View Full Version : y60 1995 - vacuume pipes perished

Ian Carruthers
9th November 2012, 04:59 PM
Just got a TD42 Y60 & has a load of small perished pipes lying around some connected to clutch others inlet manafold etc. Since the vehicle is missfiring im going to remove the injectors and have them tested but also want to correctly route the vacuume pipes in case they are a possiable cause of the missfire. Dont want to spend too much $ till I know the vehicle is a reasonable runner & worth pouring in more cash.

Would anyone have a diagram of the pipe roughting. Lastly the two wire sender unit that comes from near the water pump where does it go to as cant find a corresponding socket to plug it into.

Any help appreciated - Ignore the spelling get used to it!

Cheers Ian C ..................... Zimbabwe

9th November 2012, 06:06 PM
The vacuum is supplied from the vac pump on the back of the Alternator. It will have no effect on your engine performance, it will mean though that you will have No brakes and bugger all Clutch.

Which vac lines are knackered mate? Some pics would help allot.

Also the plug you talk about, take a pic. There will be plenty of unused plugs under the bonnet and through the car, they used a full loom for most of them and them just plugged in what was needed for the model spec.

Pics mate, with pic help will be at hand.

Maybe start a members ride thread and you will get quite a bit of interest and you will get ongoing help with everything you need. The TD42 is a great engine mate, if you have a flutter then you may need to bleed your fuel lines, if your vac lines have perished then your fuel lines might be similar??

Check you fuel filter under the bonnet and that you arn't getting an air peak into that??

Ian Carruthers
13th November 2012, 09:56 PM
Thanks mudrunner - Got some time to follow up & sort the vac pipes the one went to what looks like a fast idle connected to the main air butterfly, two indjectors out and just serviced, one had no copper washers on at all - Hope it's just an indjector problem. Weather permitting i'll get them back in tonight though one of the small washers at the nozzle base is giving hassles to remove, so made up a kinda easyout with a huge self tapping screw hope that pulls it out, hard to see in there (no 5 cyl) might just be pulling on nothing. I'll tinker again this weekend then post a few pics if I hit a snag.......

13th November 2012, 10:02 PM
Sounds like pollution stuff to me,

13th November 2012, 10:24 PM
Post some pics up mate if you can, it will help you allot if we can se what you are playing with ;)

Ian Carruthers
19th November 2012, 09:43 PM
OK progress made - Cleaning of two injectors has improved the misfire & the smoking could be a pump problem rather than rings. Once it's licenced will take it on a long run and monitor the oil consumption.
Gearbox problems ended up being adjustment needed at the clutch foot peddle. So all coming together pleased the box didnt have to come out.
Clicking noise still at right front hub - took off the locker and all looks OK no metal bits so need to take off the whole right hub for a more through inspection. Once the clicking noise starts you have to slow to almost a stop then you hear a clank (like the prop/halfshaft is winding up) then the noise goes away & off you go again - Sound familar!

20th November 2012, 09:28 PM
Try starting another thread for the question about the hub noise, you may get a better response.

21st November 2012, 08:06 AM
Do you have Auto Hubs? sounds like a dodgy Auto Hub. Alternatively a CV is knackered but normally only hear that on full lock and goes away as you straighten up??

Ian Carruthers
23rd November 2012, 12:45 AM
Hi yes have auto hubs & are set on auto. CV's are OK it's a faster clicking sound than worn cv's > starts at about 20kmph if you speed up it doesnt go away, till you slow right down to abt 4kmph then the thunk of a (half shaft releasing tension?) and off you go again ........................ I can see will probably have to take the complete hub off as need to machine the discs anyhow > Just not enough hours in the day & too many functions on this time of the year. Nothing gets done in a hurry in Africa! Through our local 4x4 club have been offered a TD24 manual on loan thats going to iron out a lot of the smaller issues.................Cheers all

23rd November 2012, 10:34 AM
Sounds like a hub issue, I had the same sort of noise on mine and swapped to manual hubs. I believe they can be taken apart and cleaned to fix the issue though.

Ian Carruthers
23rd November 2012, 10:42 PM
Yep - Just been advised this is a known problem with auto lockers, first im going to clean both lockers & just lightly oil them & try again. Failing that Im going to look for manual ones.
thanks for the advise........ ITS FRIDAY REE HA!