View Full Version : Heeeeeeeere's johhnie<<<<i'm baaaaaack

11th October 2012, 02:26 PM
Hi all , things went well, just trialling an implant till next wednesday. Then its removed, I'll rebook a room and get it implanted permantely, well thats the plan. Off my head on Meds still, don't know about the Holden comment.. really I love Holden go figure. then again had some MJ phrofapol boy does that hurt going in. Pics are view from room,lucky there as only room available boo hoo.
Took some light reading as wel. Pic of me shows two wires one each side I connect up, hi tech but hoping it works, wont stop me falling down though. Thanks again for the words means heaps to me.

11th October 2012, 02:28 PM
Hi good to see you back

11th October 2012, 02:37 PM
Thanks Bob out earlier but just waisting a bed IMO. Do some awesome nuero work there, brains, back and plenty more, going back in ,in about a month for a longer stay. First time ever xray has showed something from smoking, well lung repairing its self. Wont see me with one in my gob again. Anyway I'm back I'm bad I'm off my tits lets rock

11th October 2012, 02:41 PM
Hope you recover quick mate! ~ And enjoy the Meds!!!

11th October 2012, 02:42 PM
Thanks Bob out earlier but just waisting a bed IMO. Do some awesome nuero work there, brains, back and plenty more, going back in ,in about a month for a longer stay. First time ever xray has showed something from smoking, well lung repairing its self. Wont see me with one in my gob again. Anyway I'm back I'm bad I'm off my tits lets rock

I gave up smoking three years ago with the aid of Tablets. Tried many times before but with the Tablets found it easy. Not for everyone as the Tablets play up with the Head a bit.
In my case the old brain was Past it any way

11th October 2012, 02:44 PM
Welcome back td, glad it all went well for ya. Love the light reading lol nice work. Again welcome back and here's to a speedy recovery

Cheers Pete

Yappa Tappa Doo

11th October 2012, 03:01 PM
Hey 3dogs glad to hear everything went so well! I knew boots had to be making up fluff about you loving Holden, don't think any amount of meds could make you say that!

11th October 2012, 03:13 PM
good to hear mate i see you have some great reading material also nice choice you can never know to much

11th October 2012, 04:07 PM
Glad to hear mate, Chris informed me today of where you were at and the fact you have become a text addict!!!!

Besides my wife and kids giving up cigs was the best thing I have done in my life...... dont go back!!

Me and a couple of mates are going to have an overnighter fishing just near Seymour in about 2 weeks but still look forward to going up to the Murray mate.

11th October 2012, 04:20 PM
Sounds good Aussie Plenty of great fishing water around Murchiston, will know more after next wednesday.
Only problem is this wont stop me falling down, Can't keep having ops not good for the system Imo
Have you fished under the bridge on the HWY, you can get under it South bound, bit of walking but trout and redfin?

11th October 2012, 04:23 PM
I hope like hell this new device works mate...... We have a fishing date.... remember....lol

All the best on whatever happens for you & 10 points on the reading material of choice....lol

11th October 2012, 04:39 PM
Thanks Patch not much reading material there, was going to set photo up with manual on pillow and nurse with stethoscope Lol
Little way to go, yeah dying to go fishing to, might have to make it Cod opening !st of dec. Going to Craigs hut the back way
when tracks open up awesome scenery, just want to see what new hut looks like

11th October 2012, 04:49 PM
Yeah as I said before John I have not fished really since I was a kid so am a complete novice......

So which Hospital you at???

11th October 2012, 05:01 PM
Royal Melb private, used to be Epworth , but being workcover/care you go where they send you, I have a Prof as a surgeon, World leader in his field and put myself in his hands completely
Only called Fishing not Catching lol

11th October 2012, 06:02 PM
Good to see all went well

The BigFella
11th October 2012, 06:20 PM
Glad to see you back on your feet old son.
Look forward to some re-ignited cheek from the King of Cheek!

11th October 2012, 06:25 PM
Glad to see you BACK on board.

Sent from the secret chambers of our secret society, on a secret iPhone, with a secret pin code and eye retina scanning from a secret peep hole, just don't tell anyone OK, cos it's secret........

