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View Full Version : Vent - also help with wheel arch repair/replacement

2nd November 2012, 07:28 PM
So I side swiped a roo the other day. Got off lightly with a driver's side rear wheel arch half knocked off. It's the bit that attaches to the back of the rear door. I gently peeled it back to reveal there's four places where it attaches to the door. The bottom three were neatly popped out and all in one piece as you can see from the pics. The rivets or plugs were cactus but the arch was not affected and the main top one was still holding. Bonza I thought. I'll get the bottom screw/plug/rivet thing, take out the door lining & fit the thing & get it back on.

Along comes the father in law and has a poke around the car. Comes back around and has the wheel arch in his hand. Says something along the lines of 'you can get these from the wrecker or from a Nissan dealer'. I went & checked his handiwork and he ripped it off and screwed the top bit of the arch, leaving half of it on the door - see pic. I'm not sure what happened next but it involved swearing, yelling and Dexter-like thoughts of Karmic revenge. The top thing on the arch is broken so that's stuffed my chances of getting it back on.

So fellow Patrol lovers, I'm guessing that its possible but expensive to get this from the dealer. I assume patrol a part would be the go. I might check eBay. I dunno. I'm leaving it for tonight & having a few cold ones & dream deliriously of murderous mischief.



Effing dirty so-and-so. Landcrab driving Neanderthal. Fat piece of pelican poo. Stupid as a sack full of hammers.

2nd November 2012, 07:34 PM

Closeup of what the borderline retard left on my car.

2nd November 2012, 07:37 PM
If its $124 for one front mud flap OE , I'm guessing your venting session will cost about $400plus maybe, as my thinking is this is part of a pair for that door.
And Mr Nissan in his wisdom wouldn't break up a pair, try the wreckers might be a tad cheaper

2nd November 2012, 07:43 PM
Ouch. I will try online tomorrow & check wreckers on monday. Theres no need to rush it just makes me mad that my baby's got bits missing.

2nd November 2012, 07:52 PM
$260 from patrol a part for one arch and the plug kit. Don't know if I'm going to laugh or cry.

2nd November 2012, 08:32 PM
Your attachment wont work for me ?

But from the other pics ,it looks like some new clips, a bit of super glue and some sikaflex and things would be pretty good with what you have ?

2nd November 2012, 08:43 PM
Sikaflex gotta look into that cheers! Yeah I had another look after some creativity juice and I'm overthinking it out of sheer rage.

I reckon 3 new clips and a bodgy job on the broken one and she'll he right.

Nuthin' like a good rant but to settle the psychopathic urges.

2nd November 2012, 08:59 PM
Grab your soldering iron and get into plastic welding..
Basically melt the 2 bits back together...

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

2nd November 2012, 09:21 PM
Sikaflex gotta look into that cheers! Yeah I had another look after some creativity juice and I'm overthinking it out of sheer rage.

I reckon 3 new clips and a bodgy job on the broken one and she'll he right.

Nuthin' like a good rant but to settle the psychopathic urges.

Yeh carefull, or we might have to change your name from snewin, to sPewin ! :hpfredgeorge1:

2nd November 2012, 09:28 PM
Yeh carefull, or we might have to change your name from snewin, to sPewin ! :hpfredgeorge1:

Thanks for dragging up repressed memories of high school.