View Full Version : Yet another thread dedicated to low-life scum bags!

21st October 2012, 06:14 PM
Got a phone call from my mate today and he was absolutely devastated. Somebody had broken into his gun cabinet and taken all 5 of his guns. Shotguns and rifles, they were his babies. They were in a locked shed in the paddock in a locked gun safe, stored completely legally. He had his great-grandfather's guns in there and now some drop kick out there has them. There are two things that are completely and utterly WRONG about this.
1. It had to be somebody he knows, they went straight to the gun safe and didn't take anything else, the shed was full of expensive tools of his dad's that were not taken. There are about 5 sheds on their property and they went straight to the right one.
2. Some d**khead scum bag frackwit out there now has 5 guns!

Scary stuff.

21st October 2012, 06:25 PM
Cops Know right. Now go to gun shop for info on anyone buying ammo to suit, with you,,, inside job. f'ing theives don't you just love'm to death.
sorry Winnie wish theres more we can do, why steal them anyway, can't dislay, what couple of bucks each to get drugs, I really don't get what the f is going on with the world.
you'll know them for sure

21st October 2012, 06:31 PM
Yeah cops know, been at mate's all afternoon. Good idea on going to gun shops for info, I'll tell my mate for sure, good call!
Love em to death... yeah love if they were dead. Better yet send them all to an island and just forget about them. Out of our hair and then if they manage to keep alive that's fine they'll be living with their own kind, obviously different creatures to us honest folk.

21st October 2012, 06:34 PM
Bl@@dy thieves!!!!
Karma has more work to do!!
One can only hope they have an accident with them, need to go to hospital. Then the boys in blue can throw them in the slammer and throw away the keys.
Sad part being they could be some trusted.

Tappa Tappa yappa yappa

21st October 2012, 06:35 PM
That's awful. There's been a lot of that in our area recently. Nothing else taken just guns & ammo.

21st October 2012, 06:37 PM
You know a thief is the only person who will steal from another thief ,wonder how they feel
or is it just BUSINESS

21st October 2012, 07:01 PM
Buisiness, habitual what ever they are still scum, Love Winnies idea of Alcatraz for all thieving 7r!(k$

21st October 2012, 07:11 PM
Similar happened to a mates ol man years ago.
Gats were locked up in armoury and in safes. They used an axe or similar to get in. Knew what they were after straight to the handguns.
Coupla years later one of em turned up when me mates cousin tried an armed holdup in Darwin and failed.
Co%k sucker had got into heroin and ripped off his own kin.

21st October 2012, 07:18 PM
Thats the trouble with theives they steal from themselves. nail gun their sack to the floor F 'em
Not worth spitting on

21st October 2012, 07:33 PM
This is bad news . Hope they didnt use his old mans power tools to get into the safe . The jacks and insurance companys take this sort of thing with a very dimm view . ie - all power tools locked away aswell .

21st October 2012, 07:51 PM
That sucks mate. I keep my gun locked in a safe I built and Chem set into the ground with m 12 bolts good luck to them but so crims can't use my gun if they get to it my bolts are removed and locked and hidden so they can't be used. Unfortunately I doubt they'll ever be found and black market is too easy to get stuff but sounds like an inside job

21st October 2012, 08:50 PM
We can't think of anybody who would know where they are that would do it though, which makes it worse as it's either someone he really trusts (not likely) or someone he really trusts has told someone else (more likely)

21st October 2012, 09:41 PM
Can't be good, wish I could just have a day without something bad happening.

Publicly speaking to a private audience.

22nd October 2012, 09:01 AM
Yeah I feel for your mate.. I am trying to win the battle to move mine so they are not near the things that make it easy for them!!!!

I am tired of these low life's I really am, there has to be a point when we say enough to thieves and thugs and dealers and so on?

I dont ever want it to be like the USA as far as gun laws go but sometimes I wish these parasites would just stop breathing.

Ok calm deep breaths..........

22nd October 2012, 09:58 AM
Winnie it may have been a quick comment at the pub, like a throw away line, but someone was listening, "A" holes. like I said you'll know them.
Dont take this wrong but look at who doing drugs around you, All Druggies ,LIE, CHEAT and STEAL no exceptions. As for splitting the gun up
so you cant use them, The person at the 7/11 won't know if the sawn off works or not. Finally to Mego Yes wouldn't it be great to log on for once, just once and not see any bad news whats so ever, Hope that day comes and stays soon.
Sick of the S$%T as it is today

22nd October 2012, 04:50 PM
Warning shot between the eyes would make these ba.......ds think, shoot em in the sack and stake em over a meat ants nest