View Full Version : Thanks for the good company Roofy and Jane

9th October 2012, 08:33 PM
Just had the pleasure of meeting Roofy and Jane :)

Got a PM of them the other day saying they were in the area and if convenient could they drop past in there travels for a catch up.

It was good to catch up with you both in person, and if your ever again in this neck of the woods you are both always welcome 2 call past or camp the night.

2 of the nicest people one could meet.

Thanks again for making the time to drop in :)



9th October 2012, 08:45 PM
Here Here!! Met them both at Neurum Creek and couldn't agree more :)

9th October 2012, 08:47 PM
X2 very happy to have met at Loveday gotta get me arse over to Vic to do one of Roofys guided tours!!

Sent via my tapping thumbs

9th October 2012, 08:57 PM
Bumped into Roofy a couple of times before unfortunately only had time to say g'day. That's right Growler Vic isn't far so get your butt down here,

Tip tap tippity tip tappity tap tap ding dong tipsy topsy wopsy mopsy tippy tap tap tipitty wee

10th October 2012, 05:49 AM
Meet Roofy once earlier this year and has to be one of the easiest guys to become friends with. Great bloke.
His avatar is almost a splitting image of him. LOL

Sent from the secret chambers of our secret society, on a secret iPhone, with a secret pin code and eye retina scanning from a secret peep hole, just don't tell anyone OK, cos it's secret........

10th October 2012, 06:24 AM
Just had the pleasure of meeting Roofy and Jane :)

2 of the nicest people one could meet.

Those 2 hillbillies from down south!!! HAHAHAHAA

Just kidding, couldn't agree more, nice lovable couple who love the outdoors.
It was great to catch up again guys, travel safe!


10th October 2012, 06:26 AM
You are right there Todd, while Jane was with her folks Roofy dropped into our place last Sunday arvo, deadset top bloke and Jane who we met earlier in the year is a darling.

He said he was hoping to catch up with you, nice to hear they did.

Real nice people I hope to catch up with in Vic at Xmas. There is talk of a little drive so I'm looking forward to that as well.

10th October 2012, 07:20 AM
X62 ... top people indeed. I first met Roofy last year on the Victorian meet at AB's and had the pleasure of a revisit at the meet last week and to meet his lovely wife Jane ...

Look forward to doing it all again at the next one!

10th October 2012, 07:26 AM
My wife Lorraine and I are fortunate to be friends of Roofy & Jane.
They are great company to be sitting around a Campfire with and hope to have many more.
Roofy is a great story teller.

10th October 2012, 08:33 PM
All of the above, well said by all and so true.
Met them briefly at Loveday, and in the short time i was there found them to be a top couple,
X2 with MeGo

10th October 2012, 09:31 PM
We had a great time last year in the high country with them. They are just beautiful people.