View Full Version : Workshop manuals

26th October 2012, 06:43 PM
Having tried a couple of times to download manuals from here, I haven't found a manual I can easily navigate & find what I want for my '06 GU TDi42. Maybe it's not here, or maybe if it is it's not Mac friendly, or maybe I'm just doing something wrong.

I downloaded what I thought would be the manual I needed, & followed the instruction in the readme file. This brought up a page with 'Go' & 'Link' options, but none were clickable & I could get no further. I could click & open various pdf chapters in the folder, but found little relating to my vehicle.

On ebay there is currently a Haynes workshop manual (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Nissan-Patrol-GU-Petrol-Diesel-1998-2011-Haynes-Service-Repair-Workshop-Manual-/360494675516?pt=AU_Non_Fiction_Books_2&hash=item53ef28363c#ht_2141wt_1141) - does anyone have one? Is it any good? Years ago I used to swear by Haynes manuals for my British motorcycles, but have heard a few whinges about more recent Haynes manuals having mistakes in them.
