View Full Version : Farewell to all

15th October 2012, 10:06 PM
Well guy's & gal's unbeknown to a great many of you I have a great deal of heath issues going on both with myself & my family & I can no longer support you all in the way I have so im passing on the torch to whoever AB sees fit to take over the spot...

I wish you all the very best of luck in your futures.

Best Regards

15th October 2012, 10:21 PM
Paul! Damn!

Mate that's no bloody good at all, sorry your health is knocking you about mate.

Sorry I had a missed call from you earlier tonight bud, the wife was out and I was juggling the two little ones on dinner time. Happy to give you a call tomorrow mate. I'll be out on site all day but will try and give you a call from the car between inspections.

Mate just getting used to you being back and active bud, enjoying your presence.

Health is first and foremost. Mate hang around but just back it off a little. Your an "all In" kinda guy though. Mate I hope you remain well. I hope your family remain we'll to bud.

Cheers Darren