View Full Version : F-ing ATO, my blood is nearly boiling..

30th October 2012, 12:40 PM
Well I'm pissed..
A few weeks ago now I received a letter from the tax office asking if I could go over my 2011-12 tax statements. All looked good, there figured matched mine.. All good.

Last week I receive an amended tax statement... WTF.. They over estimated my 2011-12 income by $1500.. And now want me to pay back $460..
Now my salary is only $57000 a year and the wife is a stay at home mum. So to say the budget is tight is an understatement after finding out our electricity prices have risen 42% in 6 months... That's another story..

Anyway, i can't afford it straight up do I've rung up the hotline to sort a payment over the next 8 months..
I get a computer which puts me onto a nice Indian women. She speaks fluent English, untill i put forward that I can pay weekly for 8 months..
First issue, I can't setup a payment plan untill after the due date.. Ok, a pain in the ass, but what ever..
2nd issue (and my main)- as of the due date the amount owed occurs an interest tax.. Compounded daily.. WTF..
The ATO has f-ed up my return and now I gotta pay it back with interest...
Don't get me wrong, I'll pay it back but it's a bit harsh I get stung for there f-up...
Now this lady on the phone couldn't quite get the angle I was coming from.. She kept saying if I don't agree with the amendment to lodge a complaint...
But I do agree with the assessment but not that I get slogged interest tax.

So I ask for an Australian person kindly.
Which I get this reply, and

Issue no.3 - there an off shore call company and there are no Australians there.. WTF
It's the ATO..
I was pushing s-it up hill here...

So to me there reading a script.. And as soon as they get an odd call there buggered, she couldn't answer my question..

So if anyone here can help me please, pm me. Or could get me a number to an Aussie branch were I can discuss my issue, not a scripts issue, it'll be much appreciated..

Kallen Westbrook
Owner of
Westy's Accessories (http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/showthread.php?15134-Westy-s-Accessories.-A-small-back-yard-builder.)

30th October 2012, 12:51 PM
Ring your accountant thats as close as you'll get I'm afraid

30th October 2012, 02:30 PM
My cousin works for the ATO in debt collection. It's located near Brisbane, so I have no idea why you'd get an offshore place.

I have contacted her and given her the details of what you posted. I've asked her for a direct number for you to call her if possible.

If she gets back to me and if she can help then I'll PM you asap.

My wife used to work for the ATO as well and she said that they are not interested in $460 and won't chase you down for it, as long as they can set up something where they'll eventually get the money back it's usually fine to do this, so paying it out over 8 months would be great the the ATO would agree no problems.

Hope I can help, I'll be in touch.


30th October 2012, 02:32 PM
Ring your accountant thats as close as you'll get I'm afraid

What he said bud ^^^^

Also note that the Compounding Interest rate of the ATO is at least 18% Yes 18% Take note and do what you can mate

30th October 2012, 02:51 PM
Can feel your pain brother. It's crap all these off shore call centers. (For everything)

I owed the ATO $15k many years back through a dodgy business partner. Get on to your accountant and get him to sort a payment plan to suit. That's what I did and they were happy with $50 a week till paid off, and payed extra when could. They even sent out payment slips to the value of $50. Yer it took a few years and No interest incurred.

Tappn the App Beers on Tap

31st October 2012, 08:05 AM
I had to pay back $5600 in tax a couple of years back (incorrect processing by our payroll company), and stretched it out over a year. I had to pay interest on it, but was able to claim all that interest as a deduction the following year under the "costs associated with managing your tax" section.