11th October 2012, 06:37 PM
Woo hoo took ya time ;-)

Sent via my tapping thumbs

11th October 2012, 06:49 PM
Soory mate I'll tell the surgeon off next week. what will I say, ??? oh Growler not happy send TD home, got it. no doubt you read I've gotta go in again.
See the Surgeon next Wednesday to have wires removed, as this is only trial. then book in to have implanted permanently at a later date, Holden Phewey ca ca

11th October 2012, 06:58 PM
Did you go somewhere *L*

Hope the trial goes well and it gets implanted permanently. So if all goes 2 plan does that mean no more back pain or you will still get some just not as bad?

11th October 2012, 07:01 PM
Soory mate I'll tell the surgeon off next week. what will I say, ??? oh Growler not happy send TD home, got it. no doubt you read I've gotta go in again.
See the Surgeon next Wednesday to have wires removed, as this is only trial. then book in to have implanted permanently at a later date, Holden Phewey ca ca

Tell him to make it snappy & get a sense of urgency about himself

Sent via my tapping thumbs

11th October 2012, 07:30 PM
Yeah thought he was dragging the chain a tad, good to be back/awake, as Forrest Gump says" Thats a good thang"

11th October 2012, 07:38 PM
Yup a pulse and breathings Hoyt be good hahahaha

Sent via my tapping thumbs

11th October 2012, 08:02 PM
Shit myself with chest xray, I've had plenty this only one showing damage being repaired, wont see me me smoke again. Always said I'd smoke till a doctors said stop.
nah xray put the fear of god in me, too much more 4x4ing to do.

The BigFella
11th October 2012, 08:08 PM
ya never to old to stop!
Me, Ive never even tried one! And thats the way I like it.
Both my parents smoke to this day, dad has emphysema.
Both my grand dads died from lung cancer so I told myself very early on that it was not for this little black duck!

11th October 2012, 08:11 PM
Just a waste of good money that could be used on other things like Difflocks, Muddies, Fun vouchers, beer vouchers, need I go on

11th October 2012, 08:21 PM
Glad the op went well and all is good mate.....Hope life gets better soon for ya mate

11th October 2012, 08:25 PM
Yeah all looks good, but plenty worse off than me save the prayers for them please

11th October 2012, 09:03 PM
Just a waste of good money that could be used on other things like Difflocks, Muddies, Fun vouchers, beer vouchers, need I go on

Good to see you back on board threedogs, at least youre thinking on the right track with the money, All the best mate and make sure they wire you up DC not AC LOL.:cheers:

11th October 2012, 10:03 PM
All the best threedogs - I quit the fags 26 yrs ago now, cold turkey and never had a puff since. Best move I ever made and watching both parents die from smoking related illness in the last few years reinforced that.
If you get the urge to have a puff stay strong, took me ages and having a beer after the footy was a killer. Now I'm into open water swimming races (old farts category), diving etc. and much fitter than I was at half my age.


12th October 2012, 06:51 AM
Good to see you back John, still off ya boobies?
Or has the meds worn off?
Hope it all works out for you, good luck good thoughts mate

12th October 2012, 07:59 AM
Slept well, felt better, a bit of OP soreness. Will now check posts for any apologies required LOL

12th October 2012, 08:42 AM
No apologies required man, no more of a dribble than anyone else here mate....... Good to see you back on so quick

Don't stroke it, TAP it!!!!.....

12th October 2012, 11:06 AM
Slept well, felt better, a bit of OP soreness. Will now check posts for any apologies required LOL

Frukin rararara.... you can all go and get rucked and you can get rucked too!!! rararara!!!!!!

