View Full Version : Car Insurance

5th October 2012, 04:33 PM
Hello Guys,

I have one car and now its time to renew my car insurance. Some people told me to go with 3rd party insurance and some suggest me to go with 1st party insurance.
But i have no knowledge about 1st and 3rd party insurance. Please let me know which one will be best for my car?

5th October 2012, 04:55 PM
I can't find it on tappa chat mate but if you go to advanced search and put in insurance hopefully the thread will come up
I've got comprehensive insurance covers me and them in case of a woopsie

Sent via my tapping thumbs

5th October 2012, 05:03 PM
Go comprehensive, if you have a bingle and the other party isn't insured you're still covered even if it isn't your fault. I had a car reverse into me years ago, they claimed I hit them and with no independent witness we each had to pay our own costs.
Damn, I was having a good day and now I'm upset again about that stupid driver :blowup:

Just realised you're in the states, over here we have 3rd Party (only covers the other persons damage) and Comprehensive (covers your own and others damage - naturally more expensive).