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View Full Version : 00 coil cab noise

15th November 2010, 06:25 PM
i have a '00 4.2 GU coil cab Ute. it has a 2'' pedders lift, rear airbags and 33 12.5 r15 wranglers on it. ever since I've had it (about 15000kms) its had bad control arm noise. I've since had all the bushes replaced with genuine Nissan ones (whole new solid lowers) which cut out 90% of the noise. i still however had a clicking/rubbing/something noise coming from under the rear when i take off / put pressure on the drive train. when in the Ute it defiantly sounds like its in the rear.
what are the chances its control arms again?
i don't think its in the drive shaft or uni's as when i roll down the hill in neutral and slam on the brakes i still get the noise?
the only think i can come up with is maybe the rear coils ain't sitting right?
it make no noise over bumps etc, just when i stress it / taking off or getting flex with power on.
got me stumped?

cheers jake

15th November 2010, 06:28 PM
Hi Jake, drop into the intro section and post abit about yourself.



15th November 2010, 06:35 PM
Very difficult to say without hearing the noise. If you can get the noise with the vehicle stationary (hold it against the foot brakes) then you can get someone under the car to identify the source of the noise.


15th November 2010, 07:40 PM
just read this post on the AHN site howdy jake 308

Cheers Mike (patrol-ahn)

15th November 2010, 07:56 PM
g'day mate

dont think its the airbags (unless they've put stress on the coil / towers? i dont need heaps of flex, i'm happy with the ride its just this bloody noise!!!!
found a loose clamp on the exhaust but noise persists. might have to take it to obsession and ask the boys.

16th November 2010, 01:50 PM
booked it in for the local bloke to have a look at tomorrow. must be the uni's... got me stumped. i cant be bothered trying to get under it anymore. Had a knee reco four weeks ago that makes getting under it hard to say the least. thanks for the suggestions & i'll let you know what i find out!
cheers jake

17th November 2010, 10:04 AM
turns out the flog bag that did my upper control arms pressed in one of the bushes not far enough, and left one of the bolts loose. i'd ruled them out due to being new bushes and paying a pro (or so he says) to compleate the job for me. lesson learned.