View Full Version : Farewell ???

15th October 2012, 10:40 PM
Just read Paulys Farewell thread. WTF

Big fella sounds to me like your steppin down from Super Mod status,
Blown away myself, and yes i know you and the family have been going through a rough time, and i dont want to be heartless or greedy, but i hope your still gunna hang around and drbble ship buddy ???

You are one of the characters that got me interested in this place and one of the original fellas that put their heart and sole into the forum to get it up and running and forge it to what it is today.
Your a top bloke mate, you have helped me out heaps over the time ive known you, Damn even the miss's bloody thinks your Ok and gets concerned when she doesnt hear your name for a while, and if you choose not to stick around coz you bought a cruiser lol i understand, but you wont get away that easy, i still got your number and will stay in touch.

Wishing you all the best mate, take care and chat soon,
Cheers for all the effort, laughs, advice and help mate. Your a Champ