View Full Version : The NCOP for Vehicle Modifications starts from the 1st November in QUEENSLAND

Xtreme 4x4 Sport
31st October 2012, 05:58 PM
Hi, I have spent most of today going over what is going to happen and talking to Vehicle Standards, here is the way I see it.

Tyres:- 50mm over what is on the tyre placard, so 33 look good on some of the larger vehicles.

Vehicle Height:- Maximum of 125mm. This is made up of 50mm suspension, tyres 50mm (diameter) & body blocks 50mm. (Some other States are 150mm in total)

Suspension:- No more then 50mm.

Vehicle height:- Increases over 75mm will require an LS9 (Design) & LS10 (Modification) plate fitted, this will also include a lane change test. LS9 & LS10 are Queensland only.

Body Lift:- If tyres and suspension is standard a K3 will be required.

Roll Cages:- What I can make out, you can no longer approve cages starting at the "A" Pillar. But if has already been started before the 1st November it can still be approved up until 30th April. If I was plating would be asking for proof of when started.

Motors:- There are now an extra 2 Codes to comply with, now have a total of 3 for the motor & one for the Turbo/Supercharger. More on this one later. But what I have been told the 4wd's can only have upto a 5.8lt fitted before approval is needed.

There are still more changes but have not had the time to get into them. But as I do I will post.

Remember this is the way I read the new Code. If in doubt call Transport or look at the Code


31st October 2012, 06:33 PM
Thanks for posting the info David !

31st October 2012, 06:39 PM
Vehicle Height:- Maximum of 125mm. This is made up of 50mm suspension, tyres 50mm (diameter) & body blocks 50mm. (Some other States are 150mm in total)

hahahhahaha So much for it being National, So when someone from any other state travels to QLD with 150mm in total they are still breaking the law and will get fined in QLD. hahahahahahaha

Thanks anyway for the update David

31st October 2012, 09:51 PM
Hey dave what does this mean for the existing codes I have on my mod plates for turbo and body lift? All still good I presume?

31st October 2012, 09:58 PM
Crap I just re - read what you said, so I need to get a lane swerve test for my car with 33's, 2" body lift and 2" spring lift because the overall combined increase in height is 125mm and over the 75mm maximum vehicle height which would also need those 2 extra codes on another mod plate, is that correct? Looks like I'm going to have to book you in again if that's the case.

Xtreme 4x4 Sport
1st November 2012, 06:12 AM
AS you had the body lift plated and suspension done before the 1st November, it is ok.

I will now find out about what happens with the tyres fitted from today.

There is a 6month "lead in" period for the new Codes and I take there will be a lot of stuff done on the run as per any new introduced Rules.

I would be very much surprised if Transport try & flex their weight in this first 6 months unless the mods don't fall into the general rules at all.


1st November 2012, 05:06 PM
This stuff gets confusing....
Spoke to the bloke who is doing mine today (I'm in NSW)
I have 33" tyres, 50mm lift, 22.5mm body block and -13 16x8 ROH steel rims.
Total "wheel arch trim" lift from the ground 97.5mm or from centre of axle 72.5mm
He has said all is fine, he needs to do a brake test which includes cycling the brakes to test fade.
The ROH's do not have the size or load rating stamped on them, so ROH is doing up a letter for this requirement.
He said under 50mm increase in track you can self certify (With RTA?) over 50mm needs engineering. Mine is 46mm wider so I'm OK.
The lane change or swerve test is probably not required but will be able to see when we do the brake test as it has some readout.
I have ajustable shocks in the rear so they will be wound up to the max.
If a swerve test is required it has to be on a closed road under controlled conditions, I'm guessing witches hats and cameras.... he said expensive.
But he said the final approval is up to the certifier at the moment so looking at my vehicle he can see no real issues.
It all changes in about a month as the vested interested groups are all getting togeather and that meeting will form the final outcome.
For us in NSW he said get it done before that meeting if you can.
This means it is not National, like I said at the beginning this stuff gets confusing.

1st November 2012, 05:25 PM
@ the end of the day, the roads and transport authority still won't know there own rules and won't help you when you want 2 do mods, Some certifiers will go no worries mate all legal now hand me ur $$$, you will still get pulled over by the roads and transport authority who didn't know the rules or want to help you do the right thing in the first place and will fine you for the illegal mods the certifier has just passed. You still can't drive 2 every state within Australia without getting defected for illegal mods that have been passed within ur own state of registration.

So nothing has really changed by the sound of it

Got 2 love them pen pushers in high places

Xtreme 4x4 Sport
6th November 2012, 04:03 PM
Just spoke to vehicle standards re the LS9 & LS10

They have said that an LS9 & LS10 is only required for lifts (total of suspension, tyres & body lift) between 75mm and 125mm is required.

Wording was incorrect re an LS10 being required for lifts 50 - 75mm (tyres & suspension).

No mod plate is required for lifts between 50 & 75mm (tyres & suspension)

K3 is still required for body lift.