12th October 2012, 11:22 AM
Nah Aussie not even like that drinking, talk a lot thats about it. "I feel good", As the song goes

12th October 2012, 12:58 PM
Welcome back. Now where are me meds! :) :)

12th October 2012, 01:23 PM
No spare Meds, A mans got to know his limitations,

12th October 2012, 03:08 PM
No spare Meds, A mans got to know his limitations,

Bugger, I was trying to find mine :o

12th October 2012, 04:32 PM
Not sure if we're talking the same meds, nor the same Johnnie, but I just picked up two bottles of medicine labelled Johnnie?? does that count?? lol

12th October 2012, 05:59 PM
Gotta help, its all classed as medicine,

16th October 2012, 05:43 PM
Congrats to all who quit the darts. My hat goes off to you. I'm really struggling to chuck'em. Tried bloody everything and I always seem to go back. The thing is, now I'm getting older I am starting to feel the bad effects of this bad habit.

16th October 2012, 06:07 PM
Mudski I know we PM each other a bit, but it doesnt only affect you, I have tried for last 4 years with tablets, gave up everytime too.
missus was a smoker that didn't help either. could smell the smoke everytime I returned from Hospital and lit up. Like you thought not getting any younger why not give up.
I've never know what its like to not smoke, feel great, bored but great lol. Not going to preach but quitting has to be one of the better decisions you'll ever make
In 4x4 terms I'm saving a diff lock every month. YEAH WOW

16th October 2012, 06:42 PM
Reading this brings back memories probably best forgotten.
Started smoking when I was a kid, the girls next door used to knock off a smoke fom their folks, I was 12 or 13.
Smoked on and off until I was 22, cause I probably thought I was cool.
I had a real good job when I was 21, just out of my time and made leading hand in charge or a crew of 10-15 blokes on a construction site, used to buy 2 packs of B&H at $2.50 a pack each every day and dole them out to my crew, we were the best crew on the site for work done and we were all well rewarded. I got through a few of them myself.
I got a real bad cold and give up the smokes and havn't smoked since, crack it for 56 next month.
As hard as it was for me it is nothing on what you blokes are facing, you have to want to but honestly everything will be better if you can.
I sincerely wish you the very best guys.

16th October 2012, 06:46 PM
Pretty much the same story, Macca I'm a '54 lad

16th October 2012, 09:41 PM
While I'm a fair bit off 54 I, feel 154 at times. Albeit not a heavy smoker, around 7 a day I'm constantly having issues that I know are caused by what I do...I have two beautiful young girls I'd love to see them grow up. Stupid thing is you think this is enough reason to quit. Addiction really plays with your head. TD when your up to it, I'd love to catch up for a beer...

DX grunt
16th October 2012, 09:59 PM
Hospital drugs are the best!!!! lol

Glad to hear your recovering well. It helps to have nice views, too.

Look after yourself and get stuck into that manual.

Take care of yourself.


17th October 2012, 04:10 PM
Here is the up date, Went to see surgeon to have the wires removed from my back. inserted about 75-100mm under the skin great feeling coming out.
Now have to wait to get approval to have in permanently implanted. DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH. I;m thinkink early next year but been wrong heaps
of time. Might have to do Sheepyard Flat/ Craigs Hut weekend before fishing. Will see my BFF and see what we come up with,
Back on the heavy Meds again bummer lol

17th October 2012, 04:25 PM
Not sure if we're talking the same meds, nor the same Johnnie, but I just picked up two bottles of medicine labelled Johnnie?? does that count?? lol

It's gotta be medication i guess otherwise the term self medicating wouldn't apply :)

17th October 2012, 04:28 PM
it all serves the same purpose , gee I'd swim in it if it would seep in somehow

17th October 2012, 05:18 PM
I would love to go for a trip to a hut ???

I have work piling up and mates going fishing and I am waiting on a new rifle and want to hunt and get out and about!!!!!!

???? I dont know!!!???

17th October 2012, 05:24 PM
Just give a hoy only a couple of hours up the road, cost $200 fuel and some snags etc

17th October 2012, 05:29 PM
So the trial went well then I take it?

17th October 2012, 05:51 PM
Yeah as well as it could I suppose, but can stand etc for longer, Removed the wires,That felt great, now to get the ok to have them implanted permantely
Could take a long long time waited since feb for that last Op.

17th October 2012, 06:03 PM
Hey well if you had done a runner when they put the trial in you'd have it in permanently! lol