View Full Version : 2.8 diesels gu??? any info??

17th October 2012, 12:57 PM
Hey guy's i have a friend keen to buy a 2.8 litre g.u wagon.Has anyone got any info on them?Do they rate ,or are they gutless,and are there any known dramas to look for?Any info greatly appreciated!!!:gday:

17th October 2012, 01:10 PM
Crack heads easy they are good if you drive them right. Prob better getting a 2003 zd30 instead

17th October 2012, 01:19 PM
The 2.8 in the GU was near the end of the design life and was well run for many years in the GQ first so any real dramas where sorted. They can be tuned for reasonable performance and if you get a good one then your man will be happy with it.

17th October 2012, 05:05 PM
I have one and I'm very happy to own it.
One good diesel engine specialist said me if I will check noizzles from time to time there would never be cracks in the engines head.
The crack appears in results of overheating of small area on the thin wall of head in place where broken nozzels make a impact of fuel stream (not sprayed fuel a stream of fuel) in to the thin wall of head. If noizels work properly you will never have overheating of this small area and no problems with head.

17th October 2012, 05:05 PM
Anyone else got anything

17th October 2012, 07:38 PM
Imagine driving a car without an engine.

Check the gutters for rust. Also pull out the rubber seal inside rear barn doors (at top of door).

I find them slow off the mark, but they get there if you are patient. As per other patrols, 33s are a bit large - not clearance issues, but they make it slower and 1st gear low range is still too fast for rock crawling.

Chemtech diesel power is your friend.


17th October 2012, 08:35 PM
Hey man I have a 99 2.8 gu and it was a lemon it over heated on me the day after I bought it after a bit of arguing with the salesman I realised the pr@$k had slipped a warranty waver in, anyway long story short my dad and I rebuilt it and have never looked back. It has driven from Perth to melb along the coast 4wding and all and has not missed a beat. It didn't struggle even though fully loaded with prob over three ton including car obviously. Off road it is more than capable other than steep hill starts it can struggle a bit and on road take off is a bit sluggish and hill climes can be a bit slow. But if you are aware if what your car is capable of you soon figure out ways around the small down falls. I must admit though had been able to afford it I would have bought a 4.2 td, but that is also because I eventually want a camper to go touring with and I don't think the motor will be able to handle it.

17th October 2012, 08:36 PM
Imagine driving a car without an engine.

Check the gutters for rust. Also pull out the rubber seal inside rear barn doors (at top of door).

I find them slow off the mark, but they get there if you are patient. As per other patrols, 33s are a bit large - not clearance issues, but they make it slower and 1st gear low range is still too fast for rock crawling.

Chemtech diesel power is your friend.


Hey p4trol do you mind me asking what chemtech diesel power is.

17th October 2012, 08:59 PM
I had one once, dont like to admit it, but like many pre 2.8 GU owners, ill chip in
Was near new, done probably 50,000 trouble free ks, didnt touch a thing, was good, then ......
For no reason, and no warning,it stopped
The head cracked beyond repair, a brand spankin new head was ordered, and 5 large later,it was running
Sold it day after it was fixed

They have a head gasket/head cracking issue just like many other alloy headed cars, and add into that lack of maintanance, and uneducated people who dont use the correct coolant, your asking for trouble
Id buy a 4.2 diesel, pay the extra, youll never ever look back

17th October 2012, 11:20 PM
Chemtech is the brand, diesel power is the product.

It is a diesel additive. First it treats the diesel to stop things growing in it. For me driving a 98gu, the motor drives smoother, and is more responsive below 1000rpm. The older motors notice it more than the newer ones. If I had access to BP premium diesel, I would probably just use that.

The 1L bottle comes with inbuilt measurer. Treatment is 1mL per litre of diesel. You can buy it in 5L containers too.




21st October 2012, 08:10 PM
Got a 98 GU 2.8Ti and yes it may be a bit sluggish around town, On the open road once she's rollin she's a rollin.
Mate with a 2010 V8 cruiser was shocked the ol 2.8 stuck with him all the way.
Up hills, can get warmish but not overheat and slow up if you lose your run, but what counts Out bush its in its eliment and i cant fault it for what it is.
Remember though its no 4.2td but it doesnt dissapoint.

The only issue i've had with the 2.8 is dropped an oil line from turbo in sand and a tik turned to a Clunk (No offense Adrian lol)