View Full Version : GQ Tank Upgrade

7th November 2012, 04:41 PM
G'day guys!

Proud owner of a 1990 GQ TD42 Wagon. Have been touring the last 6 months, just got to Perth and have been slowly building up the beast to maximise its touring capability- mostly concentrating on ride, fuel economy and safety.

Have been tossing up the idea of a long-range tank for a while, as carrying 3x25L jerries and loading/unloading from the roff is wearing thin. Like to carry lots of fuel, for both safety as well as ability to bypass towns where fuel is $1.80L+.

What is better: Buying/installing an auxillery tank to the original tank, or replacing the lot with a big long ranger?

Have sniffed around, apparently buying brand new sets back over $1000 (not including fitting).

Anyone in the same boat, or experienced the same situation?

7th November 2012, 04:50 PM
I just put an order on 150ltr tank from brown Davis $1120 install my self should have it Friday I think a long range is a better option

7th November 2012, 05:05 PM
be patient and pic one up off ebay for about half price or better. Even call a couple of wreckers for a decent price. Anything under $500 for the rear 145lt is a great price.

If you have the $$ then a 145lt in the back and a 70lt in the belly for the sub. At a minimum leave the sub tank in place.