots of parties. Lots of nude chicks running around the pool giggling. Lots of music & laughter. Probably lots of booze & blow too lol.

16th November 2012, 08:02 AM
We live in a townhouse. Neighbours to the right are downright annoying really. Middle aged couple with a 13 year old who screams like a banshee, swearing and carrying on at all hours. Not good for a train driver and a nurse who sleep weird hours.

His mother is a nosey so and so. Loves to tell my missus she's doing hanging my washing out wrong. Rocks up into our courtyard and does the gardening for us whilst I'm already doing it!. Although she's a roo short in the top paddock, I can't wait to get my own joint (renting at the moment). The dad's ok, quiet bloke who likes a beer and a yarn.

Bloke the other side is an ex RAAFie who's getting booted by the owner so he can move back in with his mrs and newborn twins. I can see that turning into a s***fight real quick when I want to play the bass or do some work on the car.

I'd be on my way to Adelaide with the cartons if she still lived next you Wild haha.