View Full Version : Re-uploading photos!

6th October 2012, 02:39 PM
G'day folks,

I received advice from mudrunner and other members about setting up a Photobucket account in which i can finally share to the forum some of my photos. I did spent 3 hours yesterday setting up and uploading photos to my photo-bucket account, that part is now done.(what a relive that was!)

However, i am having difficulty in up-loading photos to the forum! I tried to copy and paste them into my thread but nothing happened! I know i have done something wrong, I then tried to up-load through the Manage Attachments function. What happened next was the following, i did not what to go through the up-load files from your computer function as this only directs me to my pictures on my computer which the jpeg format is to high.

So I then tried the up-load files from a website function. I typed in my photo-bucket details but nothing happened. All i got was an upload error code!

If possible, could i give someone a phone call for some guidance please, i am sorry for being a dick-brain for asking this off you, i am bloody hopeless when it comes to farken computers!

Kind regards,


6th October 2012, 02:51 PM
Hi mate

I don't really use photobucket, but from memory, there will be a various links under each picture when your in your photobucket account, under the picture you want 2 display in your post left click on the link that says "direct link" then right click on copy.

When doing your post, just under quick reply you will see 9 icons, left click on the 7th icon, this icon is known as the "insert image" icon this will bring up the "please enter the URL of image"

Right mouse click in the box and select past, then select ok

Hope that made sense

If you still can't work it out just sing out and I will try to post better destructions



6th October 2012, 02:53 PM
open your photo bucket account.
hold your mouse over the photo you want
a box should drop down, then click the URL and it should say "copied" briefly
Then on nissan forum, reply to post(doesnt have to be advanced) and there will be a little icon of a photo (inbetween the globe and filmstrip icon)
click on this and past your link in there.

6th October 2012, 02:53 PM
too quick for me Todd:)

6th October 2012, 03:06 PM
too quick for me Todd:) not really mate,

Your way is easier.

I haven't used photobucket in ages so was just going by memory ( which normally doesn't work! )

6th October 2012, 03:20 PM
ive used a photo gallery on my profile on this site basicaly the same as photo bucket and it provdes the link to embed pics

6th October 2012, 03:26 PM
not really mate,

Your way is easier.

I haven't used photobucket in ages so was just going by memory ( which normally doesn't work! )

I started working from memory, then that started to fail so i went to photobucket to freshen up my memory but that site has been running real slow lately and wouldnt open for me so i had to back to my crumbling memory lmao

6th October 2012, 08:24 PM
Hi mate,

Easiest way is to copy the IMG code strait from photobucket and copy it into the post.
Just be sure that you have uploaded to photo bucket at a suitable size, 800X600 works well. Otherwise pics will be full size on the forum.

Copy this

Paste it here

=What your looking at :)


6th October 2012, 10:21 PM
Hey RLI did I reply to your pm mate? I have had a couple of bigs days sorry?? I thought I did?

As Chris stated but i think even easier than that mate.

Open the pic you want to embed here in photobucket. Right click on the photo and choose 'Copy Image'

Come to forum and in your reply post click on the little button that looks like a mountain range icon and click 'paste' into that box mate and your done

Simple as that

6th October 2012, 10:28 PM
open your photo bucket account.
hold your mouse over the photo you want
a box should drop down, then click the URL and it should say "copied" briefly
Then on nissan forum, reply to post(doesnt have to be advanced) and there will be a little icon of a photo (inbetween the globe and filmstrip icon)
click on this and past your link in there.

woops, instead of URL, click on IMG as Chris has stated in his post. Thanks chris, those pics will help a lot. Although i never have any issues with size. I take photos on a 10.5 mega pixel HD camera and upload straight to photbucket then copy straight to the forum with no resizing

6th October 2012, 10:34 PM
Yep I don't resize either. Straight from camera to photobucket to forum.

7th October 2012, 10:30 AM
woops, instead of URL, click on IMG as Chris has stated in his post. Thanks chris, those pics will help a lot. Although i never have any issues with size. I take photos on a 10.5 mega pixel HD camera and upload straight to photbucket then copy straight to the forum with no resizing

Hi mate,

Things may be different now with photobucket, I'm oldschool so have always resized before uploading. Ill have to try without resizing, see how it goes.


7th October 2012, 10:40 PM
G'folks and my fellow mellow off-road lounge lizards! folks, this it, if can't up-load a bloody photo tonight. I am going to give up the ghost! No more farken technology headaches. i will stick to meeting forum members around the traps. Yes i have had a few ales tonight, maybe a couple of glasses of red and 3 portts. geeez i hate farken technology that i do not know how use! I feel like a soldier with out my weapon and my kit. (vulnerable!)

Hre goes finall chance




the ferret
7th October 2012, 10:46 PM
Yep pics are work'n well, no problem, mate, I just love that scoop.
Got ya Pm thanks, hope it helped with photo bucket.
Cheers the ferret.

8th October 2012, 08:20 PM
Hey RLI did I reply to your pm mate? I have had a couple of bigs days sorry?? I thought I did?

As Chris stated but i think even easier than that mate.

Open the pic you want to embed here in photobucket. Right click on the photo and choose 'Copy Image'

Come to forum and in your reply post click on the little button that looks like a mountain range icon and click 'paste' into that box mate and your done

Simple as that

G'evening mudrunner,

Thanks mate! I received your pm's. Sorry for not getting back to you sooner!



8th October 2012, 08:25 PM
Yep pics are work'n well, no problem, mate, I just love that scoop.
Got ya Pm thanks, hope it helped with photo bucket.
Cheers the ferret.

G'evening ferret!

Thanks for your PM's and your help mate!



8th October 2012, 08:26 PM
Hi mate,

Things may be different now with photobucket, I'm oldschool so have always resized before uploading. Ill have to try without resizing, see how it goes.


G' evening Chris!

Thanks for your prompt advice, you were on the money!
