View Full Version : Tb to td conversion

11th October 2012, 09:24 PM
Hey guys, im thinking about a tb42 conversion to td42.
First of all ive tried searching the site for previous related threads but it wont let me open them so im at a bit of a loss. I juz wana no how hard it is in terms of wots needed. I no the engine is obvious but Wot else? Loom? Diffs? Gbox? Fuel tank and lines? Engine mounts? I can work out step by step myself but juz needa no wot i need to have to get started. Cheers every1 :)

11th October 2012, 09:38 PM
Have a look around the forum mate, this has been asked lots of times before, I saw a thread less than a week ago with the exact same thing pop up. Just have a dig around the forum, you'll find what u need


31st October 2012, 11:31 AM
Have a bit more of a search but, the gear box its the same so you wont need that, you will need to change the filler next to a diesel one and you will need to wire up the glow plugs. As far as conversions go its a pretty simple one.

31st October 2012, 11:44 AM
Missed this post...

Below link will give you some info about it mate, my neighbour has done this...
