View Full Version : Damn Bunnings

28th October 2012, 11:15 AM
Stuff em the lil ones found the kids playground at Bunnings and i can't get her out!!!!!! WHY WHY WHY

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28th October 2012, 11:18 AM
They frokin make it so I can't fit in there to get me out mums managed to squeeze in and climb up hahahahahaha she's scaring all the other lil s$&@s I mean darlings hahahahaha

Sent via my tapping thumbs

28th October 2012, 11:20 AM
Gotta love 'em! I'm firmly convinced the people who build those playgrounds have never had kids! Same as the Macca's playgrounds. Can't get into them to rustle up the little darlings!

The BigFella
28th October 2012, 11:43 AM
calling AB to the Bat Phone,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

28th October 2012, 12:02 PM
Easy! Leave them in the car :)
But really, I hate Bunnings cause they tend to hire complete plebs. They shouldn't hire anyone under the age of 35 or 40. As I have found the younger workers don't care and can't help you with anything. The famous words from our local Bunnings is, "it can't be done". FFS I tell them everytime. Sorry for my rant I just hate them with a passion as we used to have a great Mitre10 then Bunnings came in and basically drove them out. Now I have to deal with dumbass city when I go there.

28th October 2012, 01:08 PM
X2 on that and masters is worse! Ill ask for advice and they will say " ill grab somone from this area" then they arrive and you ask the same question, so whats the staff do but read the back of the packet looking for the answer ..... Like i havent tried that the wan&3rs

28th October 2012, 01:48 PM
LMAO, just got back from there hahaha, got a few bits and bobs and a curtain rod for the miss's well you know what I meen lol, for the laundry then. Oh would you like to buy a hacksaw to cut it. Come on love, I think I will manage. But yer X 10 on bunnings, young ones that wouldn't have a clue. Was there one day looking for something and I took 2 staff that couldn't find it, as they called for the 3rd I turned around, saw what I was after, grabbed it and walked away, bloody useless I tell ya. And G same thing happened at Maccas with the niece mate lol, That's what the miss's is for. Start climbing love hahaha

Tappn the App Beers on Tap

28th October 2012, 02:01 PM
Easy! Leave them in the car :)
But really, I hate Bunnings cause they tend to hire complete plebs. They shouldn't hire anyone under the age of 35 or 40. As I have found the younger workers don't care and can't help you with anything. The famous words from our local Bunnings is, "it can't be done". FFS I tell them everytime. Sorry for my rant I just hate them with a passion as we used to have a great Mitre10 then Bunnings came in and basically drove them out. Now I have to deal with dumbass city when I go there.

I agree 100% i just dont bother asking anyone there, im happy to wander around till i find it ir spit the dummy and leave hahahahahahhaha And yup mitre 10 had it all over Bunnings

LMAO, just got back from there hahaha, got a few bits and bobs and a curtain rod for the miss's well you know what I meen lol, for the laundry then. Oh would you like to buy a hacksaw to cut it. Come on love, I think I will manage. But yer X 10 on bunnings, young ones that wouldn't have a clue. Was there one day looking for something and I took 2 staff that couldn't find it, as they called for the 3rd I turned around, saw what I was after, grabbed it and walked away, bloody useless I tell ya. And G same thing happened at Maccas with the niece mate lol, That's what the miss's is for. Start climbing love hahaha

Tappn the App Beers on Tap

Yup we left with her absolutely flipping out ya woulda thought we'd slaughtered bambi in front of her hahahahhaha wifey was arking hahahahhahaahaha i ended up seeing the funny side

28th October 2012, 04:01 PM
C'mon though guys you can't expect them to know everything about every product.

28th October 2012, 04:11 PM
Don't get me wrong, I love Bunnings. Could spend hrs there. But for service I'm selective, usually look for the 30+ guys to help me if I can't help myself, the youngins are useless, and their prices ship on mitre10.

Tappn the App Beers on Tap

Sir Roofy
28th October 2012, 06:56 PM
things seem to be around the other way here. Mitre 10 service is worse than useless. No floor staff and one day when i called for someone i had to wait 15 minutes until what looked like the company accountant came out of the office to help me. Needless to say he had absolutely no idea where to find it let alone answer my question. Havent darkened their doorstep for about 3 years and dont intend to either. Most of the time my local bunnings guys know what they're on about. Most are 30+ friendly and helpful. Occasionally get a bad one but that's the exception.

mate travel up here some time and try our store its mainly self serve

28th October 2012, 07:02 PM
Yep, enclosed playgrounds are tight to ensure no kid can't have a fall height of greater then 500mm so get your ass in there Growler...LMAO

The playground at our local Bunnings is located near the corner of the building and we always avoid going to that spot so she doesnt see it otherwise It's all over...LOL

28th October 2012, 07:04 PM
C'mon though guys you can't expect them to know everything about every product.

