View Full Version : gps

14th October 2012, 01:59 AM
I am missing a vent on my old car and thought i would cover it with my allmost as old gps which was fine untill i wired the 4.5V device in directly to hide the wireing and then watched it burn(oops) from over voltage. So now im after another gps cause i just like havin em and am looking at the old Navman (my) series because they are cheap and can load 4wd maps in them apparently and my question is does any one have one and are the maps any gud?

14th October 2012, 02:00 AM
And as this is my 25th post im off to get that pdf,thanks to the site i do appreciate it!

14th October 2012, 02:54 AM
Very good, hope you find what you need.............. i can't help with the gps, last nav man I had was 5 years ago, too old for 4wd maps

14th October 2012, 02:56 AM
How's it going mate,
They are a pretty good gps unit I've got the my55 I have ozi explorer and all my hema raster maps loaded onto a micro sd card along with a program called miopocket which cracks the unit and allows Ozi to run. The only downside is screen size so I now run an ipad2 with hema maps aswell

Sent while temporally motionless

14th October 2012, 11:30 AM
Thanks Russ i have spotted a couple of the 80 & 60 my's pretty cheap and the screen is pretty good on them @ 11 or 12 inches and just searched the Hema maps on me phone but $150eek thats abit rich for alchy...

14th October 2012, 12:42 PM
As Russ said, load miopocket and all good. Did that to my old navman s35 and works well

Tap, Tap Taparoo

14th October 2012, 03:16 PM
Hey oilpond, just seen on catchoftheday.com.au, navman my80 $99, my85 $129..........