View Full Version : Miles per Gallon (Courtesy of the Black &White Column in Herald Sun)

23rd October 2012, 09:54 AM
A recent study found that the average Aussie walks 900 Miles per Year.

Another study found that Aussies drink on average 22 Gallons of Alcohol a Year.

Therefor on Average Aussies get about 41 Miles to the Gallon


23rd October 2012, 10:19 AM
I must need a service - I reckon I'm getting more like 10 miles per gallon! Either that or I need to walk more!

23rd October 2012, 11:56 AM
Im the other way around I think I need to drink more get a few more cylinders firing lol or

23rd October 2012, 12:32 PM
Me economy is not that great, I seem to walk forward, then back and a bit sideways but all good I get there in the end :)

23rd October 2012, 02:09 PM
I've got a dirty sump plug ATM. Thought I was getting better than that, go figure,
Nice work Bob