No you cant expect that, but half of them know nothing about nothing. The companies are too cheap to either train or hire people who know certain areas, ie gardening is a horticulturist, tools are chippies etc.

28th October 2012, 10:48 PM
Things seem to be around the other way here. Mitre 10 service is worse than useless. No floor staff and one day when I called for someone I had to wait 15 minutes until what looked like the company accountant came out of the office to help me. Needless to say he had absolutely no idea where to find it let alone answer my question. Havent darkened their doorstep for about 3 years and dont intend to either. Most of the time my local bunnings guys know what they're on about. Most are 30+ friendly and helpful. Occasionally get a bad one but that's the exception.

Well our local Mitre10 has gotten really bad lately actually, all the usual workers left and now they are just as bad as Bunnings. I like the M10 up in Diamond Creek, haven't had drama's there but its too far to go for a packet of screw etc etc. Yes the Bunning people are friendly, well most of them but they do need to hire people with knowledge, not just the will to work in any job. Speaking of Bunnings, they copped a spray from me today at Mill Park as everytime I go there for something they seem to either not stock it or have run out. I went to get some quad shield coax and they had run out, feck I was furious, I had already had an armful of silicone, they made me mad again, I felt like stabbing them in the neck with the silicone tube thingo'. I had to drive over to Epping to get my cable. 5 minute trip turned into an hour...

29th October 2012, 07:01 PM
My local Bunnings staff are nearly all young girls. Good for a perve and than forget what I went for. Ha Ha.

29th October 2012, 07:17 PM
The main reason they don't have a clue is because they generally don't have a trade background or even any experience labouring for a trade, my mate works at bunnings and she's reasonable but she still doesn't understand a lot of stuff when i ask her about materials and products. She also calls timber "wood" which shits me to tears. But then again I suppose the paint section i don't really have a clue about but lets be honest the Tool shops the best part about bunnings, they have the playground for kids to play in, the cafe for the women to play in and the tool shop for the blokes to play in. They've got the system down pat.

10th November 2012, 10:22 AM
Well just got back from there again, and I must say I got a bloke that knew his sh!?,
Waited while he sorted another fella looking for fertilizer, the guy was looking for a particular type that he said they use to sell, the bunnings fellas reply was been here for 18 yrs mate and we have never stocked that product, put him onto another brand and scored a sale, My turn now, looking for poison to kill off stumps from 5 Palms I just cut down. Took me straight to the product, explained the mix and what with, how long it takes and how it worked. Great service and knew his sh!?.
Should be more like him. But Steve's store sounds to good.

Tappn the App Beers on Tap

16th February 2013, 05:32 PM
x 2 with Winnie i know they hire retired tradies thats a big help all ok at my Bunnings I'm in betwwenn 3
@ Growler you should be lucky its only a playground god forbid if they install a BAR,,,,,,,,,,, lol ,,,,,,,,,,,hic cup

17th February 2013, 10:19 AM
I just hate them with a passion as we used to have a great Mitre10 then Bunnings came in and basically drove them out. Now I have to deal with dumbass city when I go there.

I avoid bunnings like the plaque
They shut all the little hardware stores , then the prices went up
Anyone who does deals like 10 % cheaper than any quoted price only spells disaster for the smaller stores
I could have supplied a product to them on 180 day accounts ......................... yeah dont think so

17th February 2013, 11:51 PM
Masters will knock them around then the two will just join forces like their Coles and Woolies shops......

18th February 2013, 08:14 AM
Masters will knock them around then the two will just join forces like their Coles and Woolies shops......

...amen to that bro...
as an aside, talking about coles and woolies, which is masters and buntings in another life...their mid week flyers touting their food specials for the week, the items on special seem to be identical for both stores.
...eg if woolies has vegemite for $2.49, look at the coles flyer and it will have vegemite on sale too...
...ahem not that I read these junk mail outs, the lil woman just pointed it out to me...:rolleyes: